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I am an experienced teacher and currently Head of English and Media in a large secondary school. I am also an examiner for EDUQAS English Language GCSE. I have a range of resources available on TES. Some of my resources are quite old, from when I first started out, and I am currently working in my spare time to update my resources. There are a range of resources from displays, schemes of work, revision booklets, mock exam papers and lessons available.




I am an experienced teacher and currently Head of English and Media in a large secondary school. I am also an examiner for EDUQAS English Language GCSE. I have a range of resources available on TES. Some of my resources are quite old, from when I first started out, and I am currently working in my spare time to update my resources. There are a range of resources from displays, schemes of work, revision booklets, mock exam papers and lessons available.
Dystopian Lit - A Level further reading

Dystopian Lit - A Level further reading

A useful booklet for A Level students that consists of: -Basic guide to two different literary theories and an example (psychoanalytical criticism and a reading of Hamlet using it and Feminist criticism and a link to The Handmaid’s Tale). Extracts of 5 dystopian texts, alongside a range of questions for students to answer. Texts are: A Clockwork Orange, The Road, 1984, Brave New World and The Children of Men A glossary of key terms needed for A Level Language and Literature. My students found this very useful to ensure an understanding of the genre and the conventions. They also found the interview with Margaret Atwood engaging, as well as using the basics of the theories a good starting point for independent research and learning.
Feminist theory and Cozy Apologia - Eduqas poetry English Literature GCSE

Feminist theory and Cozy Apologia - Eduqas poetry English Literature GCSE

A stretch and challenge lesson looking at the basics of feminist criticism and how to apply it to the study of the Eduqas Anthology. All resources, learning objectives, success criteria are included . This lesson talks through what literary criticism is and the poem in secure detail, ensuring students understand the question. Students are given opportunities to expand understanding and knowledge and create more sophisticated analysis of the poem to reach the top grades. There are lots of discussion based tasks to apply the criticism they have been taught, looking at examples of art as well as poetry. Students are then given an exam style question and expected to answer it using literary criticism. This can be used as a complete lesson, but it can equally be used as a revision aide for students either in or outside of the classroom.
Dulce Et Decorum Est EDUQAS English Literature GCSE

Dulce Et Decorum Est EDUQAS English Literature GCSE

A complete lesson with all resources, learning objectives, success criteria and poem breakdown. This lesson talks through the context, content, structure, form, language, imagery and tone. With a step by step analysis for the poem, including key questions, students can expand understanding and knowledge. This can be used as a complete lesson, but it can equally be used as a revision aide for students either in or outside of the classroom.
Death of a Naturalist - EDUQAS English literature GCSE

Death of a Naturalist - EDUQAS English literature GCSE

A complete lesson with all resources, learning objectives, success criteria and poem breakdown. This lesson talks through the context, content, structure, form, language, imagery and tone. With a step by step analysis for the poem, including key questions, students can expand understanding and knowledge. This can be used as a complete lesson, but it can equally be used as a revision aide for students either in or outside of the classroom.
Personalised certificates and reward cards

Personalised certificates and reward cards

A set of personalised certificates - just add name - for a class with awards such as ‘the Hemmingway award’, the ‘mini me award’, ‘the miss congeniality award’. Beautiful when printed on cream card and a real hit with the students. An excellent time saver. Included in the pack is a set of ‘emoji reward cards’ with specific praise for students within English. These cards include: ‘Excellent effort in English’ ‘Much improved reading’ ‘you worked fantastically as part of a team’ and many more. Easy to print and on an adaptable PowerPoint format, your students will love them. I have printed them onto label and used them as a very personalised rewards sticker.
Emoji Story Starters

Emoji Story Starters

A fun and engaging way to encourage narrative writing, creative writing and effective planning in preparation for GCSE. These story starters were designed for low ability students, with lots of bright colours and recognisable cartoons that can be put together to create a short story. These cards can be used individually, or in multiples. Used with my students as homework with great success.
A Christmas Carol and Marxist Criticism

A Christmas Carol and Marxist Criticism

A range of resources and a lesson on Marxist Criticism and how to apply it to an analysis of A Christmas Carol for GCSE. Students learn the basics of Marxist criticism and use this to improve close analysis of key scenes in A Christmas Carol. Great for top band students looking to boost their performance in essays and exams.
London- William Blake - EDUQAS GCSE Poetry Anthology

London- William Blake - EDUQAS GCSE Poetry Anthology

A complete lessson analysing the poem London by WIlliam Blake. A complete analysis of the context, themes, structure and language/imagery used in the poem. A colourful and engaging lesson to prepare students for GCSE. A second, less detailed analysis lesson is included for lower ability sets.
Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol - Pointless Gameshow Edition

Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol - Pointless Gameshow Edition

A fun and engaging revision game based on the game show Pointless. A fun PowerPoint with music, timer video clip, a range of revision rounds such as 'contextual Information' , 'anagrams', 'name the character' and 'who said it?', this game will help your students look for answers they may not usually consider. A great way to recap knowledge in an exciting way.
Mickey and Linda's relationship in Blood Brothers

Mickey and Linda's relationship in Blood Brothers

A complete lesson on Mickey and Linda's relationship in Blood Brothers and how it changes. This is very much formatted to ensure success at GCSE in the Eduqas exam for English Literature. The lesson begins with a Do Now, before practicing skills for the springboard essay where students are given an extract and need to complete an essay using the whole text. This lesson guides students to find key quotes from other parts of the play as well as annotating the extract given. Students are then given a mock exam question to practice. All success criteria, learning objectives and resources needed are within the PowerPoint.
Mickey and Edward's relationship in Blood Brothers

Mickey and Edward's relationship in Blood Brothers

A complete lesson on Mickey and Edward's relationship in Blood Brothers and how it changes. This is very much formatted to ensure success at GCSE in the Eduqas exam for English Literature. The lesson begins with a Do Now, before practicing skills for the springboard essay where students are given an extract and need to complete an essay using the whole text. This lesson guides students to find key quotes from other parts of the play as well as annotating the extract given. Students are then given a mock exam question to practice. All success criteria, learning objectives and resources needed are within the PowerPoint.
Relationships in Blood Brothers

Relationships in Blood Brothers

A fun lesson looking at different types of relationships and how we can link them to Blood Brothers. A range of activities including Do Now and Plenary, as well as all learning objectives and success criteria.
Exploring foreshadowing in The Hobbit (chapter 6)

Exploring foreshadowing in The Hobbit (chapter 6)

A fun and engaging lesson exploring foreshadowing using chapter 6 of The Hobbit. Throughout the course of the lesson students first need to select the correct definition of foreshadowing and discuss the meaning, before watching a clip from the Lion King and The Wizard of Oz and identify what event is being foreshadowed. After that, student 'popcorn read' chapter 6 of The Hobbit, identifying possible foreshadowing before analyzing a key extract (provided on the PowerPoint). This lesson can be used as part of an ongoing scheme, or can easily be adapted by removing slide 5 (the hobbit summary slide) to be a stand alone lesson. Excellent for high ability key stage 3 students. All resources, learning objectives and success criteria, videos and timers are included in the PowerPoint.
GCSE English Language Eduqas Component 2 19th/21st century non fiction practice paper

GCSE English Language Eduqas Component 2 19th/21st century non fiction practice paper

A complete practice paper for the GCSE English Language Eduqas Component 2 19th/21st century non fiction element of the new 9-1 GCSE. Students have the opportunity to practice their skills in preparation for the exam. The 19th Century text was recommended and sourced from a link shared on the Eduqas website, with a relating 21st century text sourced online too. Students have found this a good beginning for their understanding of what the exam requires and expects.
GCSE Eduqas English Comp 2 (reading only) 19th/21st century non fiction walking talking mock+paper

GCSE Eduqas English Comp 2 (reading only) 19th/21st century non fiction walking talking mock+paper

A complete mock paper for the Eduqas English Language Component 2- non fiction 19th and 21st century. A powerpoint and mock paper for the English Language GCSE. Powerpoint goes through each reading question in detail, helping students understand the question and what is expected of them. The powerpoint does not cover the transactional writing, however two transactional writing questions are included in the mock paper. A good way of instilling confidence in students before the exam.
Eduqas English Language Narrative creation Planning and Revision sheet

Eduqas English Language Narrative creation Planning and Revision sheet

An A3 document that talks students through some key devices and technique to use throughout their written narrative to help them gain top marks. Students are given a list of useful devices, as well as a definition and an example. Students then can either pick out the devices used in any drafts or ideas, or come up with key examples that can be woven into any narrative they can write in their exam. Students are also given a useful 'Story Opener' guide, talking them through 7 popular ways to begin a short story, what benefits it has and an example. This sheet was useful for lower ability sets who struggle to embed creative writing devices within their work as it gave them some key sentences that they could use.
WJEC/EDUQAS Blood Borthers revision cards

WJEC/EDUQAS Blood Borthers revision cards

Everything your students need to know to pass the Blood Brothers element of Literature Component 2 for Eduqas/WJEC. Also useful for all other exam boards. Students are talked through the question and how to answer. Students have a breakdown and key quotes for every character and theme in the text, as well as note cards on techniques used such as parallels, contrasts, dialogue, the effect of the narrator and much more. A fantastic resource for exam revision.