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Language Resources by Nina

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(based on 263 reviews)

Full time teacher since 2003. I specialize in fun readings and worksheets.




Full time teacher since 2003. I specialize in fun readings and worksheets.
Die Umwelt Lesung - German Reading about the Environment (Earth Day)

Die Umwelt Lesung - German Reading about the Environment (Earth Day)

This 3-page file includes: ~A reading between two friends in the present tense where one is trying to convince the other to be more environmentally conscious! Reading includes a glossary of new environmental vocabulary. ~A reading comprehension worksheet with a true false section and a short writing assignment. ~Answer key. Example vocabulary: die Umwelt die Dose der Müll der Kasten wiederverwertbar der Kunststoff schaden
Meine Freundin Celine Lesung - My Friend Celine German Reading (Descriptions)

Meine Freundin Celine Lesung - My Friend Celine German Reading (Descriptions)

This reading is about a young medical student who goes to Africa to volunteer with children. We also learn about her family and daily life. This reading serves as good practice for describing people’s appearance, personality, profession etc. This reading is accompanied by 10 true/false reading comprehension questions in German and a glossary of new vocabulary. Activity idea: After reading, have students show pictures of friends and describe them to their classmates. Answer key included
Mi Comida Favorita Lectura: My Favorite Food Spanish Reading (SUB Activity)

Mi Comida Favorita Lectura: My Favorite Food Spanish Reading (SUB Activity)

This easy reading is entirely in the present tense. It’s written from the fist person perspective of two young people talking about what fruits, vegetables and other food they like as well as their grocery shopping habits. Reading includes a full glossary of new vocabulary and 5 reading comprehension questions. A great complement to any unit including food vocabulary. Editable word file. Level: Beginner Spanish Answer key included Includes: los alimentos las verduras las manzanas las naranjas las fresas el brécol la lechuga el pescado el arroz los huevos el desayuno
German Commands Reading  Seeing a Doctor: Imperatives in Du and Sir Forms

German Commands Reading Seeing a Doctor: Imperatives in Du and Sir Forms

In this reading, two patients-one adult and one child visit the doctor with various symptoms. The doctor gives each patient advice using command forms, formal for the adult and informal for the child. This reading allows students of German to see the command forms in context. The reading includes a full glossary of new vocabulary. Activity ideas: Students can underline all the command forms they find in the reading After reading the dialog together, students can take turns role playing a visit to the doctor where they use the command form to give each other advice. Answer Key included
Spanish Por and Para Worksheet: SUB PLAN

Spanish Por and Para Worksheet: SUB PLAN

This worksheet includes 15 fill in the blank exercises where students are required to put in por or para. The sentences are all in the present tense. Includes answer key will full explanations. Editable word file.
Spanish Ser y Estar Reading + Worksheet: Mi amiga Celina Lectura

Spanish Ser y Estar Reading + Worksheet: Mi amiga Celina Lectura

This 5-page file includes: ~ A present tense reading with lots of ser/estar describing a young woman who is a medical student volunteering in Peru. The reading is prefaced by new vocabulary. ~A worksheet with 12 true/false reading comprehension questions as well as a short writing assignment. ~Also included is the same reading with blanks in place of the ser/estar verbs for students to fill in. You can then read the story out loud or distribute the reading for students to correct their own answers. ~Answer key. (2pgs) Variations: Have students underline all the uses of ser/estar in the reading and discuss why they are used in class. Have students show each other pictures of friends/family and have them describe them using ser/estar. Level: Beginner
Mis pasatiempos Lectura: Spanish Reading and Worksheet - Script about Hobbies

Mis pasatiempos Lectura: Spanish Reading and Worksheet - Script about Hobbies

This 3-page file includes: ~A reading in which four young people are discussing their hobbies such as sports, tv shows, books etc. The reading includes a full vocabulary of new words and is in the present tense. ~A worksheet based the reading with 10 true/false reading comprehension questions, a short writing section and guided conversation practice in Spanish. ~Answer Key.
Una barbacoa de verano - Spanish Reading Summer Fun (preterite)

Una barbacoa de verano - Spanish Reading Summer Fun (preterite)

This reading is about a family who hosts a fun summer barbecue in their yard for all of their friends and neighbours during a Saturday in July. The focus is on seeing the preterite in context. The reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary as well as five reading comprehension questions in Spanish. Activity idea: after reading the story and answering the questions together, students can talk in the preterite tense to describe what happened at a barbecue, picnic or party they have recently attended. Level: Intermediate Includes answer key. Editable word file.
Ostern Lesung - German Easter Reading

Ostern Lesung - German Easter Reading

This handout includes 2 parts: a matching section on vocabulary for Easter and a reading section describing Easter celebrations in Germanic countries. Reading includes five reading comprehension questions. Level: present tense Editable word file. With answer key Vocab includes: Frohe Ostern der Fasching der Osterbaum die Ostereier der Osterhase suchen bemalen der Karfreitag fasten verstecken
Prince Royce Biografía: Spanish Biography on a Bachata Singer

Prince Royce Biografía: Spanish Biography on a Bachata Singer

This 4-page file includes: ~A biography on the singer Prince Royce, whose parents emigrated from the Dominican Republic to the United States. It talks about his childhood and his musical career as well as a bit about his personal life. Reading also includes a short history of Bachata music. Reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary and 8 true/false reading comprehension questions. ~A worksheet with some of the lyrics missing from the song “Corazón sin cara”. You can play the song for students to fill in the missing words. ~2 pg answer key Level: in present and past tenses
Spanish Reflexive Verbs Reading: Verbos Reflexivos Lectura - Mi rutina diaria

Spanish Reflexive Verbs Reading: Verbos Reflexivos Lectura - Mi rutina diaria

This 4-page file includes: ~A reading in the present tense that makes use of numerous reflexive verbs to show how opposite a married couple is! The husband is an early riser while his wife likes to sleep in. It also discusses their son’s morning routine. The reading includes a full glossary of new vocabulary. ~A worksheet with 10 true/false reading comprehension questions and a short writing assignment. ~Answer Key. (2pgs) Activity idea: Have students mime out their actions and have their partner say what they are doing using reflexive verbs! Includes: me levanto me ducho me afeito me visto me pongo se despierta se baña se seca se maquilla se peina
Spanish Reading on Volunteer Work: Trabajo Voluntario Lectura

Spanish Reading on Volunteer Work: Trabajo Voluntario Lectura

This easy Spanish reading includes descriptions of three young people’s volunteer work: with seniors, with sick children and building schools in Latin America. Includes 8 reading comprehension questions. Answer key included. Ideal for beginner learners to review basic vocabulary! Activity idea: After reading, have students discuss their own volunteer work in class or write about it for homework.
La nourriture Lecture en Français: Food Easy French Reading

La nourriture Lecture en Français: Food Easy French Reading

This 4-page file includes: ~A beginner French reading that includes descriptions of three young people’s eating habits: cooking with family, eating out and being a vegetarian. Includes a lot of food vocabulary. The reading is followed by 8 reading comprehension questions in English. ~The same reading but with the questions in French. ~Answer key. (2 pgs) Activity idea: After reading, have students discuss their own eating and cooking habits in class or write about it for homework.
German Weak Nouns / N-Nouns Worksheet: Schwache Nomen

German Weak Nouns / N-Nouns Worksheet: Schwache Nomen

This German worksheet is a great review for students on recognizing weak nouns. The worksheet features three parts: Matching up the German weak noun with the English meaning Declining weak nouns in sentences Reading a short passage and circling all the weak nouns in context Includes the following nouns: der Architekt der Mensch der Student der Kunde der Rabe der Name der Herr der Löwe der Tourist der Junge der Neffe der Held der Schimpanse der Nachbar der Gedanke Editable word file. Answer key included.
Penélope Cruz Biografía: Biography on a Spanish Actress

Penélope Cruz Biografía: Biography on a Spanish Actress

A biography of the famous Spanish actress Penélope Cruz. It includes a bit about her early life, rise to fame and successful films. Includes a glossary of new vocabulary and a true/false reading comprehension section. Level: Uses present and past tenses Editable word file. Answer key included.
Spanish Personal A Handout + Worksheet - La a personal (SUB PLAN)

Spanish Personal A Handout + Worksheet - La a personal (SUB PLAN)

This 4-page resource includes: ~An explanation of when to use and not to use the personal a in the Spanish language. The explanation is followed by examples in English and Spanish. ~10 gap-fill exercises where students decide if they should use the personal a or not! ~An exercise where students need to fill in the personal a or not into a paragraph ~Translation sentences. Answer key included. (2 pages)
Shakira Biography Worksheet in Present Tense

Shakira Biography Worksheet in Present Tense

This worksheet is a fun way for students to review the present tense while learning about Shakira, the famous Colombian singer! To complete the simple biography students need to fill in the blanks with 16 verbs from a word bank. The worksheet also includes a short glossary of new vocabulary, and 8 short answer reading comprehension questions based on the reading. Answer key included. Ideal for Hispanic heritage or sub plan!