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Language Resources by Nina

Average Rating4.59
(based on 263 reviews)

Full time teacher since 2003. I specialize in fun readings and worksheets.




Full time teacher since 2003. I specialize in fun readings and worksheets.
Italian Health, Sickness and Body Parts Reading: Salute e malattia Lettura

Italian Health, Sickness and Body Parts Reading: Salute e malattia Lettura

This Italian reading describes three young peoples experience with various accidents, illnesses and pain. One person has a virus, one person had an accident skateboarding and broke his leg and one person has a headache. Ideal for students to review health, illness and body parts vocabulary. The reading is followed by 8 comprehension questions in Italian. Answer key included. Editable word file.
Italian Beginner Reading Comprehension with 12 questions "La vita di Pietro"

Italian Beginner Reading Comprehension with 12 questions "La vita di Pietro"

This beginner Italian reading talks all about the life of a 23-year-old university student in Italy. It includes details about himself, his roommate his parents and his sister including physical descriptions, ages, jobs and where they live. This reading serves as a great review at the end of Italian I or beginning of Italian II for basic vocabulary and sentence structure in the present tense. Includes a short glossary of new vocabulary. Also includes a separate worksheet with 12 short answer questions and a short writing section. Answer key included Editable word file
French Past Tense Reading: Au cinéma | l'imparfait / passé composé Lecture

French Past Tense Reading: Au cinéma | l'imparfait / passé composé Lecture

This 3-page file includes: ~A French reading about four friends who go out to the movies. As the friends cannot decide on what film to see, the girls see one film while the boys see another. One film turns out to be great- the other not so much! This reading is predominantly in the imperfect and preterite tenses for students to see how they are used in context. ~The same reading but with the verbs highlighted for context. ~A worksheet based on the reading with 7 short answer questions and a short writing exercise in the past tense to be completed in class or for homework. ~Answer key. Activity idea: After reading the story in pairs, students can take turns describing films they have seen to their partner using the past tenses. Based on their
Kylian Mbappé Biographie en Français: French Biography on World Cup Star

Kylian Mbappé Biographie en Français: French Biography on World Cup Star

This French biography is on the soccer superstar Kylian Mbappé. It talks about his family background, early career with AS Monaco and his time with Paris Saint-Germain. It also discusses his role in the 2018 World Cup win with France. It includes a glossary of new vocabulary and 8 true/false reading comprehension questions. Level: (in present and past tense)
Essere o Avere Worksheet in Italian (Italiano)

Essere o Avere Worksheet in Italian (Italiano)

In this beginner Italian worksheet students must choose the present tense form of essere or avere 30 times to complete four paragraphs on the lives of different young people. Paragraphs feature all different forms of the verb in the singular and plural forms. Answer key included Editable word file
Le football et la Coupe du Monde: French Reading on Soccer and World Cup

Le football et la Coupe du Monde: French Reading on Soccer and World Cup

This 3-page file includes: ~A French reading that discusses the importance of soccer in France, some of the current most popular players and the overall history of the World Cup. It also discusses the formation of FIFA, the first World Cup and which countries have won it over the years. Updated until the 2022 World Cup. The story is accompanied by a glossary of new vocabulary. ~A worksheet with 10 short answer reading comprehension questions. ~Answer key. This is a great complement to any unit on sports, soccer and the World Cup.
Il Calcio e La Coppa del Mondo Lettura en Italiano: World Cup Reading in Italian

Il Calcio e La Coppa del Mondo Lettura en Italiano: World Cup Reading in Italian

An Italian reading that discusses the history of professional soccer in the world and the overall history of the World Cup. It also discusses the formation of FIFA, the first World Cup and which countries have won it over the years. Updated until the 2022 World Cup. Includes worksheet with 8 short answer reading comprehension questions. This is a great complement to any unit on sports, soccer and the World Cup. Level: In present and past tenses Editable word file. Answer key included
Imperfect or Preterite Spanish Worksheets: ¿Imperfecto o préterito?

Imperfect or Preterite Spanish Worksheets: ¿Imperfecto o préterito?

This file includes 3 worksheets for students to work on distinguishing between using the imperfect or preterite in the past tense in Spanish. Worksheet #1 has 10 sentences in English with certain verbs underlined. Students must determine if they would use the imperfect or preterite to translate the sentence into Spanish. Worksheet #2 has 10 sentences in Spanish with certain verbs underlined. Students must determine if the underlined verbs are in the imperfect or preterite tense. Worksheet #2 has 10 sentences in Spanish with certain verbs missing. Students must choose between three options to complete the sentence. Answer keys included. Editable word file.
La Settimana Santa Lettura: Italian Reading on Holy Week and Easter

La Settimana Santa Lettura: Italian Reading on Holy Week and Easter

This Italian reading has two paragraphs. The first one is written from the first-person perspective of a teenage girl living in Rome, Italy during Holy Week and discusses how she and her family are celebrating. The second paragraph discusses the various holidays around this period including Ash Wednesday, Lent, Easter Sunday etc. The reading includes a glossary of specialized Easter vocabulary and 7 reading comprehension questions in Italian. Level: Present tense but with harder vocabulary Editable word file
Viaje a espana Lectura: Trip to Spain Spanish Reading

Viaje a espana Lectura: Trip to Spain Spanish Reading

This 4-page file includes: ~A reading about a cultural trip to Spain written in the preterite tense with both regular and irregular verbs. The story is written from the first person perspective of Claudia, a university student who traveled to Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Sevilla by train last summer. It talks about all of the cultural monuments she visits (Sagrada Familia, Alcazar, Museo de Prado), the traditional foods she eats (tapas, paella) and even how she learns some flamenco! ~The same reading with the preterite verbs highlighted for students to see in context. ~A worksheet with 10 reading comprehension questions based on the reading. ~Answer key This reading offers the opportunity for students to get to know Spain while reviewing the preterite tense! Answer key included.
My Likes Reading in Italian : Lettura in italiano con il verbo piacere

My Likes Reading in Italian : Lettura in italiano con il verbo piacere

This 3-page file includes: ~A funny Italian reading with a number of examples of piacere for students to see in context. In this reading Giulia is speed dating and meets four young men with different likes and dislikes! The reading includes 8 true/false reading comprehensions. ~The same reading with the examples of piacere highlighted for students to see in context. ~Answer key. Level: present tense only
History of Santa Claus Legend of Saint Nicholaus English Reading

History of Santa Claus Legend of Saint Nicholaus English Reading

This 3-page file includes: ~A cultural reading on the long history of Santa beginning with the true story of the 3rd century monk St. Nicholas and his good deeds, the Dutch version of Father Christmas and how it made its way to the U.S. through to the modern-day interpretations including the famous poem from 1822 by Moore as well as other modern interpretations. ~Separate page with eight reading comprehension questions. ~Answer key.
Claude Monet Biographie en Français: French Biography on Famous Artist

Claude Monet Biographie en Français: French Biography on Famous Artist

This 3-page file includes: ~A French biography on the famous French artist. It discusses his early education, founding of impressionism, style of painting and later life. The reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary. ~A worksheet with 10 reading comprehension questions in French. ~Answer key. Level: French 2+ (Uses present and past tenses)
Il Cibo Italiano Lettura: Italian Food Reading (Pizza/Pasta/Minestrone etc)

Il Cibo Italiano Lettura: Italian Food Reading (Pizza/Pasta/Minestrone etc)

This 3-page file includes: ~ An Italian cultural reading on Italian food! It includes information on Italy’s various food regions and their specialities: pizza, pasta, polenta, seafood, minestrone and more! Includes a glossary to help students with the more difficult vocabulary. ~ 10 reading comprehension questions based on the reading. ~ Answer key. Level: in present and past tenses
German Emotions Reading: Wie fühlst du dich?

German Emotions Reading: Wie fühlst du dich?

This 3-page file includes: ~A reading in which a teacher asks all her students how they are feeling today, the students answer with a variety of expressions using: Ich fühle mich, mir ist, ich bin etc. The reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary. ~A worksheet based on the reading where students need to write down how each person in the class is feeling so students learn to talk about people in the third person. They must also identify if it is a positive or negative emotion or condition. ~Answer key. Activity idea: After reading the script together, have students discuss how they are feeling today and why. Level: present tense only
"Se busca" with Subjunctive Spanish Reading (subjuntivo)

"Se busca" with Subjunctive Spanish Reading (subjuntivo)

This 4-page file includes: ~A fun reading where students must match up pets for adoption with the perfect family! There are various examples of “se busca” and “se necesita” as well as the present subjunctive for students to see in context. ~The same reading with the subjunctive verbs highlighted to see in context. ~A separate page with pets and two adults whereby the students have a chance to write a short paragraph for each using the new expressions with the subjunctive. ~Answer key
Eine Postkarte: German Reading Postcard - Reisen / Urlaub (Perfekt)

Eine Postkarte: German Reading Postcard - Reisen / Urlaub (Perfekt)

This beginner German reading is written as a postcard from one friend on vacation in Spain with his family to another friend back home in Germany. The reading includes numerous uses of the present perfect tense. The reading includes a full glossary of new vocabulary and five comprehension questions. Activity idea: have students write a ‘postcard’ for homework as a writing exercise. They can pretend they are in a German-speaking destination and research the local attractions there and talk about what have done so ‘so far’ using the perfect tense. Includes answer key. Editable word file.
Hispanic Heritage Month Spanish Reading: Mes de la Herencia Hispana Lectura

Hispanic Heritage Month Spanish Reading: Mes de la Herencia Hispana Lectura

This 3-page file includes: ~A Spanish reading about Hispanic Heritage Month: its history, how it is celebrated and its significance. It also discusses the differences between the terms Spanish, Hispanic and Latino. Reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary. ~A worksheet with 8 reading comprehension questions based on the reading. ~Answer key. Level: (in present and past tenses) Makes for a great cultural reading for students of Spanish!