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Past, present and future
Free worksheet to work in different ways.
Verbs (past, present, future) that appear while reading a book.
How a character evolves during a book.
Talking about ourselves.
Writing verbs in different tenses.
Writing sentences in the different tenses.
Línea del tiempo modificable
Modifiable Book timeline
2 A4 modifiable timeline in different styles
Great for our students to write a couple of lines about each chapter.
Resumen de un libro
Handouts to summarise each chapter of a book and a general one.
Ficha personaje
Worksheet to describe or write information about each character in spanish.
Can be used to make up characters or to write about characters from a book.
Modifiable Book timeline
Modifiable Book timeline
2 A4 modifiable timeline in different styles
Great for our students to write a couple of lines about each chapter.
Character Worksheet
Worksheet to describe or write information about each character in spanish.
Can be used to make up characters or to write about characters from a book.
Sum up a book
Handouts to summarise each chapter of a book and a general one.
Healthy Lifestyle matching sentences
GCSE - Theme 2
Unit 6 - Social Issues
Helathy Lifestyle Matching Sentences
12 sentences, perfect for working alone or in couples.
Bingo with colours
Bingo with colours. It can be used with all the languages.
Spanish GCSE verbs Theme 3
Spanish GCSE verbs Theme 3
Theme 3 – Current and future study and education
Unit 9 My studies
Unit 10 Life at school
Unit 11 Post 16 education
Unit 12 Jobs, careers and ambitions
Poster with the main verbs for each unit.
Spanish GCSE verbs Theme 1
Spanish GCSE verbs Theme 1
Theme 1 - Identity and culture
Unit 1 Me, my family and friends
Unit 2 Technology in everyday life
Unit 3 Free time activities
Unit 4 Customs and festivals
Poster with the main verbs for each unit.
Spanish GCSE verbs Theme 2
Spanish GCSE verbs Theme 2
Theme 1 - Identity and culture
Unit 1 Me, my family and friends
Unit 2 Technology in everyday life
Unit 3 Free time activities
Unit 4 Customs and festivals
Poster with the main verbs for each unit.
3 types of poems
Includes an A4 for Haiku, Cinquain and Limerick; and an A4 with Haiku and Cinquan together. (4 pages)
El reloj y las horas - The clock and the hours
El reloj y las horas - The clock and the hours
Can be used to teach, as decoration, games or learning stations.
6 pages
Sopa de Letras Números 0-20 21-31 - Word search Numbers 0-20 21-31
Sopa de Letras Números 0-20 21-31 - Word search Numbers 0-20 21-31
Póster Números 0 - 31 - Poster Number 0-31
Póster Números 0 - 31 - Poster Number 0-31
Colour and Black and White
Sopa de letras Emociones - Emotions Wordsearch
Sopa de letras Emociones - Emotions Wordsearch
Atom Models through the years
Atom Models through the years.
Includes big atoms and names to work with the whole class or in groups and small aotms and names to work individually.
Equations (Balancing/Creating)
In this pack you will be abe to find formulas the students will need to learn, with examples in black and white, and lists and flashcards of some of the most communs acids, salts, metal carbonates, metal hydroxides, metal oxides and metals.
There are several ways to use the pack:
All of it at the same time for the student to learn the basics of balancing equations and how reactants are used to obtain products. (As shown in the secon image.)
Use the formulas as a guide.
Use the examples as a solution checker or guide.
Use the lists as helper.
Use the flashcards to match the name and the symbols. (Works great for student to start familiarizing them selfs with chemistry.)
I recommend to print from page 1 - 9 in A3 and 10 - 21 in A4.
Glucose Concentration Graph
Unit 3 - Homeostasis
Posters and activities for the students to learn about the glucose concentration and how to apply it in a graph.