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Mostly vocabulary stories


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 73 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: ELATED PROLIFERATION COLLOQUIAL INADVERTENTLY MISCONCEPTION MY VOCABULARY STORY: I am elated about the proliferation of English in its formal and colloquial form. If this is inadvertently done or on purpose, good! It is a misconception that cell phones are bad for English. SIMPLE VERSION: I am delighted about the spread of English in its formal and conversational form. If this is unintentionally done or on purpose, good! It is a error to think that cell phones are bad for English.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 67   Police Recruits are Anxious

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 67 Police Recruits are Anxious

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 67 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: APPRECIATE APPREHENSION ARBITRARY FRICTION COHESION MY VOCABULARY STORY: I appreciate the apprehension of new police recruits. There is arbitrary violence and friction with the public. The cohesion of the force keeps them going. SIMPLE VERSION: I realize the anxiety of new police recruits. There is random violence and conflict with the public. The unity of the force keeps them going.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 68 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: DIGRESSION ENGAGE CLICHE BOLSTER DOCTRINE MY VOCABULARY STORY: Communist authors make frequent digressions to engage in approved cliches to bolster state doctrines. SIMPLE VERSION: Communist authors make frequent departures from the main subject to state approved platitudes to support state policies.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 69     the American Revolution and the Establishmentt

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 69 the American Revolution and the Establishmentt

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 69 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: FOUNDER DISINCLINATION DISSENT MEDIUM DISCORDANT MY VOCABULARY STORY: The American colonies founders had a disinclination to dissent. This cause medium level trouble during the discordant times of the Revolution. SIMPLE VERSION: The American colonies originators disliked protests. This cause some trouble during the jarring times of the Revolution.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 71   Great Egyptian Temples

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 71 Great Egyptian Temples

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 71 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: PROFUSION LAVISh METHODICAL REGIMEN NUANCE MY VOCABULARY STORY: EGYPT HAS A PROFUSION OF LAVISH TEMPLES. Its builders followed a methodical regimen. Get a guide to appreciate the nuances of the architecture. SIMPLE VERSION: EGYPT HAS A wealth OF sumptuous TEMPLES. Its builders followed a orderly plan. Get a guide to appreciate the subtlies of the architecture.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 70 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: APPEASE EXPLICIT EXPEDITE LIKELIHOOD APPLICATION MY VOCABULARY STORY: Today, employers appease their employees. They make tasks explicit to expedite the work. They hope this will increase the likelihood employees will show application in their efforts. SIMPLE VERSION: Today, employers baby their employees. They make tasks clear to speed up the work. They hope this will increase the chances employees will show diligence in their efforts.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 78  Old Cars have Power Everything

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 78 Old Cars have Power Everything

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 78 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: DISPOSITION DISPARAGE GRATUITOUS EXTRANEOUS REFUTE MY VOCABULARY STORY: Those with a argumentative dispositions, disparage gratuitously given extraneous features on old cars; like motorized side mirrors. However; more level headed people refute their bickering and defend these extras. SIMPLE VERSION: Those with a argumentative mindsets, make fun of uncalled for given extra features on old cars; like motorized side mirrors. However; more level headed people counter their bickering and defend these extras. Information: I have my father’s 1997 Grand Mari by Mercury. It has power this and that. like a comedy. It is a solid car with a lot of creature comforts. It is 1997 technology, a good job. A GPS would have been a god thing to have.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 79  Macy Department Store Founder

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 79 Macy Department Store Founder

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 79 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: NOTORIETY ELOQUENCE MATERIALISM MERCENARY EXEMPT MY VOCABULARY STORY: Macy the eloquent department store founder, earned notoriety for being mercenary and promoting materialism. However; he is largely exempt from criticism is New York, his original headquarters; because of the prosperity he brought to the city. SIMPLE VERSION: Macy the smooth talking department store founder, earned a bad reputation for being greedy and promoting a consumer culture. However; he is largely forgiven in New York, his original headquarters; because of the prosperity he brought to the city. Paraphrase: Macy was one of those shrewed 19th century robber barrons. He was widely known for greed and personally started a culture of consumerism. However; in New York his faults are overlooked because of the great wealth he brought into the City.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 79  The early Internet was like the Wild West

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 79 The early Internet was like the Wild West

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 79 Do Now EXPEDIENT DISMISS DISCOUNTS EXONERATE EXPLOITS CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: MY VOCABULARY STORY: People find it expedient to shop on line but they dismiss unbelievable discounts offered. Salesmen have mostly been exonerated from the exploits and excesses of the wild early days of the internet. SIMPLE VERSION: People find it practical to shop on line but they ignore unbelievable low prices offered. Salesmen have mostly been forgiven from the adventures and excesses of the wild early days of the internet. Paraphrase: The early days of the internet were like the Wild West. Salesman took advantage before regulations were set up to deal with it. A blanket amnesty has been given to those involved. Also buyers are now more sophisticated and less prone to being cheated as the internet has become the easy common marketplace.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY  75  What Jefferson Said

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 75 What Jefferson Said

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 75 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: ZEALOT CANDOR INTEGRITY PITHY CALCULATED MY VOCABULARY STORY: Thomas Jefferson was a zealot. From his candor and integrity sprang pithy statements calculated to inspire people to freedom. SIMPLE VERSION: Thomas Jefferson was a enthusiast. From his opened honesty sprang pointed statements designed to inspire people to freedom.


VOCABULARY STORY 80 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: PREDECESSOR PREDILECTION ENHANCE PRECURSOR NURTURE MY VOCABULARY STORY: The predecessors of modern humans had a predilection for meat enhanced by cooking. The precursor to stove were fire pits. Meat eating nurtured bigger brains. SIMPLE VERSION: The ancestors of modern humans had a liking for meat improved by cooking. The forerunners to stove were fire pits. Meat eating nourished bigger brains.


Here is a statistical game you may be interested in. What I did was give offensive and defensive abilities to fighter you make. There run fights and a winners is determined. There are other programs to find the odds of winning and the payout. There are programs to run automatic tournaments to identify fighters of greater ability. There is a way to run fights quickly and show the winner to winnow through fighters and identify the best.
Vocabulary Story 985  Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers Danced

Vocabulary Story 985 Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers Danced

1 Vocabulary Story 985 Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers Danced . It is fortuitous that Ginger Rodgers and Fred Astaire made dance movies. They left a legacy that has the approbation of film critics. Astaire, an emigrant from England, is held as an idol. His banter with Rodgers was fertile ground for comedy. Their routine by a cataract is hilarious. When Rodgers dissented to be in a fifth film, her proxy was a flop. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 985 Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers Danced . It is fortunate that Ginger Rodgers and Fred Astaire made dance movies. They left a gift that has the approval of film critics. Astaire, an transplant from England, is held as a god. His light back and forth conversation with Rodgers was fodder for comedy. Their scene by a waterfall is side splitting. When Rodgers said no to be in a fifth film, her stand in was a flop. .
Vocabulary Story 986  Why the South Left the US Union

Vocabulary Story 986 Why the South Left the US Union

1 Vocabulary Story 986 Why the South Left the US Union . Circa 1840, a fraternal confederation of thinkers began to call for southern independence. When things started to reach an impasse, they had their toxic repertoire of speeches and actions ready. It was suffused with irrational rhetoric but had cachet with Southerners who felt empathy with them. When they took down the US flag, there was a blithe mood in Southern lands. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 986 Why the South Left the US Union . Around 1840, a brotherly organization of thinkers began to call for southern independence. When things started to reach a deadlock, they had their deadly bag of tricks with speeches and actions ready. It was filled to the brim with nonsensical thinking but had the OK with Southerns who felt oneness with them. When they took down the US flag, there was a cheerful mood in Southern lands. .
Vocabulary Story 987  Why Gold was Banned in the USA

Vocabulary Story 987 Why Gold was Banned in the USA

1 Vocabulary Story 987 Why Gold was Banned in the USA . It is a paradox that with the advent of the gold standard, owning ingots of gold was banned in the US. The protagonist of this move was FDR who had an affinity for economic tinkering, a connoisseur of mercantilism. The economy went into a stupor but government censors muted the news. Heirloom gold ownership was OK and people dissemble a lot to get around the rules. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 987 Why Gold was Banned in the USA . It is an oddity that with the coming of the gold standard, owning gold bars was banned in the US. The lead actor of this move was FDR who had an fondness for economic tinkering, a disciple of mercantilism. The economy went into a swoon but government watchdogs softened the news. Oldly held gold ownership was OK and people lied a lot to get around the rules.
Vocabulary Story 968  The Crude Juggernaut of American Industry

Vocabulary Story 968 The Crude Juggernaut of American Industry

1 Vocabulary Story 968 The Crude Juggernaut of American Industry . The inchoate U.S. industrial sector in the 1870’s showed an unfaultering itinerary of ruthless growth. Forensic study of records, expurgated at the time, prove this. The weak were winnowed out and the derring do rewarded. The poor were strictly partitioned from the rich. Nothing palliated this and the country was heartened by its success. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 968 The Crude Juggernaut of American Industry . The forming U.S. industrial sector in the 1870’s showed an unwavering agenda of pitiless growth. Historical study of records, edited at the time, prove this. The weak were sifted out and the daring rewarded. The poor were strictly walled from the rich. Nothing softened this and the country was encouraged by its success. . .
Vocabulary Story 966  The Fumbles Before the Fall of Rome

Vocabulary Story 966 The Fumbles Before the Fall of Rome

1 Vocabulary Story 966 The Fumbles Before the Fall of Rome . Right before the incipient fall of Rome, a triumvirate ruled the breadth of the empire. There were cabals with contorted ulterior motives; rebellions proliferated. Narcissism was definitely a factor. Rash decisions limited the production of needed munitions. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 966 The Fumbles Before the Fall of Rome . Right before the about to occur fall of Rome, a 3 person team ruled the width of the empire. There were plots with twisted hidden agendas; rebellions multiplied. Self-centeredness was definitely a factor. Hasty unthought out decision limited the production of needed war materials. .
Vocabulary Story 971  Crisis on the US Border

Vocabulary Story 971 Crisis on the US Border

1 Vocabulary Story 971 Crisis on the US Border . There is a migratory mania on tne US border. It’s reaching a terminal stage. People arrive with alacrity, carrying their bibelots. Some suffer corporeal hardships. It’s been ballyhooed that patriotism and nationalism is passe. This has created the right ambiance for an influx of migrants. However; this is not pristine without a lot of crime and political intrigue. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 971 Crisis on the US Border . There is a influx craze on the US border. It’s reaching a final stage. People arrive with joyful quickness, carrying their treasurers. Some suffer bodily hardships. It’s been advertised that patriotism and nationalism are out of date. This has created the right atmosphere for an inflow of migrants. However; this is not clean without a lot of crime and political scheming. .
Vocabulary Story 970  The Desperate Plight of U.S. Cities

Vocabulary Story 970 The Desperate Plight of U.S. Cities

1 Vocabulary Story 970 The Desperate Plight of U.S. Cities . U.S. cities have become squalid with impecunious residents. Diverse criminals skulk and impulsively hurt others. Drug addicts laze in stupors in sultry tenements. Old people are euthanized when they can’t pay for nursing homes. The constituencies are tricked to continue to vote in Democrats, who abuse them. These Democrats are more interested in gemology than the cities. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 970 The Desperate Plight of U.S. Cities . U.S. cities have become foul with impoverished residents. Various criminals prowl and hurt others at a whim. Drug addicts lay in a daze in hot damp tenements. Old people are killed when they can’t pay for nursing homes. The voters are tricked to continue to vote in Democrats, who mistreat them. These Democrats are more interested in gems than the cities. .