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Mr. Zee's Resources

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Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee




Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee
1.2.5 Elasticity of supply - Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Economics

1.2.5 Elasticity of supply - Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Economics

This lesson introduces learnes to elasticity of supply. We look at the difference between elastic and inelastic supply, as well as perfectly inelastic and unitary elastic supply, with examples. We also look at the reasons that cause supply to be inelastic or elastic. Students have the opportunity to complete calculations with a model example done first. A link to a kahoot quiz and a box plenary to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
1.2.10 Alternative views of consumer behaviour - Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Economics

1.2.10 Alternative views of consumer behaviour - Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Economics

This lesson introduces learners to different views of how and why consumers behave the way they do, we are not 100% rational as humans and we look at some engaging examples of why. Some consolidation activities followed by an exam style question on the Help to Buy scheme in property & rental market (where alternative views might be considered). A model answer is provided and marking grid for students to peer assess and make improvements to WWW and EBI. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
3.4.1 Setting operational objectives - AQA A Level Business

3.4.1 Setting operational objectives - AQA A Level Business

This lesson includes 1x powerpoint. Learners are introduced to the operations function and the importance of it. We look at various objectives that businesses might set themselves in relation to operations. Real life example based on Zara’s operations is looked at, an exam style question, discussion and box plenary to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Learning theory of attachment - AQA A Level Psychology (Attachment)

Learning theory of attachment - AQA A Level Psychology (Attachment)

This double lesson introduces learners to the two learning theories of attachment - classical and operant conditioning. We start with a ‘Do now’ retrieval task to recap knowledge from the last few lessons. We look at both theories, with video clips to ensure engagement and understanding of these important theories. Followed by summary tasks, evaluation task, MCQs, true or false, a 4 mark question with a model answer and a 16 mark exam style question with indicative points to help students produce a well written answer in timed conditions. Peer assessment grid so students can reflect on WWW and EBI before making improvements to their responses. We finish with a box plenary. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you Classical conditioning Operant conditioning
Bowlby's monotropic theory - AQA A Level Psychology (Attachment)

Bowlby's monotropic theory - AQA A Level Psychology (Attachment)

This double lesson introduces learners to Bowlby’s monotropic theory of attachment. We start with a ‘crack the code’ stater to introduce some of the key terms such as monotropy and social releasers. We then introduce John Bowlby and his theory including the key terms involved. Followed by a mini quiz of true or false questions, a kinaesthetic ‘walk around the class’ task to gather evaluation points, a 16 mark exam style question with indicative points to help students produce a well written answer in timed conditions, model paragraphs included. Peer assessment grid so students can reflect on WWW and EBI before making improvements to their responses. We finish with a debate question and a box plenary. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
3.4.3 Monopolistic competition - Theme 3 Edexcel A Level Economics

3.4.3 Monopolistic competition - Theme 3 Edexcel A Level Economics

This lesson introduces learners to the monopolistic market structure, we start by looking at the features of this market, then looking at some real life examples of firms that operate within this structure. We then look at illustrating this market structure in the short-run and long-run (animated diagrams to help students with drawing) before looking at pros and cons of monopolistic competition. A consolidation task and a true and false quiz to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
3.6.1 Setting human resource objectives - AQA A Level Business

3.6.1 Setting human resource objectives - AQA A Level Business

This lesson includes 1x powerpoint. Learners are introduced to the human resource function and the importance of it. We look at various objectives that businesses might set themselves in relation to HR. Real life examples are looked at, an exam style question, discussion and box plenary to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
3.7.1 The value of SWOT analysis - AQA A Level Business

3.7.1 The value of SWOT analysis - AQA A Level Business

This lesson introduces learners to the value of a SWOT analysis. We start by looking at what a SWOT analysis is and the types of questions we need to ask ourselves to find out our SWOT. We then contextualise with a few activities and examples such as Mcdonald’s, Thornton’s and a brief sorting activity with Apples SWOT. We then go on to look at a concise case study on BHP the large mining company, students can work in pairs or a group to assess the companies position using SWOT, the outcomes of this can be used to answer a 9 mark question based on the case study. A concise model answer is included for students to peer assess. We finish with a kahoot quiz! Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Resistance to social influence - AQA A Level Psychology (Social Influence)

Resistance to social influence - AQA A Level Psychology (Social Influence)

In this double lesson, we focus on resistance to social influence including dispositional reasons (locus of control) and situational reasons (social support). We start by completing Rotter’s questionnaire so students get an idea of where they stand on the locus of control continuum. We go through the theory, some video clips, true or false style questions, 4 mark exam style question with answer, evaluation activity. In the second part of the lesson we look at the London riots in 2011 to illustrate resistance to social influence through social support. We recap Asch and Milgram’s studies which highlights social support as an important factor in resistance. Finally, we work on developing essay writing skills plus a 16 mark question. We finish off with a debate, MCQ and box plenary. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
1.3.2 Branding and promotion - Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Business

1.3.2 Branding and promotion - Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Business

This set of resources includes 1x PPT and 2x word files and 4 clips, and can be delivered over a double lesson. Learners are introduced to what branding is made up of and looking at the top brands in the world. Plenty of real life examples of strong branding before looking at different types of above and below the line promotion. We then go on to read a case study about a budget hotel chain, a 12 mark question with structure guidance and model answer is provided for students to look at when peer assessing and making improvements to WWW and EBI A link to kahoot quiz and a box plenary to finish with, plus an 8 mark homework with a concise model answer provided to look at the following lesson. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
1.3.1 Product design - Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Business

1.3.1 Product design - Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Business

This lesson introduces learners to product design. We start by looking at each area of the design mix, with a number of relevant examples. Some class tasks to jot products down onto a design mix before looking at social trends which could influence the product design process. Students have the opportunity to learn about a construction company that is committed to reducing waste, particularly as construction produces a lot of waste. A 12 mark question, structure guidance and a concise model answer is provided for students to look at before peer assessing and making improvements to WWW and EBI. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
2.1.2 External finance - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Business

2.1.2 External finance - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Business

This set of resources can be delivered over 2-3 lessons and introduces learners to the various external sources of finance, building on from 2.1.1 internal finance. We start by recapping the reasons for finance, then go through each one with their pros and cons. A brief case study on Dr. Dre’s beats and share capital with a 4 mark question and model answer provided. We then go on to consolidating the knowledge with some matching and recall activities before a group activity, students are put into groups and given scenarios that require finance, students decide which sources of finance are most appropriate for scenario and present ideas back to class. Class then decides who the weakest link is (encouraging application and evaluation skills) A case study and 12 mark question on venture capital is included, structure guidance and a concise model answer is provided to help students develop their exam technique. A link to a kahoot quiz and box plenary to finish off with. I have found this to be a very engaging lesson personally. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
1.5.3 Business objectives - Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Business

1.5.3 Business objectives - Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Business

This lesson introduces learners to various objectives set by businesses, we start by looking at what an objective is, then looking at the main objectives (from spec) before looking at some real examples of businesses that might have quite different objectives to each other. We look at a case study of a business that seems to have a few different priorities that could lead to them achieving their objective - a 12 mark question, structure guidance and a concise model answer for students to look at when peer assessing using the marking grid provided. A few consolidation activities to end with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
2.2.3 Break even - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Business

2.2.3 Break even - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Business

This set of resources includes 1x ppt and 4x word files which can be delivered over 2-3 lessons. We start by looking at what contribution is before understanding break even and margin of safety. Lots of calculation practice to consolidate the formula, we then look at the pros and cons of using break even analysis, this is used for the exam style question which is based on a concise case study of a cake manufacturer. Structure guidance and model answer is provided for students to peer assess and improve their own answers. Students have an opportunity to draw the BE chart with step by step instructions (not required to draw the BE chart in exam but it will help with understanding the chart). Two links to kahoot quizzes and a box plenary to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
2.5.1 Inflation and interest rates (part 1) - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Business

2.5.1 Inflation and interest rates (part 1) - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Business

This lesson introduces learners to inflation and interest rates - economic influences is quite a large topic area to cover so it is split into two parts. We start by looking at some shocking (for students) price changes in the last few decades before looking at how inflation is calculated and the implications on businesses and concumsers. We then go onto looking at interest rates and again, implications on consumers and businesses. Two essay exam style questions included on each topic - both with structure guidance and concise model answers to help students with peer assessments. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 2 - 2.3.2 Working with suppliers

Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 2 - 2.3.2 Working with suppliers

This triple lesson introduces learners to the importance of having good relationships with suppliers and what makes a good supplier.Real life examples from Tesco and Vi Spring, a 6 mark context question with a modelled answer to develop exam technique. Plenty of consolidation activities to differentiate between JIT and JIC. In the second lesson, we look at bar gate stock graphs, all broken down so it is easy to understand for students and a few 3 mark questions with answers to self or peer assess. In the third lesson, students are given a scenario and must decide which supplier to pick for a chocolate company, they are given data and must weigh up the pros and cons of each supplier, before coming to a judgement - done well in groups. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you
2.4.2 Capacity utilisation - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Business

2.4.2 Capacity utilisation - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Business

This lesson introduces learners to the concept of capacity utilisation, we begin with some interesting and thought provoking questions to hook learners into the topic. We then look at the formula and an example of calculations. We look at how to improve the utilisation rates for business before looking at a case study of an airline business and their capacity utilisation rates - a 12 mark question with guidance and a model answer provided for students to look at when peer assessing and making improvements. A research task and box plenary to finish off with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
AQA GCSE Business 9-1 - 3.2 The role of procurement

AQA GCSE Business 9-1 - 3.2 The role of procurement

This triple lesson introduces learners to the importance of having good relationships with suppliers and what makes a good supplier.Real life examples from Tesco and Vi Spring, a 6 mark context question with a modelled answer to develop exam technique. Plenty of consolidation activities to differentiate between JIT and JIC. In the second lesson, we look at bar gate stock graphs, all broken down so it is easy to understand for students and a few 3 mark questions with answers to self or peer assess. In the third lesson, students are given a scenario and must decide which supplier to pick for a chocolate company, they are given data and must weigh up the pros and cons of each supplier, before coming to a judgement - done well in groups. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you
2.6.3 Supply side policies - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

2.6.3 Supply side policies - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

This double lesson introduces learners to supply side policies to increase the productive potential of the economy. We look at both, market based and interventionist policies, with relevant examples for each one. We look at the pros and cons of using supply side policies for the economy. A group task engaging students to come up with supply-side policies and a question on how to boost the productivity of the manufacturing sector. We finish with a box plenary. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
3.4.5 Monopoly - Theme 3 Edexcel A Level Economics

3.4.5 Monopoly - Theme 3 Edexcel A Level Economics

This double lesson introduces learners to the monopoly market structure. We start by making links to the board game to understand what a monopoly is and its charactersitics. We look at what makes monopolies powerful, easy to follow diagrams to illustrate supernormal profits in the short-run and the long-run as well as the deadweight loss caused by monopolies. Plenty of video case studies to contextualise the topic and a discussion on the pros and cons of monopolies is included. A link to a kahoot quiz and a box plenary to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you