I am a teacher of Computer Science with a focus on programming languages, web development, spreadsheets & databases, Adobe Photoshop & Flash and encryption.
The primary focus of my shop is to showcase computing resources and assessment tracking tools to support classroom teachers. Additionally, I hope to pursue my personal interests such as History with topics including Papal History, Kings Queens and PM's, Crusaders, The Black Death, American/British History and 20th Century History.
I am a teacher of Computer Science with a focus on programming languages, web development, spreadsheets & databases, Adobe Photoshop & Flash and encryption.
The primary focus of my shop is to showcase computing resources and assessment tracking tools to support classroom teachers. Additionally, I hope to pursue my personal interests such as History with topics including Papal History, Kings Queens and PM's, Crusaders, The Black Death, American/British History and 20th Century History.
An introduction resource for British History focusing on the Kings and Queens of England since 1066 and British Prime Ministers. The original challenge for this task allowed students to have 30 days to learn the names and dates of both monarchs and PM's in preparation for a 30 question quiz.
The resource is built using PowerPoint and is powered by VBA - the resource collects the users name at the start of the quiz and tracks their score. Throughout the quiz there is feedback depending on the chosen answers, and at the end of the quiz the user is given a percentage score.
A useful resource within any department, the Performance Tracking Chart allows you to quickly and easily compare assessment results and it provides an instant visual representation of the data.
This resource can be used to track progress and achievement, identifying progress made and areas for development. It can be beneficial for planning and developing lesson plans and schemes of work, highlighting differentiation requirements.
This resource has been built using Excel 2010 and will be compatible with both Excel 2010 and 2013. There is an instruction pop-up programmed to appear when the application opens to support new users.
Python Programming Home Learning Course
Lesson 2
This course is suitable for home study, students unable to attend classes due to sickness or as learning material during school closures.
This second lesson begins with a refresher task to review all the skills and programming techniques practiced during Lesson 1.
Students are then introduced to more interactive elements of Python Programming including Nested Loops, Random Values, Switch Case Statements, Casting to a String, String Manipulation and how to Collect Data from a User.
The lesson is completed with the first Python Programming Challenge. Here students will be required to use the programming skills from the last two lessons to build a working game.
Students are requested to review each section of the Lesson Workbook, and to create an Evidence Document of their own where they can record their progress using print-screen evidence and annotations.
This is an ideal lesson pack for remote study, allowing the student to work at their own pace, producing evidence of their programming skills as they progress through the course that can then be forwarded via email to the subject teacher for review, assessment and feedback.
Python Programming Home Learning Course
Lesson 1
This course is suitable for home study, students unable to attend classes due to sickness or as learning material during school closures.
This first lesson focuses on the core elements of Python Programming, and provides access to a free on-line Integrated Development Environment (IDE) where students can practice coding and complete lesson tasks.
Students are requested to review each section of the Lesson Workbook, and to create an Evidence Document of their own where they can record their progress using print-screen evidence and annotations.
This is an ideal lesson pack for remote study, allowing the student to work at their own pace, producing evidence of their programming skills as they progress through the course that can then be forwarded via email to the subject teacher for review, assessment and feedback.
Useful for any subject following an end-of-project assessment: enables the user to enter a maximum of 40 students names and their results into the table. When selected the student information is highlighted and the results are graphically displayed on the left of the screen. Additional information is also automatically provided including the average result, class size, the students class ranking as well as the highest and lowest scores.
This is an excellent resource for tracking and monitoring students progress in each unit, as well as providing a clear record of progress and development, supporting differentiation when revisiting the topic, aiding the completion of reports and highlighting areas for improvement/revision.
This resource has been built using Microsoft Excel 2010 and is compatible with both Excel 2010 and 2013. It uses VBA programming to run the additional features including dynamic selection highlighting and automatic formatting.
Scratch Incremental Development Lesson
This PowerPoint resource walks students through creating:
Each activity is fully explained and an exemplar code is displayed for each task
Parents Evening - Student Grade Visualisation
This spreadsheet has two worksheets - Data and Display. The Data worksheet is where you can add students first and last names - in adherence with GDPR these names are edited with a formula to display the first name and initial only - as well as the effort, behaviour and homework scores for each student. The scores are in the 1-4 format where 1 is the highest grade. In addition the students current and target grade are entered to allow the spreadsheet to calculate how much progress they have made towards their target.
The Display spreadsheet has a drop-down box with all of the students names. Here you can select a student to view the data as well as a graphical display of their progress.
This has been a valuable resource during parents evenings and for 1:1 discussions with students.
An Excel Spreadsheet where you can store you class information and record all of the primary reporting markers (ATT, BEH, EFF, HWK).
The spreadsheet allows the user to select a student to display graphical representations for these primary reporting markers.
To support your report writing, the spreadsheet auto-generates a report comment based on each students data information - which can be copied and used, or edited for your needs.
Additionally, this resource can be very useful during Parent’s Evenings - providing a visual representation of the students progress, and having the report comments to refer to during the meeting.
An excellent teaching resource for ICT / Computing: Number Systems, providing a step-by-step walk though for converting denary (base 10) to binary (base 2) numbers. The application provides two different methods of conversion and allows the user to enter an example number of their choice; the system will then convert their denary value into a binary number, showing the steps taken to do so.
This FULL VERSION includes the built in assessment system to test students knowledge of denary to binary conversion. Additionally there is an CERTIFICATE crated automatically at the end of the assessment that can be printed and saved as a record of achievement.
Complete details of the application are provided in the attached User Guide document.
The resource has been built using Excel 2010 and will be compatible with both Excel 2010 and 2013. The programming for the application is powered by VBA, the application is self-contained and button controlled.
Learning Objectives:
Understand how to control Excel using VBA
Be able to update and change the VBA code
Test how effective your completed user form is
Resource Image Links:
TES Resources - VBA Lesson: Excel Spreadsheet
TES Resources - VBA Lesson: User Form Interface
TES Resources - VBA Lesson: VBA Code
How to Use this Resource:
Resource Description
Differentiation Opportunities:
The level of difficulty (1-9) for completing the various tasks are provided in the link below:
TES Resources - VBA Lesson: Differentiation
Unit 1 - Fundamentals of IT Revision Activity Booklet
This revision resource has been developed for students preparing for the Unit 1 exam in January.
The activity workbook contains overviews, questions and activities for all five Learning Objectives (LO1 - LO5) and a practice Unit 1 exam. To support students independent revision all the answers for the questions, activities and practice exam are also included at the end of the workbook.
This resource is suitable for both remote and on-site study, and is an invaluable resource to support students as they prepare for their exam.
Create an Interactive Quiz using PowerPoint and VBA
Included in this download is …
Full Lesson Plan
Starter Activity Worksheet
VBA_Quiz_START which should be made available to students at the beginning of the lesson
VBA_Quiz_SlideShow_MACRO is the lesson presentation detailing each step of the Quiz
VBA_Quiz_Code_WS is a support worksheet for students who are struggling with the task (full code)
VBA_Quiz_FINAL is a completed VBA Quiz with a name request, 3 questions and a results page
Fun and Informative Lesson …
I have delivered this lesson multiple times and it is always a popular activity, with students able to choose their own quiz topic and design their own questions. Most of the time this activity has stretched over 2 lessons, allowing students who struggle with coding to catch-up, whilst the more gifted students are able to develop and enhance their quiz.
The tracking document is a macro-enabled excel workbook that allows you to add up to 35 students and track their progress through seven separate units of work. The dashboard feature of the workbook displays data graphically to give a clear indication of each students progress.
Attached with the resource is an Overview document that shows each of the accessible worksheets.
This resource is for both teachers and senior management, enabling you to accurately track subject specific actions taken to support Pupil Premium students. Sourcing potential strategies from the Education Endowment Foundation's Teaching and Learning Toolkit, the Pupil Premium Records Tracker encourages you to keep a record of instances where a strategy may be applied to support PP students and give reasons.
All entries to the Pupil Premium Records Tracker are time and date stamped and sorted so only specific students records are viewed when they are selected. There is a print button built into the application which will automatically provide a print-preview of the worksheet.
The bespoke data entry system (Update Records) allows you to select a Pupil Premium student, teacher, identify the current topic, detail current performance grades, select a suitable strategy (built-in to the system) and leave a detailed comment.
Within the data entry section of the application you can enter the students name and if they are a Pupil Premium student. You can also enter the names of teachers - if used within a department you may include all relevant staff and if used school-wide include Heads of Department only (identifying specific teachers in the comments section).
The application is password protected but there is no password needed to unlock the worksheets.
Using MySQL in Microsoft Access
This resource includes two worksheets containing nine tasks, a template evidence document for the students to print-screen and explain the work they have done and an excel export of the YouthOrg Access Database.
You will need to create a new Access document and import the spreadsheet data in order to use the resource.
This is an engaging task that works well as both an independent activity and in small groups. To complete the worksheet tasks and update the evidence document can take between 2-3 lessons.
Worksheet Images
Store Tab - Here you enter student data - max: 92 students / 4 classes
Data Tab - Here you can edit the Grade Boundaries
Dashboard Tab 1 - You can view results filtered by class
Dashboard Tab 2 - You can view results filtered by student - single or multiple selection
Dashboard Tab 3 - You can view results filtered by grade
PLC Tab - You can select by class, then by student to view a complete overview with graph
Using the Resource
I primarily use this resource for assessments - entering student details, the assessment title and the students grade for each question in the STORE TAB - from here everything is automated!
I often use this during department meetings, annual reviews, when writing reports and at parents evenings. Additionally, it is very useful to have data and graphs for each unit assessment to keep students and parents up-to-date with either a printed Personal Learning Checklist (PLC) or digitally via email.