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GCSE A Christmas Carol Stave 3 Revision

GCSE A Christmas Carol Stave 3 Revision

3 lessons of extract analysis and revision activities for Stave 3 of A Christmas Carol. Extracts focus on the ghost, the Cratchits and Ignorance and Want. An exam process tablemat resource is included, as are notes on context, theme and language to stretch analytical skills. This could supplement an existing SoW or as additional revision activities for year 11.
An Inspector Calls Act 2 Revision

An Inspector Calls Act 2 Revision

5 lessons of activities to supplement a study of An Inspector Calls. Would suit students first encountering the text or as a quick run through for GCSE revision. Theme, context, setting and politicisation are addressed, with modelled writing.
English Literature Key Stage 3 into Key Stage 4

English Literature Key Stage 3 into Key Stage 4

14 Resources
A bundle consisting of several KS3 English Literature schemes of work: Oliver Twist, A Midsummer Night's Dream, a challenging poetry scheme and Frankenstein (the play adaptation) with additional WW1 poetry lessons. Moving into KS4, there is a 30 lesson scheme that covers An Inspector Calls and a 15 lesson scheme that covers extract analysis and a range of activities for A Christmas Carol. There are accompanying extracts, contextual notes, modelled examples and an exam process scaffold. Suitable for accompanying a read through of the text or as additional analysis for year 11. The KS3 schemes are aimed at challenging years 7 and 8 while An Inspector Calls can be used for a high ability year 9 group or mixed ability year 10 with revision activities for year 11 at the end of the scheme. A Christmas Carol would suit a mixed ability year 10 group if following along with a read through of the text.
A Christmas Carol Revision Activities

A Christmas Carol Revision Activities

5 Resources
A series of revision resources and activities based on extract analysis from A Christmas Carol. There are 15 lessons in total with accompanying extracts, contextual notes, modelled examples and an exam process scaffold. Suitable for accompanying a read through of the text or as additional analysis for year 11.
'I Look into My Glass' - Thomas Hardy Unseen Poetry

'I Look into My Glass' - Thomas Hardy Unseen Poetry

A revision lesson aimed at developing a response to an unseen poem. There are comprehension questions and a brief, step by step process for unpacking an unseen poem. Suitable for an iGCSE syllabus or to supplement a GCSE poetry study SoW as a one-off.
Macbeth Themes and Context GCSE Revision

Macbeth Themes and Context GCSE Revision

A lesson focused on group work and consolidation of key themes in Macbeth for GCSE. Themes include revenge, ambition, kingship and notes on setting and King James 1st. Suitable as revision or to supplement an existing Macbeth SoW.
Exploring Nature and Conflict in A Midsummer Night's Dream

Exploring Nature and Conflict in A Midsummer Night's Dream

A lesson exploring ideas of nature and conflict within A Midsummer Night's Dream. An extract analysis and comprehension questions based on Titania form the main task. Would supplement an existing scheme on A Midsummer Night's Dream. Suitable for a high ability year 7 group or a mixed ability year 8 class.
A Midsummer Night's Dream Extract Analysis

A Midsummer Night's Dream Extract Analysis

A lesson that focuses on extract analysis from a MIdsummer Night's Dream. There is a simplified process for unpacking a challenging extract and opportunities for peer assessment. Students would need prior knowledge of the play - especially Titania's character. Originally used with a high ability year 7 group, this would also suit a mixed ability year 8 class.
Gerald Croft Revision - An Inspector Calls

Gerald Croft Revision - An Inspector Calls

A lesson focused on revision of Gerald's character from An Inspector Calls. Students will need prior knowledge of the text and copies of the text to support the lesson. Suitable for supplementing an existing SoW and as a revision activity for a GCSE group.
Journey's End - Responding to an exam question

Journey's End - Responding to an exam question

A lesson that focuses on developing a response to an exam question on Journey's End. Suitable as revision for a GCSE group, the practice questions can be worked through as activities after explaining the powerpoint.
An Inspector Calls Character Revision

An Inspector Calls Character Revision

4 Resources
A bundle of resources covering revision activities for the main characters of the play. Suitable for those who need to revise character and to supplement an existing GCSE scheme.
KS3 Titania extract analysis and assessment style question

KS3 Titania extract analysis and assessment style question

Three lessons that focus on extract analysis on Titania followed by a reading exam style lesson. There is a feedback/forward task after the exam lesson that allows students to consolidate skills. Examples of modelled writing are included. This would supplement an existing scheme on A Midsummer Night's Dream and be suitable for a high ability year 7 group or mixed ability year 8 class that have already studied the text.
KS3 Literature Poetry and Prose

KS3 Literature Poetry and Prose

10 Resources
4 schemes of work comprising of Oliver Twist (12 lessons), the Philip Pullman adaptation of Frankenstein (13 lessons), A Midsummer Night's Dream (14 lessons) and a poetry scheme (8 lessons) with supplemental WW1 poetry material (6 lessons). There is a a focus on extract analysis throughout and opportunities for collaborative writing and performance. Suitably for higher ability year 7 groups or mixed ability year 8 classes.
KS4 GCSE Macbeth Act 2 Scene 4

KS4 GCSE Macbeth Act 2 Scene 4

A lesson focusing on Act 2, Scene 4 from Macbeth. Suitable for a mixed ability year 11 group, copies of the text are required. The lesson could be used to supplement an existing scheme or as a quick revision run through.


3 Resources
A bundle containing lessons on 'Blessing', 'Piano' and 'The Tyger'.
KS4 GCSE Macbeth Act 3 Scene 4

KS4 GCSE Macbeth Act 3 Scene 4

A lesson focusing on the supernatural within Act 3 Scene 4 of Macbeth. Annotated extract examples for scaffolding are included in the slides. Suitable for a mixed ability year 11 class or a higher ability year 10 group. Can also be used as a revision aid.
KS4 Prayer Before Birth by Louis MacNeice

KS4 Prayer Before Birth by Louis MacNeice

A lesson (potentially 1 and a half) based around exploring and analysing diction in the poem ‘Prayer Before Birth’ by Louis MacNeice. Knowledge of common poetic devices is assumed. The lesson is suited to a higher level GCSE/IGCSE class and can be used to supplement an exisiting poetry SoW or as a standalone revision lesson.