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Historic Environment AQA Spanish Armada SOW 5 Full lessons
5 lesson scheme of work on the Spanish Armada for the AQA Historic Environment section of the GCSE course on Elizabethan England.

4 Lessons on Post WW2 Economy AQA A Level
4 lessons on the british economy post ww2.
For the AQA history a level britain challenge and transformation

Labour government 1945 - AQA A Level
A lesson on the first labour majority government in 1945. From the AQA A Level britain challenge and transformation

The 1945 General Election - AQA A Level 2 lessons
Two lessons on the 1945 general election and why labour won.
From the AQA A Level Britain challenge and transformation

The decline of the Liberal Party - AQA A Level
A full lesson on the decline of the liberal party after WW1.
Part of AQA's Britain challenge and transformation a level

The impact of WW1 on British Political Parties - AQA A Level
A full lesson on the impact of WW1 on british political parties.
Part of AQA Britain Challenge and transformation

British politics during WW1 - AQA A Level
a full lesson on british politics during ww1. Includes a range of tasks and sources.

Interwar Working Class A Level History AQA
A lesson on the Conditions of the Working class in interwar britain. For the new AQA A Level. Includes exam practice.

The condition of the working class inter war britain
Full lesson on the condition of the working class in inter war britain. Based on reading of George Orwell's Road to Wigan Pier (link in ppt) Part of the AQA A Level Britain Challenge and transformation.

The British Economy after WW1
Whole lesson on the state of the economy after ww1. Part of the Britain AQA A Level; challenge and transformation.

Ireland and the Inter-war period
Full lesson on Ireland and the inter-war period. Covers the rise of Sinn Fein and the Civil War. Part of the AQA A Level Britain, challenge and transformation.

The Government of Ireland Act and the Anglo-Irish Treaty lesson
Full lesson on Ireland in the 1920s, covers the government of ireland act and the Anglo irish treaty. Part of the AQA A Level Britain, challenge and transformation.

The Aftermath of the Easter Rising
Whole lesson on the aftermath of the Easter Rising. Includes lesson activities, exam technique. Part of the AQA A Level Britain, challenge and transformation.

The Easter Rising
Whole lesson on the Easter Rising. Part of the AQA A Level Britain; challenge and transformation.

British Social Policy 1850s 2 lessons
2 lessons on British social policy in the mind 19th century. Includes full presentations, assessment and activities.

19th century economy in britain
2 lessons on the british economy in the mid 19th century. Includes reading and full lesson powerpoints. Part of the AQA A Level on britain; challenge and transformation.

19th century parliamentary reform 2 lessons and assessment
2 lessons on Parliamentary reform in the mid 19th century. Includes full lessons, wider reading, exemplar essay, essay planning and assessment support. Part of the A level AQA Britain challenge and transformation.

Was disraeli the founder of the modern conservative party?
Full lesson on disraeli's role in modern conservatism. Part of AQA A level britain; challenge and transformation.