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Mostly vocabulary stories


NEW VOCABULARY STORY Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: GENERALIZATION PERVASIVE DIMINUTION DEPICT GENRE MY VOCABULARY STORY: A generalization about inflation can be made. There is a pervasive diminution of product sizes. This is depicted for comedy in genre like TV and films. SIMPLE VERSION: A characterization about inflation can be made. There is a overall shrinking of product sizes. This is portrayed for comedy in artforms like TV and films. Reverse translations. By making shorter more direct sentences, it came better. HINDI: Can you create a story consisting of these five words? generalization pervading lack depict style My vocabulary story: A generalization can be made about inflation. There is a wide reduction in the size of the product. It has been featured for comedy in a genre such as TV and movies. Simple version: A characterization can be made about inflation. There is an overall decrease in the size of the product. It has been featured for comedy in art forms such as TV and movies. ARABIC: Can you make a story with these five words?: Circular Prevalent Diminution imagine genre The story of my vocabulary: A generalization can be made about inflation. There is a widespread diminishment in product volumes. This is portrayed for comedy in genre such as television and movies. Simple version: A characterization can be made about inflation. There is a general shrinkage in product sizes. This is filmed for comedy in art forms such as television and film. KOREAN: Can you create a story with these five words?: generalization diffusion reduction describe genre My vocabulary story: Generalizations about inflation can be made. Product sizes are widespread. This is portrayed as a comedy in the same genre as TV and movies. Simple version: You can characterize it for inflation. Product sizes are shrinking across the board. This is portrayed as a comedy in art forms such as TV and film. VIETNAMESE: An overview of inflation can be made. There is a common minimization of product sizes. This is described for comedy in genres such as television and film. SIMPLIFIED VERSION: A characterization of inflation can be made. There is an overall narrowing of product sizes. This is portrayed for comedy in art forms such as television and film.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: CORROBORATE CREDULITY FUTILE CONVERGE CONVICTION MY VOCABULARY STORY: Victims corroborate this story. Because of the credulity of the innocent, it was futile to stop them from buying harmful so called health food products. Police converged on one real bad vendor and a conviction was gotten. SIMPLE VERSION: Victims say this story is true. Bacause of the gullibility of the simple, it was useless to stop them from buying harmful so called health food products. Police raided one real bad vendor and a guilty sentence was gotten. HINDI: क्या आप इन पांच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? पुष्टि करें विश्वासशीलता व्यर्थ अभिसरित होना दोषसिद्धि मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: पीड़ित इस कहानी की पुष्टि करते हैं। अहंकारिता के कारण निर्दोषों में से, उन्हें हानिकारक खरीदने से रोकना व्यर्थ था। तथाकथित स्वास्थ्य खाद्य उत्पाद। पुलिस ने एक असली बुराई पर ध्यान केंद्रित किया विक्रेता और एक दोषसिद्धि प्राप्त की गई थी। ARABIC: هل يمكنك عمل قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس؟: أثبت سذاجه عقيمه تتلاقي اعتقاد قصة مفرداتي: ويؤكد الضحايا هذه القصة. بسبب السذاجة من الأبرياء ، كان من غير المجدي منعهم من الشراء الضار ما يسمى المنتجات الغذائية الصحية. تقاربت الشرطة على واحد سيء حقيقي البائع وحصلت على إدانة. KOREAN: 이 다섯 단어가 포함된 이야기를 만들 수 있습니까?: 확실하게 하다 망신 쓸데없는 한데 모아지다 신념 내 어휘 이야기 : 피해자들은 이 이야기를 뒷받침합니다. 믿음 때문에 무고한 사람들이 해로운 것을 사는 것을 막는 것은 헛된 일이었습니다 소위 건강 식품이라고합니다. 경찰은 하나의 진짜 나쁜 것에 수렴했다 공급 업체와 유죄 판결을 받았습니다. VIETNAMESE: BẠN CÓ THỂ LÀM MỘT CÂU CHUYỆN CÓ CHỨA NĂM TỪ NÀY KHÔNG?: CHỨNG THỰC UY TÍN VÔ ÍCH HỘI TỤ NIỀM TIN CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Nạn nhân chứng thực câu chuyện này. Vì sự tín nhiệm của những người vô tội, thật vô ích khi ngăn chặn họ mua những thứ có hại Vì vậy, được gọi là sản phẩm thực phẩm sức khỏe. Cảnh sát hội tụ về một điều tồi tệ thực sự Người bán hàng và một bản án đã được nhận.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 52     What was a Middle Ages Person Like?

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 52 What was a Middle Ages Person Like?

NEW VOCABULARY STORY Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: PHENOMENA CRITERION PIETY PESSIMISM ABATE MY VOCABULARY STORY: A phenomena of the Middle Ages was a standard attitude. It was a criterion to be a proper person. A person needed to have piety and pessimism. All that abated with the modern age. SIMPLE VERSION: A feature of the middle ages was a standard attitude. It was a standard to be correct. A person needed to be devout and gloomy about life. All that ended with the modern age. HINDI: क्या आप इन पांच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? घटना कसौटी धर्मपरायणता निराशावाद धीमा होना मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: मध्य युग की एक घटना एक मानक रवैया था। यह एक उचित व्यक्ति होने का एक मानदंड था। एक व्यक्ति को धर्मपरायणता और निराशावाद की आवश्यकता होती है। यह सब आधुनिक युग के साथ कम हो गया। ARABIC: هل يمكنك عمل قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس؟: الظواهر معيار تقوى تشاؤم تخفيف قصة مفرداتي: كانت ظاهرة العصور الوسطى موقفا قياسيا. كان معيارا أن تكون شخصا مناسبا. يحتاج الشخص إلى التقوى والتشاؤم. كل ذلك خفت مع العصر الحديث. KOREAN: 이 다섯 단어가 포함된 이야기를 만들 수 있습니까?: 현상 표준 경건 비관 아바테 내 어휘 이야기 : 중세의 현상은 표준적인 태도였습니다. 제대로 된 사람이 되기 위한 기준이었다. 사람은 경건과 비관주의가 필요했습니다. 이 모든 것이 현대와 함께 완화되었습니다. VIETNAMESE: BẠN CÓ THỂ LÀM MỘT CÂU CHUYỆN CÓ CHỨA NĂM TỪ NÀY KHÔNG?: HIỆN TƯỢNG TIÊU CHUẨN ĐẠO ĐỨC BI QUAN HẠ CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Một hiện tượng của thời Trung cổ là một thái độ tiêu chuẩn. Đó là một tiêu chí để trở thành một người đúng đắn. Một người cần phải có lòng đạo đức và bi quan. Tất cả những điều đó giảm bớt với thời hiện đại.


Can you create a story consisting of these five words? event touchstone devotion to one’s religion pessimism abate My vocabulary story: An event from the Middle Ages was a standard attitude. It was a criterion of being a reasonable person. A person needs piety and pessimism. All this diminished with the modern era. ARABIC: । Can you make a story with these five words?: Phenomena standard piety pessimism relief The story of my vocabulary: The phenomenon of the Middle Ages was a standard position. It was a criterion to be a suitable person. A person needs piety and pessimism. All of that has dimmed with the modern era. KOREAN: An Make-A-Story Container Theses Five Wards?: Fenomina Crition Petey Pessimism Abate My Boccabulari Story: A Penomina of Tours Middle Agessworth Ah Standard Attitude. Itworth a criterion vs. a properpersone. Aperson Need the Have Pitti Pessimism in India. All Tart Avatar with Tour Modern Asia. VIETNAMESE: CAN YOU MAKE A STORY THAT CONTAINS THESE FIVE WORDS?: PHENOMENON STANDARD MORAL PESSIMISTIC LOWER MY VOCABULARY STORY: A phenomenon of the Middle Ages was a standard attitude. It is a criterion to be a right person. A person needs to be moral and pessimistic. All of that diminishes with modern times.


REVERSE TRANSLATIONS: HINDI: Can you create a story consisting of these five words? educational DEPRECATE reduce concealed summary My vocabulary story: Academics condemn the abbreviation of texts. No matter how vague or abstract it is, they insist. On the whole thing. Simple version: The professors refused to shorten the texts. No matter how difficult or thoracic it is, they emphasize. On the whole thing. Arabic: Can you make a story with these five words?: academic negligence abridge difficult abstract The story of my vocabulary: Academics denounce the abbreviation of texts. No matter how vague or abstract they are, they insist on On everything. Simple version: Professors do not agree with shortening texts. No matter how hard or pectoral they insist, they insist On everything. KOREAN: Can you create a story with these five words?: Academic Deprecation abridge abstruse notional My vocabulary story: Scholars no longer use summaries of texts. No matter how esoteric or abstract they are, they insist On everything. Simple version: Professors do not approve of shortening text. No matter how difficult or difficult it is, they insist On everything. VIETNAMESE: CAN YOU MAKE A STORY THAT CONTAINS THESE FIVE WORDS?: LEARN DEPRECATE SHORTENED ABSTRACT ABSTRACT MY VOCABULARY STORY: Scholars oppose the abridgement of texts. No matter how confusing or abstract it is, they emphasize on the whole. SIMPLIFIED VERSION: The professors disapproved of the shortening of the texts. No matter how difficult or radical, they emphasize on the whole.


hindi: Enmity between people is contrary to the requirement of a good society. It causes antagonism and rancor instead of cooperation. An easy recovery from this situation would be an anomaly. Simple version: Hatred between people is contrary to the requirement of a good society. Due to this, enmity and rancor arise in place of cooperation. It would be a strange thing to recover easily from this situation arabic: Enmity between people is the antithesis of what a good society needs. It causes hostility and hatred instead of cooperation. It would be an anomaly to recover easily from this condition. Simple version: Hatred among people is the opposite of what a good society needs. It causes hostility and repulsion instead of cooperation. It would be strange to recover so easily from this condition. korean: My Vocabulary Story: Hostility between people is the exact opposite of what a good society needs. Far from cooperation, it breeds hostility and antipathy. It is unusual to recover easily from this condition. Simple version: Hatred between people is the exact opposite of what a good society needs. Instead of cooperation, it encourages hostility and disgust. It is strange to recover easily from this condition. vietnamese: MY VOCABULARY STORY: Hostility between people is the antithesis of what is needed for a good society. It causes antagonism and aversion instead of cooperation. It would be unusual to be able to recover easily from this condition. SIMPLIFIED VERSION: Hatred between people is the opposite of what is needed for a good society. It causes hostility and antipathy instead of cooperation. It would be a strange thing to be able to recover easily from this condition.


HINDI: Can you make up a story with these five words?: Of iron furious out of reach maintain symmetry My Vocabulary Story: It is ironic that people are angry with some reprehensible politicians. They want a good sustainable economy with symmetry of all parts. Simple version: It is strange that people are offended by some innocent comments. They want a good sustainable economy with the cooperation of all sections. ARABIC: Can you create a story with these five words?: sarcastic angry It is impeccable Keep symmetry My vocabulary story: Ironically, people are angry at some politicians who can't be blamed. All they want is good sustainable economy with symmetry of parts. Simple version: Oddly enough, people are pissed off at some of the flawless comments. All they want is a good, solid economy with spare parts cooperation. Korean: Can you create a story that includes the following five words? ironic angry irreproachable last Symmetry My Vocabulary Story: Ironically, people get mad at politicians who can't be blamed. What they want is a good sustainable economy with symmetry of parts. simple version: It's weird how weird people get mad at comments they can't blame. All they want is a durable economy through parts collaboration. VIETNAMESE: CAN YOU MAKE A STORY WITH THIS FIVE WORD?: Sarcasm angry CANNOT be GREAT MAINTAIN OPPOSITE STORY MY VOCABULARY: It is ironic that people are angry at some irreproachable politicians. All they want is a good sustainable economy with a balance of parts. SIMPLE VERSION: It's odd that there are people who are angry with some innocent politicians. All they want is a good and sustainable economy with co-operative departments.


HINDI: Can you create a story consisting of these five words? judicious labyrinth tangled to burn commingling My vocabulary story: You have to be prudent to deal with the maze of complex rules. A business in New York City. This creates hatred especially in close proximity with one. Free state like Florida. arabic: Can you make a story with these five words?: Wise Maze Complex kindle Juxtaposition The story of my vocabulary: You have to be wise to deal with a maze of complex regulations to get Company in New York City. It ignites hatred, especially in juxtawa. A free state like Florida. korean: KOREAN: Can you create a story with these five words?: judicious maze Knotty kindle abreast My vocabulary story: You have to be smart to handle the maze of knotted regulations. Businesses in New York City. It especially inflames hatred, Free states like Florida. vietnamese: CAN YOU MAKE A STORY THAT CONTAINS THESE FIVE WORDS?: CAUTIOUS MAZE DIFFICULT GROUP JUXTAPOSITION MY VOCABULARY STORY: You must be cautious to deal with a maze of regulatory kinks to take a business in New York City. It kindles hatred, especially in juxtaposition with a free states like Florida.


HINDI: Can you create a story consisting of these five words? over sensitive hidden unnecessary to remove the other side My vocabulary story: World War II the U.S. economy was susceptible to covert additional tariffs for military goods. Unnecessary expenses to fill pockets of money. A wartime control board replaced the ordinary order process to control it. In this way, we were able to surpass every production record and win the war. Arabic: Can you make a story with these five words?: susceptible Hidden Trailing Replace surpass The story of my vocabulary: The U.S. economy in World War II was subject to hidden surcharges for military goods. Unnecessary expenses for the line pockets of wealth. The wartime control panel replaced the normal dialing process to control this. In this way, we were able to bypass every production record and win the war. KOREAN: Can you create a story with these five words?: Vulnerable secret superfluous fallback Surpass My vocabulary story: During World War II, the U.S. economy was vulnerable to covert surcharges on munitions. Unnecessary spending to fill your pockets of riches. The Wartime Control Commission replaced the usual ordering process to control it. In this way, we were able to surpass all production records and win the war. VIETNAMESE: CAN YOU MAKE A STORY THAT CONTAINS THESE FIVE WORDS?: SENSITIVE SNEAKY SUPERFLUOUS REPLACE OVERCOME MY VOCABULARY STORY: The U.S. economy during World War II was susceptible to sneaky additional charges on military goods. Excess spending to line pockets of wealth. A wartime control panel replaced the conventional ordering process to control this. In this way, we were able to surpass all production records and win the fight.
reverse translation of story 55

reverse translation of story 55

better hindi: Can you create a story consisting of these five words? ridicule heresy detachment un involvement a small wicker-basket produced My vocabulary story: The church condemned Galelao and said his doctrines were heretical. This disrupted science and created an emotional alienation among intellectuals. Their society became derivative and uncompetitive.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 77  What Martin Luther Said

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 77 What Martin Luther Said

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 77 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: EXPOSITORY DENOUNCE ENUMERATE DISTINCTION RENOUNCE MY VOCABULARY STORY: Martin Luther wrote several expository publications denouncing the Catholic Church. He enumerated distinctions between it and the original Bible religion of Jesus. He renounced his Catholic priesthood and moved to a country friendly to his ideas. SIMPLE VERSION: Martin Luther wrote several explanatory publications condemning the Catholic Church. He listed differences between it and the original Bible religion of Jesus. He gave up his Catholic priesthood and moved to a country friendly to his ideas.
reverse translation of story 56

reverse translation of story 56

hindi: Can you create a story consisting of these five words? determination crooked strong injurious Digaent. My vocabulary story: The decline of the lantern fly is amazing. They are crooked and courageous. They are harmful to trees. Preventive efforts are being made. Simple version: The staying power of the lantern fly is amazing. They are clever and tough. They are harmful to trees. Efforts are being made to investigate them. arabic: Can you make a story with these five words?: determination twisted Hardy Harmful deterrent Mophradati story: The identification of the lantern fly is amazing. They are elusive and hardy. They are harmful to trees. Deterrents are being experimented with. Simple version: The staying power of lanternfly is amazing. They are cunning and tough. It is harmful to trees. Checks are being tested. korean: Can you make a story with these five words?: determination twisted Hardy Harmful deterrent Mophradati story: The identification of the lantern fly is amazing. They are elusive and hardy. They are harmful to trees. Deterrents are being experimented with. Simple version: The staying power of lanternfly is amazing. They are cunning and tough. It is harmful to trees. Checks are being tested. vietnamese: CAN YOU MAKE A STORY WITH THIS FIVE WORD?: IDENTIFY DEVIOUS HARDY HARMFUL DETERRENCE STORY MY VOCABULARY: The prevention of lantern flies is excellent. They are cunning and healthy. They are detrimental to the plant. Deterrence measures are being adjudicated. SIMPLE VERSION: The power of the lantern fly is amazing. They are cunning and tough. They are harmful to plants. Check they are being tried.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 74      The US Constitution Hope for Liberty

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 74 The US Constitution Hope for Liberty

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 74 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: ENIGMA DISCREDIT PRAGMATIC ELABORATE COMPLEMENT MY VOCABULARY STORY: Its an enigma how people are trying to discredit the writers of the US Constitution. They crafted an elaborate pragmatic document complemented by their hopes for freedom. SIMPLE VERSION: Its a mystery how people are trying to hurt the reputation of the writers of the US Constitution. They crafted a complex workable document bolstered by their hopes for freedom.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 73 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: ELATED PROLIFERATION COLLOQUIAL INADVERTENTLY MISCONCEPTION MY VOCABULARY STORY: I am elated about the proliferation of English in its formal and colloquial form. If this is inadvertently done or on purpose, good! It is a misconception that cell phones are bad for English. SIMPLE VERSION: I am delighted about the spread of English in its formal and conversational form. If this is unintentionally done or on purpose, good! It is a error to think that cell phones are bad for English.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 67   Police Recruits are Anxious

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 67 Police Recruits are Anxious

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 67 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: APPRECIATE APPREHENSION ARBITRARY FRICTION COHESION MY VOCABULARY STORY: I appreciate the apprehension of new police recruits. There is arbitrary violence and friction with the public. The cohesion of the force keeps them going. SIMPLE VERSION: I realize the anxiety of new police recruits. There is random violence and conflict with the public. The unity of the force keeps them going.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 68 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: DIGRESSION ENGAGE CLICHE BOLSTER DOCTRINE MY VOCABULARY STORY: Communist authors make frequent digressions to engage in approved cliches to bolster state doctrines. SIMPLE VERSION: Communist authors make frequent departures from the main subject to state approved platitudes to support state policies.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 69     the American Revolution and the Establishmentt

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 69 the American Revolution and the Establishmentt

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 69 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: FOUNDER DISINCLINATION DISSENT MEDIUM DISCORDANT MY VOCABULARY STORY: The American colonies founders had a disinclination to dissent. This cause medium level trouble during the discordant times of the Revolution. SIMPLE VERSION: The American colonies originators disliked protests. This cause some trouble during the jarring times of the Revolution.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 71   Great Egyptian Temples

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 71 Great Egyptian Temples

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 71 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: PROFUSION LAVISh METHODICAL REGIMEN NUANCE MY VOCABULARY STORY: EGYPT HAS A PROFUSION OF LAVISH TEMPLES. Its builders followed a methodical regimen. Get a guide to appreciate the nuances of the architecture. SIMPLE VERSION: EGYPT HAS A wealth OF sumptuous TEMPLES. Its builders followed a orderly plan. Get a guide to appreciate the subtlies of the architecture.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 70 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: APPEASE EXPLICIT EXPEDITE LIKELIHOOD APPLICATION MY VOCABULARY STORY: Today, employers appease their employees. They make tasks explicit to expedite the work. They hope this will increase the likelihood employees will show application in their efforts. SIMPLE VERSION: Today, employers baby their employees. They make tasks clear to speed up the work. They hope this will increase the chances employees will show diligence in their efforts.