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Mr Collins' Maths Resources

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Assistant Headteacher (Leader of Learning Mathematics & Numeracy) at a Secondary School in West Sussex, England. The resources I have created have all been used personally in my lessons and amended according to their success in my lessons. I hope others find them useful.




Assistant Headteacher (Leader of Learning Mathematics & Numeracy) at a Secondary School in West Sussex, England. The resources I have created have all been used personally in my lessons and amended according to their success in my lessons. I hope others find them useful.
Numeracy Skills Checks - KS3 Numeracy Program

Numeracy Skills Checks - KS3 Numeracy Program

Numeracy Skills Checks - KS3 Numeracy Program to complement White Rose Maths SOL and allow students to review their learning on Sparx Maths. This resource has been created with a view to improving students’ numeracy and Mathematics outcomes across my school from September. The Numeracy Skills Checks assess students’ basic numeracy skills and strategies and complement the White Rose Maths schemes of learning in KS3. There are 6 Numeracy Skills Checks for each Year Group 7-9 (one for each half term), 18 altogether across all 3 year groups. Each Year Groups’ Numeracy Skills Checks come complete with answers in a separate document. There is then a Student Review Sheet outlining each topic covered for each Numeracy Skills Check, linked to the Sparx Maths Independent Learning tasks. I have then added a Tracker spreadsheet that will automatically colour code students results based on their scores/confidence rating. There’s a document outlining the logistics of running the Numeracy Skills Checks with tips to get the program running in your Mathematics department and a poster to be printed and displayed in classrooms/corridor displays to raise the profile of the Numeracy Skills Checks.
Expanding Brackets and Simplifying Expressions

Expanding Brackets and Simplifying Expressions

A notebook (and converted PowerPoint) file on Expanding Brackets and Simplifying Expressions. This is a whole lesson's worth of content, possibly two lessons. Includes a starter to expand single brackets and collect together 'like terms' in simple expressions. Examples for you to go through with your class before giving students questions to attempt. There are then 4 different plenary activities to use with your class: a matching activity, a 'spot the mistake' activity, a 'noughts and crosses' activity and finally a 'Finish Him' question! I originally created this resource in SMART notebook but have converted it into a ppt for more to use/benefit from - I've added some animations to make it as usable.
Trigonometry (Sin, Cos & Tan)

Trigonometry (Sin, Cos & Tan)

A complete Unit of Work on Trigonometry (Sin, Cos and Tan). Covers finding missing lengths and angles of right-angled triangles. No Sine Rule or Cosine Rule included. Activities include: Measuring lengths of similar triangles to discuss/discover the ratios, identifying lengths of triangles (hypotenuse, opposite, adjacent), exact trigonometric identities (NEW to the 1-9 GCSE), rounding to 3 significant figures, choosing whether to use sin, cos or tan, choosing whether it's a trig question or Pythagoras and more. Lots of practice questions, all answers included and plenary type questions for each lesson/series of lessons. I have been using this with my Year 10 higher set 2 and has taken 6 lessons to complete - not rushing through it and taking the time to explain/cover misconceptions. Would be suitable for NEW 1-9 GCSE Foundation students too. See my blog post for more details.
GCSE Foundation maths: Mixed Questions

GCSE Foundation maths: Mixed Questions

This is a PowerPoint I created based on the resource uploaded by Manoj Mistry, which can be found here http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/GCSE-Revision-of-basic-skills-powerpoint-6173598/, I have changed the layout of questions to break them up and have added GCSE grades to each question. My Year 11 class have responded well to these slides!
Identifying Expressions, Equations, Identities and Formulae

Identifying Expressions, Equations, Identities and Formulae

A lesson (ppt) to go through the differences between expressions, equations, identities and formulae. Starter involves getting students to write their own definitions of an expression before discussing as a class which is the best definition. Main tasks include being given definitions for the equations, identities, and formulae. Simple equations to solve, '2 facts 1 lie' type activity for identifying identities, formulae to substitute into and work out the value of a variable. After these an activity that involves students stating whether something is an expression, equation, identity or formula, answers included. Then, a '2 facts 1 lie' and review of learning plenary at the end of the lesson.
Simultaneous Equations Starter/Plenary

Simultaneous Equations Starter/Plenary

I used this question as a starter to consolidate learning of simultaneous equations with a top set year 10 class. Would work well as a plenary too? The question gets the students to form the simulatenous equations 1st based on a worded question using the characters from Finding Nemo!
Highest Common Factor - scaffolded worksheet

Highest Common Factor - scaffolded worksheet

A worksheet (pdf) and editable ppt file on finding the Highest Common Factor (HCF) of 2 numbers. There are 7 questions in total across 3 pages. There are boxes for students to write in the factors of each number before selecting the highest common factor. Some factors are pre-populated for students to guide them along the way. Fewer factors are given as the questions progress. Best printed as a booklet so students can fold and stick in their exercise books. Aimed at lower-ability sets. Could be used as a homework/cover worksheet too.
Colour Me Mathematics Sheets (2)

Colour Me Mathematics Sheets (2)

This bundle includes: Equivalent Fractions, Fractions of Amounts & Percentages of Amounts. An engaging activity for students to consolidate their learning. Students answer the questions on the sheet and then, once they have the answer, colour in the corresponding section of the large grid to create a pattern. All details are fully explained in the resource itself, with lots of additional ideas as to how to get the best out of the resource, including: extension activities, challenge questions and suggested variations on the activity. All answers included
Mega Substitution Grid

Mega Substitution Grid

This is an activity I use with my students after we have covered substitution into expressions. Students are given the MEGA substitution grid and a mini whiteboard/their exercise book and must substitute the values given in each column into the expressions in each row. The grid should be completely filled in. There are a few parts of the grid already filled in for the teacher to go through with the class - ensuring they are able to see how the values have been achieved. All answers included in the ppt. Grid displayed on the board throughout the activity so the teacher can refer to as students ask questions. The activity involves substituting integer values (positive, negative and zero) into simple expressions (including negatives), those with squared terms and brackets.
Constructions Comics

Constructions Comics

2 sets of engaging comics containing the constructions needed at KS3 and KS4. The first comic contains perpendicular line and angle constructions; the second contains the triangle constructions (SSS, SAS, ASA). Students follow the instructions on the comics to complete their constructions leaving you time to help those students that require a bit more support. There is a triangle constructions worksheet included, as well as an index in the teacher instructions to easily find the construction you are teaching. Read more and see examples here...http://goo.gl/vQKoQR
Times Tables Busters

Times Tables Busters

An interactive PowerPoint for the IWB to help students recall of their times tables. Themed around the popular ‘Blockbusters’ TV programme format students (in teams) try and get times tables questions correct and create a row of answers from the left to the right of the grid. All slides are interactive with all controls explained the teacher instructions document. My students love the competitive nature of this game and learn their tables at the same time. All times tables 2-12 are included as well as separate games for square numbers, mixed times tables and a bonus ‘tricky’ game of the 12-19 times tables!
Factorising Quadratics Lesson(s)

Factorising Quadratics Lesson(s)

This a complete set of lessons on factorising quadratic expressions. Starter includes expanding single and double brackets, all answers included Then, a nice 'Products and Sums' task where students, on mini whiteboards, find which numbers have a product of ... and a sum of... . LOs, before examples for you to cover with your class on each permutation of signs in the brackets once factorised - a very scaffolded approach to suit lower ability students. All answers included for questions posed to students. Other starter activity is to find pairs of expressions that match before continuing with the series of lessons. Finally, a 'My favourite No' (see my blog mrcollinsmaths.blogspot.co.uk) plenary task to review students learning.
Mathematics Revision Cards/Activities Book

Mathematics Revision Cards/Activities Book

A 39 page resource of the revision cards/activities I have used with my classes when finishing topics or when revising for exams. Included in the resource are templates for you/your students to create your own revision cards. There are over 10 different revision cards to create/use. I have also provided examples/pictures of cards I have made, and some they have created too! All instructions to create each card are included in the resource. Read more and see examples here -> http://goo.gl/zjtTxU
Takeaway Homework Menu - Mathematics

Takeaway Homework Menu - Mathematics

This is my 'takeaway homework' menu I give to my students. The pdf contains a ready to print version of the menu to give straight to students. The idea is that they choose any task to complete for their homework from the menu. I set these homeworks over a half term and students have to earn a set amount of 'chillies' in these weeks. On the ppt file I have an editable version of the menu for you to change my name etc to suit your students - this can then be printed as above. I also have many examples of work from my students to use for inspiration as to what can be created. There are also some display logos and ideas from my current display board in the word doc. See my blogs below for more details! http://goo.gl/hSj1ER http://goo.gl/s6YAln I love this approach to homework and so do my students.
Introducing and Interpreting Venn Diagrams

Introducing and Interpreting Venn Diagrams

A complete lesson PowerPoint to introduce Venn Diagrams and get students interpreting/using them to find probabilities. A worksheet is provided for students to work on. All examples are fully explained and animations on the ppt used effectively to do so. All answers included and all teacher notes are given in the ‘notes’ section of each slide. Also includes a 10 question plenary using my ABCD fans, but mini whiteboards could be used instead.
Solving Inequalities and Representing the Solutions on a Number Line

Solving Inequalities and Representing the Solutions on a Number Line

A whole lesson on SMART notebook to teach students how to solve inequalities and represent the solution on a number line. Number lines worksheet also included with 10 number lines to a page for students to work on. Notebook file includes: Starter - putting the correct inequality sign between 2 numbers and writing an inequality for a solution given on a number line (this is mainly to test their prior knowledge)! Solving linear equations task, complete with answers to review this skill and link in with solving the inequalities. Examples for you to go through with your students before giving them questions to attempt. Blank number lines to get students to come to the board to answer questions, before revealing the answers (included).
Solving Algebraic Fractions

Solving Algebraic Fractions

This is a ppt of lessons for solving algebraic fractions. Starter involves solving linear equations that involve fractions (and brackets), answers included. Solving algebraic fractions by 'cross-multiplying' examples are then given for you to go through with your students before they attempt some questions, all answers included. Another quick starter on adding/subtracting fractions. Then, examples to solve algebraic fractions that deduce a quadratic equation to be solved. Use of a common denominator and then recapping of the methods to solve quadratic equations is necessary and can come out in the teacher's examples included. Questions then given for students to attempt, all answers given. Finally, a 'Finish Him' style plenary task for students to attempt after the teacher has started it off for them. All slides have 'tabs' to refer back to LOs and key words throughout the lesson - can be copied and pasted to any slide/ppt.
Mathematical Plenary Sticks

Mathematical Plenary Sticks

A set of 100+ Plenary questions/tasks to use in your Mathematics lessons. Print, cut up and laminate each page of this resource before hole punching and binding the ‘sticks’ together for plenty of use in your lessons. Included in the resource, in addition to the 100+ questions/tasks are blank ‘sticks’ for you to create your own questions/tasks, plus suggestions as to how best use this resource with your students. Read more here...http://goo.gl/J2LYSe
A Seasonal Snowman Investigation (Listing Outcomes)

A Seasonal Snowman Investigation (Listing Outcomes)

A seasonal/end of term investigation that looks at listing (systematically) all possible outcomes of successive events. All resources needed are including the ppt file & blank snowman templates to use for display work. Extension tasks and all answers are provided. There are two different approaches to the same task included in the resource too so you can choose what best fits your students. Complete with plenary activity, seasonal music and animations.
Plotting and Identifying Coordinates (Iron Man, Minion, Heart, Dragon & Bat Logo)

Plotting and Identifying Coordinates (Iron Man, Minion, Heart, Dragon & Bat Logo)

A set of 5 different pixelated images to create by joining coordinates. These resources are very popular on the TES and I decided to make my own for my students as I enjoy doing them just as much as they do. Included are: a heart, a ‘minion’ (from the ‘Despicable Me’ films), the ‘bat logo’, a Dragon (for St. George's Day) and ‘Iron Man’. All images include both a 1st quadrant only and all 4 quadrants set of coordinates so you can differentiate for your students’ abilities. All answers included