A qualified Primary Teacher and drama and music specialist, I have worked both as a class teacher and in partnership with organisations including Young Enterprise, as well as several youth theatre groups and programmes. My shop provides a range of resources including original scripts, workshop plans, cross curricular topic planners with accompanying resources, planning and assessment pro formas and worksheets.
A qualified Primary Teacher and drama and music specialist, I have worked both as a class teacher and in partnership with organisations including Young Enterprise, as well as several youth theatre groups and programmes. My shop provides a range of resources including original scripts, workshop plans, cross curricular topic planners with accompanying resources, planning and assessment pro formas and worksheets.
This tricky word game is great for independent work stations and early finishers in class. Giving practice and reading and pronouncing tricky words and having fun while learning!
Simply print onto A3 and laminate. The game requires a dice and up to four counters or similar.
This is a comprehensive forward plan for first level literacy which includes resources, CFE experiences and outcomes and group differentiation. This has been written for Primary Four but is easily adapted and edited to suit any stage working at first level.
This topic planner and display resources are for use with a cross curricular study with a focus on Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K Rowling.
All of the signs and display material requires the font Harry P to be downloaded onto your computer if they are on Word format. I have made a number of posters to explain and showcase the pupils work, in line with suggested lessons in the forward plan. I have now uploaded all display posters as PDFs to enable printing of font without downloading it, excepting any that would require ability to edit.
If anyone wishes to have a look at my classroom please check out Pinterest/pammyc88/Harry Potter Classroom 2016.
This has been one of the most successful full on cross curricular topics I have done to date in my teaching career and is absolutely loved by all the pupils.
UPDATE: I have added in a template in for ‘A Hogwarts Ghost Story’ to the pack as well as a template for using for sending pupils their Hogwarts letters, a set of acrostic poem templates and a final quiz.
This pack has the second set of the next 200 High Frequency and Tricky words in flashcard format. These are a fantastic tool for not only early level literacy but for older pupils in active spelling activities. These could also be helpful in working with EAL pupils.
This pack has the first 100 High Frequency and Tricky words in flashcard format. There are two options. Colour coded: blue for phonetically sounded words and yellow for tricky words, or plain white backgrounds. The colour coded flashcards match with the Tricky /HF word display clouds that are also available.
These will be super alongside any phonics and spelling programme and make an eye catching and useful display for pupils. These are also a fantastic tool for older pupils in active spelling activities.
This pack has the first 100 High Frequency and Tricky words for display in your classroom. These are displayed in attractive clouds and colour coded: blue for phonetically sounded words and yellow for tricky words.
These will be super alongside any phonics and spelling programme and make an eye catching and useful display for pupils.
There is also a set of colour coded and white flash cards available to purchase.
This bundle includes flash cards and display cards for the first 300 HFW as well as tricky words and phonics.
Fantastic tool for active spelling as well as infant teaching and displays in literacy.
Only available as a bundle for a short time.
This booklet is designed to be used during the busy December month, when often it is difficult to keep the pupils engaged and still learning!
Within this booklet are seven different challenges that will get the pupils thinking, designing, problem solving, working together and having some fun.
The booklet has the following worksheets and tasks:
Design a new toy
Design a new suit for Santa
Help the Elves task
Design a Sleigh
Christmas Alphabetical Ordering
Christmas Wordsearch and Cloze Passage
Christmas Party Budget: Money and Problem Solving activity
This is designed for KS2/Scottish Second Level pupils, although it could be adapted/differentiated for lower stages and levels.
These booklets are designed for using for homework tasks related to reading and spelling. One booklet is for personal reading or school directed reading records and reviews. The other is for using the Look, Cover, Say, Write and Check method for setting spelling homework.
These are both editable on word documents so that you can add your class stage to the cover or make any additions etc that you wish.
This bundle includes 16 different VCOP worksheet activities that can be used either in class or as a homework task. All are completely editable and there is differentiated levels of difficulty within the bundle. It also includes an assessment story starter.
These literacy worksheets are great for consolidation and revision work. These can be used with both KS1/2 and Scottish first and second levels as they are of varying levels of difficulty. All sheets editable on word to allow for easy differentiation. With a focus on grammar, the worksheets cover the following elements:
Irregular Verbs
Types of sentences
This pack has the second set of the next 200 High Frequency and Tricky words in flashcard format. These are a fantastic tool for not only early level literacy but for older pupils in active spelling activities. These could also be helpful in working with EAL pupils.
Informative power point for teaching about Homophones and Homonyms. Use in conjunction with the four accompanying worksheets. These are all on Word documents for easy editing.
I have designed this music topic pack with the intention of covering various aspects of music education, along with the ability to include this within an integrated curricular planner. This topic brings ICT in throughout as well as easily lending itself to the inclusion of various other curricular areas, such as language, social studies, science, design & technology, ICT, drama, P.E. and art.
This pack would be particularly beneficial if used in conjunction with a topic on the weather/seasons/nature. Elements could also be linked in well to a topic on Europe. Although some of the lessons may appear to be more ICT based than music, the aim is that the children expand their experience in all areas of music while using new technology. Some of the lessons are more traditionally musically based than others, but each one will provide a beneficial learning experience for the children. They are going to be gaining experience in a range of skills and abilities, such as playing instruments, composing, listening and discussing, working collaboratively, using music as an inspiration for other areas, being able to identify techniques used in music to portray different moods and images.
These three activities and worksheets are a great way to start back with your class in the new term. Suitable for KS2/Second Level, with some elements being suitable for younger pupils with support.
New Year Story starter/assessment - this story starter covers elements of VCOP and imaginative writing, giving pupils a chance to write in a genre of their choice, based on New Year's Eve.
Highlights of 2016 - a worksheet set out like a poster of polaroid photos, pupils can draw four of their favourite moments of the past year and caption them. This has been created for A3 size.
New Year Learning and Personal Resolutions - pupils can set both learning and personal targets and resolutions for the coming year, with space for them to detail why they have chosen this resolution and how they intend to achieve it.
All worksheets are on PDF.
16 Language/Literacy and 6 Maths activity cards for either lesson starters or early finishers. The sheets can be printed and laminated so that pupil's can help themselves for independent continuation of work in class. These are also editable for making extra/different cards.