This powerpoint is a full Christingle Service. The prayers and songs are taken from packs produced by the Children’s Society, however the powerpoint is all my own work.
This sheet is suitable for children across the Primary age range.
Children are given a prompt to give instructions, to direct a Bee Bot around a treasure map.
This assembly is suitable for children across the Primary age range. It focuses on the Christian Value of Courage.
David and Goliath is about a big bully and a small boy. It stresses the importance of telling adults what is happening.
This powerpoint uses a range of photographs found on the internet.
When I taught this lesson, I shared the images, talked about the range of animals which can be found in Australia and then laid out three long sheets of lining paper. Each child was given a thick paintbrush and a pot of paint (white, black, brown, orange, green, red and yellow).
The children walked around each sheet, making long snake-like patterns, surrounded by dots. Once the sheets had dried, they were used as backing paper for a display about Aboriginal Art.
I also gave the children a small canvas board. They planned their image and then painted an Australian animal - surrounded by concentric lines of differing colours.
Sheet 1 - sandwich making sequence (wrong order) - put them in order.
Sheet 2 - photos in correct order - write instructions.
Sheet 3 - completed instructions with photographs.
This assembly focuses on the Christian Value theme of Courage. It is suitable for the Primary age range.
The story focuses on Esther who is a Jewish lady. She marries King Xerxes and is put in a difficult situation where she must be brave and courageous. Will she tell him that she is Jewish, even though he has decreed that Jewish people must be killed?