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Our mission is to connect quality educational resources to all teachers in order to facilitate learning, increase engagement, provide differentiation, increase rigor and promote high expectations.




Our mission is to connect quality educational resources to all teachers in order to facilitate learning, increase engagement, provide differentiation, increase rigor and promote high expectations.
Universal Reflection Form for watching Magic School Bus Videos

Universal Reflection Form for watching Magic School Bus Videos

If you've been wondering how to make Magic School Bus videos a bit more meaningful and purposeful, check out this simple worksheet to supplement watching the videos. Very simply, the first half prompts students to describe how the characters used their observation skills. The second half incorporates five additional questions that ask for specific observations of the characters using their five sense. This is a great addition when a substitute is present or just to enhance interaction with the video. It doubles as a nice Lesson Plan bonus :)
Types of Energy Worksheet

Types of Energy Worksheet

Check out this 19 questions worksheet that covers the vocabulary related to energy. Some of this vocabulary includes potential and kinetic as well as heat, light, sound, thermal, wind and much more. It is broken into three parts, each of which have a separate word bank. These can easily be blanked out for differentiation purposes. It can be adapted as a quiz, test, homework, independent work, or group work. An answer key has been included for your convenience!
Ink in Water Timed Diffusion Lab (Impact of Temp. on Diffusing/Dissolving)

Ink in Water Timed Diffusion Lab (Impact of Temp. on Diffusing/Dissolving)

Check out this awesome experiment that helps students understand the dissolving and diffusion process. Students will apply change over time observations. The directions and template included describe the experiment and offer a template to record, collect, and analyze data. Students will need three cups set up, one cold, one hot, and one room temperature. They will drop food coloring in each and record what they see in minute increments. Through this experiment, they will understand how temperature impacts the diffusion and dissolving rate of a liquid into another liquid (through a very visual way).
Science Fair Evaluation Rubric

Science Fair Evaluation Rubric

Quantifying the results of science fair or stem fair is always difficult since there are so many pieces that go into it. Check out this four part rubric that allows for 1-4 points for each section. Students can score a total of 16 points which can then be multiple by 6.25 to be out of 100. This rubric is broken into the following sections: Display, Demonstration/Presentation, Scientific Thought, and Skill. Each domain has a clear explanation of the expectations for each of the four points that are possible. This is a great way to be transparent and provide feedback for students to reflect and improve on. Be sure to check out our other Science Fair resources as well!
States of Matter Assessment

States of Matter Assessment

Check out this three part assessment that covers topics of states of matter. One part has students drawing a model of the atom proximity for each state, another sections has a matching portion with different vocabulary words and the third part has comparing various states with one another. This can easily be used as a quiz, test, homework, guided notes, independent work and so much more. You can also check out my multiple choice option in my store as well. An answer key has been included for your convenience!
States of Matter Multiple Choice Assessment

States of Matter Multiple Choice Assessment

This 10-question assessment serves as a great quiz, test, exit ticket, or independent assessment to offer insight into what students know about topics related to states of matter. Vocabulary included covers topics of atoms, the states such as liquid, solid, gas as well as charging from one state to another such as evaporating. The last question is a short answer question looking at measurement of matter such as volume and mass. An answer key is included for your convenience!
Heat Conductors and Insulators Assessment

Heat Conductors and Insulators Assessment

Check out this 11 questions worksheet that can be used as a quiz, test, study guide, homework, or in class assignment. It is presented in both multiple choice, fill in the blank and short answer questions that cover the topics of good and bad insulators and the same for conductors. Examples of each are needed to be known to be successful. This is a great way to gain insight into students understanding. An answer key has been included for your convenience!
Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter Assessment

Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter Assessment

Check out this 15 question assessment that covers physical properties, chemical properties, physical changes, and chemical changes. The questions are presented in a variety of ways including multiple choice, short answer, and fill in the blanks. To present an accurate insight into students' understanding of the topic, this assessment will shed light on what students know. The assessment is separated into three sections with the third including a couple of questions have been added the cover the topics of measurement of matter. This can easily be adapted as a quiz, test, study guide, independent worksheet and more. An answer key has been included for your convenient.
Science Fair Poster Board Expectations Information

Science Fair Poster Board Expectations Information

Facilitate your students in creating their science fair or stem fair boards with the graphic organizer and reference guide. With a clearly labelled diagram and elaborate explanations as to the specific components that should be included, this info sheet will be sure to hold your students to high expectations and increase the work output they use to display their learning. Be sure to check out our Science Fair resources!
Simple Machines Exit Ticket Assessment

Simple Machines Exit Ticket Assessment

Check out this 5-question multiple choice assessment that covers simple machines. This can easily be used as a quiz, test, exit ticket, or independent work. It will offer valuable insight into students' understanding of their learned content knowledge. Topics and vocabulary included are ramps, pulleys, levers, inclined pages and general overview of simple machines. An answer key has been included for your convenience.
Simple Machines Group Project

Simple Machines Group Project

Check out this awesome week long project in which students can explore simple machines in a more interactive way. With clear directions and expectations for each day, this project will push students to research one simple machine. You will need to create a sample for students to see, based on your expectations, but throughout the week, students will create some sort of presentation (ppt, poster, skit, etc.) and will ultimately present to their peers. I would suggest having students record notes on each others' presentations, as they will solely become the master of one. This can easily be adapted though for students to research each simple machine each day as well. A rubric and student-friendly directions are included!
Atoms and Subatomic Particles Exit Ticket Assessment

Atoms and Subatomic Particles Exit Ticket Assessment

Check out this simple graphic organizer of subatomic particles that can be used as an exit ticket, guided notes, worksheet and so much more. It's simple format includes space for the charge, location, and size of protons, neturons, and electrons. The second part of the worksheet includes students drawing their own atom with the subatomic particles labelled. Portions of this can easily be filled in for students that require differentiaiton of some sort. An answer key has been included for your convenience!
Static Balloons Science Task Card Activity

Static Balloons Science Task Card Activity

Check out this awesome mini investigation in which students can develop their understanding with visual supplements of electrical energy, and specifically static electricity. In order to complete this you will need 2 balloons, 4 ft of string, and some wool, fur, or acrylic material. Included with clear directions to teachers and students, as well as clearly articulated objectives, this activity will walk students through their own investigation in which they develop their understanding of various materials' impact on static build up and the transfer of electrons. A supplemental worksheet is included to facilitate and probe learning. Be sure to check out our other Science Task Cards as well such as our Musical Static Balloons Task Card Activity!
Sound and Sound Waves Guided Notes Template

Sound and Sound Waves Guided Notes Template

Check out this simple, direct and clear 15 point worksheet. This supplement to your lesson will support students solidification of vocabulary and content knowledge. It can easy be used as independent work, research guide, or note taking support tool. This can then be used as a study guide or support system for differentiation. Topics include vibration, energy, pitch, transmitted waves, space and more. An answer key has been included for your convenience.
Static Ghost Science Task Card Activity

Static Ghost Science Task Card Activity

Check out this awesome task card activity that allows students to develop their understanding of static electricity. This activity works best with newspaper or any other thing paper. You will also need scissors for cutting of the ghosts and a dowel or pencil to rub the ghost transferring the electrons to it. Included is a clear set of instructions for the teacher and students on how to experiment with various surfaces around the room for the optimal static attraction. Included is a worksheet to track the optimal surfaces with a reflection section. Be sure to check out our other science task cards as well!
Sounds Assessment

Sounds Assessment

Check out this 14-question assessment that can easily be used as a test, quiz, or worksheet in class. It is comprised of multiple choice questions, true/false questions and short answer. It covers topics of vibrations, energy, space, echoes, sound, frequency and more. This assessment will give you great insight into what student understand from your Sound Energy lesson. It also couples well with my Sound Energy Guided Notes Template worksheet. An answer key has been included for your convenience.
Classifying Matter Based On Physical Properties (Sorting Project)

Classifying Matter Based On Physical Properties (Sorting Project)

Allow students to apply their learned skills as they relate to sorting and classifying matter based on physical properties. This engaging nd rigorous project will prompt students to classify items (that yoy supply such as pencils, paperclips, cards, toys, etc) into three different categories. They will have to identify the categories as they see fit. They will be prompted with a few reflection questions that probe their thinking and offers insight for the teachers as to what their thinking was. To take it to the next level, students will got o the second page in which they need to re-classify their items into three new categories. With similar questions posed after. The clear directions and guided visuals will push students to apply concepts of matter, properties, and classification. This can easily be differentiated for students to use just two of the columns instead!
Label and Describe the Planets Worksheet

Label and Describe the Planets Worksheet

Check out this simple and clear worksheet on the planets, their order, and their descriptions. This can easily be adapted as guided notes, a worksheet, homework, small group work, independent work or as an assessment. Included in this template is a visual at the top with blank spots ot be labelled and then an organized table below that correlates with its numbers to the pictures. Each planet blank has a space for a description of that planet. An answer key is included for your convenience!
I Have...Who Has...? - Science Tools

I Have...Who Has...? - Science Tools

Engage students with this fun and interactive game. This can be used for review, a hook, whole group practice, or science centers. If you have never played before, the student who has the card that reads: I have the first card... will start. They then read the Who Has...? section in which another student will have the answer to that question on their card. The game continues from card to card to card. Each card is supplemented with a photo to help ELL students, language acquisition, and content based vocabulary understanding. There are a total of 16 cards including the cover card that over a variety of science tools including safety goggles, beakers, magnets and more! These can also be printed and sent home with students as a study guide! Have fun :)
Introduction to Earths Tilt, Axis, Seasons and More! Exit Ticket Assessment

Introduction to Earths Tilt, Axis, Seasons and More! Exit Ticket Assessment

This simple and direct 5-question assessment covers basic knowledge of the Earth and the processes that it undergoes such as seasons, rotating, revolving, and more. It is presented in multiple choice format, and will provide you with a clear snapshot of what students understand as it relates to this topic. An answer key has been included for your convenience. Be sure to also check out my Introduction to Planets Assessments.