I completed my A-Levels in Politics, Sociology and English Literature in 2022 and achieved 2 A* and an A. My shop is mainly based on my Edexcel Politics revision notes which contains many up to date examples which are not in textbooks which are required to achieve top marks. Feel free to email me with any queries or problems accessing the documents at nadirahmiah237@gmail.com :)
I completed my A-Levels in Politics, Sociology and English Literature in 2022 and achieved 2 A* and an A. My shop is mainly based on my Edexcel Politics revision notes which contains many up to date examples which are not in textbooks which are required to achieve top marks. Feel free to email me with any queries or problems accessing the documents at nadirahmiah237@gmail.com :)
3 teachers marked my NEA giving it 25/25. I found looking at exemplar answers particularly useful as it enhanced my understanding of a top band answer structure.
My NEA is on “A Dolls House” and “A Thousand Splendid Suns”. Even if you are only doing one of my studied text or neither this exemplar will still be beneficial as it shows what the examiners are looking for and how to seamlessly included critcs and context.
Essay plans which cover a multitude of areas of the spec which can be applied to a variety of questions. These plans helped me achieve an A* throughout the year and can help you by providing you with essay questions, points and examples.
This resource contains 26 essays including:
To what extent is there a participation crisis in the UK?
Evaluate the view that the UK is in a democratic deficit?
Evaluate the extent to which UK democracy is in urgent need of reform/ to what extent does the UK democratic system need reforming?
Evaluate the extent to which pressure group activity supports democracy and participation?
evaluate the view that pressure group activity enhance pluralist democracy?
Evaluate the factors that determine the success of pressure groups in the UK?
Evaluate the extent to which the tactics they deploy are the most important reason for the success or failure of pressure groups and other collective organisations?
Evaluate the view that the actions of pressure groups have been more significant than government legislation in defending and promoting rights in the UK?
Evaluate the view that the actions of pressure groups have been more significant than the supreme court in defending and promoting rights in the UK?
Evaluate the factors that determine the success of pressure groups in the UK when protecting rights?
Evaluate the view that we can no longer be assured that rights are protected adequately in the UK?
Evaluate the extent to which the UK remains a genuine pluralist democracy ?
Evaluate the view that the Westminster electoral system is in urgent need of reform?
Evaluate the view that FPTP should no longer be used for elections to the house of commons?
Evaluate the view that the various electoral systems in use in the UK make significant differences to party representation/
evaluate the view that referendums should be used more widely in the UK?
Evaluate how far the use of referendums undermines ?representative democracy in the UK?
Evaluate the case for introducing the state funding of parties?
Evaluate how far the Labour Party has remained true to its traditional principles?
Evaluate the extent to which the UK has become a multi-party system?
Evaluate the view that minority parties play a role in UK politics?
Evaluate the extent to which the success of Political Parties depends heavily on the performance of its Leader?
Evaluate the view that the influence of the media is the most important factor that determines the success or failure of a political party ?
Evaluate the view that the media in the UK acts as a negative force during and between elections ?
Evaluate the view that the governing competence is the most important factor that determines the result of general elections in the UK?
Using the source evaluate, the view that the outcomes of general elections are stable and predictable?
Essay plans which cover a multitude of areas of the spec which can be applied to a variety of questions. These plans helped me achieve an A* throughout the year and can help you by providing you with essay questions, points and examples.
This resource contains 29 essays including:
Evaluate the view that the US constitution is democratic
Evaluate the view that the US constitution is outdated
Evaluate the extent to which the procedure for amending the US Constitution is no longer fit for purpose
Evaluate the view that the US Constitution no longer lives up to its principles
Evaluate the view that the constitutional powers of congress are currently being fulfilled
Evaluate the view that Congress fulfils its representative function
Evaluate the view to which the strength of the Congressional legislative process outweighs the weaknesses.
Evaluate the view that Congress fulfils its oversight function effectively/Evaluate the extent to which Congress can check the power of the executive branch
Evaluate the extent to which there is an ‘imperial presidency’ in the US?
Evaluate the extent to which the president controls foreign policy
Evaluate the extent to which the power to persuade is a significant power
Evaluate the extent to which Congress can check the power of the executive branch
Evaluate the power of the incumbency advantage
Evaluate the extent to which the process of selecting a president is deeply flawed
Evaluate the extent to which the Electoral College is an outdated institution
Evaluate the extent in which minor parties influence US politics/Evaluate the extent in which the US has a multi-party system
Evaluate the extent in which US parties are more divided than united
Evaluate the extent to which pressure groups enhance democracy
Evaluate the extent that the Supreme Court effectively protects constitutional rights/ Evaluate the view that the US Constitution ensures that civil rights are effectively protected by the Supreme Court (spec)
Evaluate the extent in which the Supreme court has too much power (imperial judiciary)-spec
Evaluate the extent in which the Supreme court in a political institution-2020
Evaluate the extent to which the Supreme Court can rightly be described as ‘a third house of the legislature.’
Evaluate the view that the supreme court has more impact on public policy than congress
Evaluate the view that the supreme court is a more effective check on the president than congress
Evaluate the view that the supreme court is a effective check on the president and Congress
Evaluate the view that the supreme court protects rights better than pressure groups-2019
Evaluate the view that the supreme court is the most effective in protecting rights
Evaluate how effective has the supreme court been in promoting equality
Evaluate the claim that Affirmative Action is the most effective form of racial rights protection
Detailed notes on aspects of the US Congress units which can aid you revision which allowed my to enhance my grade in the US paper to an A*.
This resource includes
structure of congress
comparison with the UK
Detailed notes which allowed me to achieve an A* throughout the year.
detailed notes on key principles
detailed notes on key strands
thinkers profiles
All the Edexcel politics essay plans you need to succeed in A-level Politics.
Resource includes:
essay plans on UK Politics
essay plans on UK government
US essay plans
Revision notes on the relationship between the executive and legislature. Includes notes and examples which can be used to develop your understanding and enhance your essays.
A range of notes and examples which cover the topic of the Executive. These notes are useful for going over key information whilst saving you time and hassle.
Detailed notes on all aspects of the US Constitution which can be used to learn content and examples. I found US Politics particularly hard but these notes helped me to achieve an A*.
This resource contains notes on:
Nature of the US constitution
Principles of the US constitution
comparison with the UK
This highly dense topic can be tricky. These notes however will provide you with an adequate idea of what the spec is asking you to know which is essential for your success.
It includes a variety of examples and notes on:
electoral systems
electoral system comparison with the UK (funding)
interest groups
interest groups comparison with the UK
political parties
voter behaviour
parties comparison with the UK
Detailed notes which allowed me to achieve an A* throughout the year.
detailed notes on key principles
detailed notes on key strands
thinkers profiles
Invaluable notes which allowed me to achieve an A* throughout the year. Th only notes on anarchism you will need.
detailed notes on key principles
detailed notes on key strands
thinkers profiles
essay ideas/points (not full plans)
All the revision notes you need in order to succeed in your politics paper 3 exam. These notes are condensed in comparison to the textbook making revision much quicker and easier. With these notes I achieved an A* throughout the year and I hope these notes will adequately aid your revision.
Invaluable notes which allowed me to achieve an A* throughout the year.
detailed notes on key principles
detailed notes on key strands
thinkers profiles
Essay plans which cover a multitude of areas of the spec which can be applied to a variety of questions. These plans helped me achieve an A* throughout the year and can help you by providing you with essay questions, points and examples.
This resource contains 30 essays including:
To what extent should the UK adopt a codified constitution
Using the source, evaluate the view that the UK’s constitution requires major change
Using the source, evaluate the view that Constitutional reforms in the UK since 1997 have been weak, incomplete and require further change.
Evaluate the view that the need for further English devolution is now overdue
Using the source, evaluate the view that devolution is in danger of undermining the unity of the UK
How effectively does Parliament perform its various function?
Evaluate the view that the HoC is in much more need of reform than the HoLs
evaluate the view that parliament is effective in carrying out its work of scrutinising the Government.
Evaluate the extent to which the UK Parliament’s control over the government
Evaluate the view that executive dominance ensures parliament has little meaningful control over the legislative process
Evaluate the view that although the house of lords has less power than the house of commons, in practice it exerts more influence on government decisions
Evaluate the effectiveness of backbench MPs
evaluate the view that the principal role of backbench MPs is now to hold the government to account
Evaluate the view that back benchers have little impact on parliament
Effectiveness of select committees
Evaluate the view that select committees are an effective means of scrutiny in parliament
Evaluate the extent to which the work of select committees is more effective than other methods of parliamentary procedure in holding the executive to account
Evaluate the extent to which general elections in the UK are lost by the government rather than won by the opposition
Evaluate the view that the opposition is effective in the House of Commons
evaluate the view that Prime Ministers have too much power/ evaluate that that prime minister dominates the political system
To what extent is the prime minister becoming more presidential?
Evaluate the extent to which the prime minister can control the cabinet?
Evaluate the extent to which Prime Ministers are able to control the political agenda
evaluate the factors that influence the relationship between the cabinet and the PM?
evaluate the view that the conventions of ministerial responsibility is no longer important
Evaluate the extent to which the UK Parliaments control over the government has increased in recent years?
To what extent are judges both independent and neutral
To what extent can the SC retain human rights
evaluate the view that the SC has too much influence over th executive
Evaluate how far Parliament retains sole sovereignty within the political system
This resource was very helpful when analyzing voting trends between years. Ensure that we do the same case years (1979,1997,2017 and 2019). However if not this resource will still be useful for extra information which is organized in a way to allow information to be easily remembered.