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Fun Quizzes For Fun Classrooms

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I am a Primary Director of International Studies, finding, creating and sharing exciting and interactive resources is my passion in life




I am a Primary Director of International Studies, finding, creating and sharing exciting and interactive resources is my passion in life
30 Weather Pictures Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

30 Weather Pictures Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

Are you teaching your students about different types of weather? These 30 different photos about the weather will make an excellent starting point for anyone looking for ideas about how to introduce their class to different types of weather. This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide using these photo flash cards. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different weather been shown in each of photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about different weather. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different sorts of weather. The students can then discuss how they decided on each type of weather. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing.
30 Colourful Plant Photos Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

30 Colourful Plant Photos Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

Are you starting the topic of plants? Are you looking for a wide range of different plant photos? Here are 30 different photos of plants, including mosses, water plants, flowering plants, trees and leaves. This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide using these photo flash cards. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills. These photos could be printed out and laminated to make a wonderful, eye catching display about different types of plants. The students could watch the presentation and use the photos as prompts for questions and answers about different types of plants. The plant photos could be sorted in different ways or used to create classification keys. The photos could also be used in a literacy lesson and linked to the topic of plants and growing.
30 Orange Photos Presentation. Also Great For Display Work.

30 Orange Photos Presentation. Also Great For Display Work.

Are you teaching your students about the colour orange. I have put together 30 high quality photos were the main colour in the image is orange. These make a great prompt for discussions about where you can see orange around you. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different orange scenes being shown. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about where we see orange in the world. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different sorts of orange. The students can then discuss how they decided on each type of orange. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing.
30 NASA pictures of Mars PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

30 NASA pictures of Mars PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

Are you doing a project on Mars or space exploration. This pack of 30 photos come from the NASA website and focus on what the different rovers have photoed and discovered on Mars. This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide using these photo flash cards. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different materials being shown in each of photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about lights. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different sorts of lights. The students can then discuss how they decided on each type of light. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing.
Life of  Mary Seacole and her own book

Life of Mary Seacole and her own book

Are you studying Mary Seacole with your students? Are you looking for some photos and useful resources to do with your class? I have listed some of the useful resources you could try. I especially enjoyed playing the interactive Mary Seacole online game... I also added her public domain book of her life for more details. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different materials being shown in each of photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Mary Seacole. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing. The students could listen to some of the audio book or play the BBC Online game to further improve their knowledge of this woman.
23 Great Fire Of London Paintings, Maps And Useful Links +31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

23 Great Fire Of London Paintings, Maps And Useful Links +31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

Are you teaching your students about the Great Fire Of London? Are you looking for a great set of resources to make your own display? I have collected lots of different resources about the Great Fire Of London. This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide using these photo flash cards. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different materials being shown in each of photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about the Great Fire Of London. Some of the most important pictures can also be printed out in a zoomed in version for display purposes. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into groups. The students can then discuss how they think each one helps explain the Great Fire Of London. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
31 Images Of Greek, Roman and Norse Myths + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

31 Images Of Greek, Roman and Norse Myths + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

Are you covering Greek, Roman and Norse Myths with your students? Are you looking for some images to support them? I have collected together 31 different images which would make an excellent starting point for discussions about this topic. This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide using these photo flash cards. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different materials being shown in each of image. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Greek, Roman and Norse Myths. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different Greek, Roman and Norse Myths. The students can then discuss how they think each one was used to explain the world. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
30 Images Of Parks And Gardens PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

30 Images Of Parks And Gardens PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

Are you teaching your students about Parks and Gardens? Are you looking for high quality images to make a great display? I have collected together 30 different images of parks and gardens from around the world for you to share with your class. How are they similar to your local park? How are they different? This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide using these photo flash cards. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different materials being shown in each of photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Parks And Gardens. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different types of Parks And Gardens. The students can then discuss what they think they would do in each one. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
30 Photos Of Float Aeroplanes

30 Photos Of Float Aeroplanes

Are you looking for photos of aeroplanes? Are you looking for the special floating planes? I have collected together 30 photos of floating aeroplanes. They would make a nice display or be useful in class discussions about unusual forms of transport. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different materials being shown in each of photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about float aeroplanes. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different types of float aeroplanes. The students can then discuss the problems and benefits of flying float aeroplanes. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
30 Photos Of Aeroplanes PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

30 Photos Of Aeroplanes PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

Are you teaching students about different forms of transport? Are you focusing on aeroplanes? Are you looking for some great visual support? I have collected together 30 high quality images of aeroplanes for you to share with your class. This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide using these photo flash cards. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different aeroplanes being shown in each of photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about aeroplanes. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into types of aeroplanes. The students can then discuss what the function of each type of aeroplane is. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
30 Photos About Using Plastic Around The Home + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

30 Photos About Using Plastic Around The Home + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

Are you teaching your students about different materials? Are you focusing a lesson on the uses of plastics? Are you looking for some visual support to help make your teaching more effective? I have collected 30 images of items made out of plastic which you could use as a discussion focus or print out to make into a colourful, eye catching display. This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide using these photo flash cards. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different uses of plastics being shown in each of photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about the use of plastic in our lives. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into the different uses of plastic. The students can then discuss why they think plastic was a good choice in each case. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
30 Uses Of Stones Photos PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

30 Uses Of Stones Photos PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

Are you looking at the different uses of stone? I have collected 30 high quality photos of different stone objects for you to share with your class. This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide using these photo flash cards. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different uses of stones being shown in each of photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about how we use stone. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into the different uses of stone. The students can then discuss why they think each one was used. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
30 Uses Of Glass Photos Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities To Try In The Classroom

30 Uses Of Glass Photos Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities To Try In The Classroom

Are you teaching about different materials? Are you focusing on the uses of glass? Are you looking for visual resources to to support your teaching in this subject? I have collected together 30 high quality photos of glass objects which would make an excellent display or a great introduction into the features of glass and the uses of glass. It comes complete with a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide to help you get the most out of your teaching and this purchase. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different uses of glass being shown in each of photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about the uses of glass. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into the different uses of glass. The students can then discuss what they think why did people choose to use glass in each of the images. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
30 Fabric Photos PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For The Classroom!

30 Fabric Photos PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For The Classroom!

Are you looking at different materials and fabrics? Are you wanting to use some visual support to make your lesson more effective? I have collected 30 photos of fabrics which your students are free to sort into different groups and discuss. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different materials being shown in each of photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about different fabrics. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different types of fabrics. The students can then discuss why they think each one was used or something they could make with it. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
30 Photos and images of Australian animals PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities

30 Photos and images of Australian animals PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities

Are you studying Australia? Are you wanting to cover the different animals there? I have collected 30 photos of Australian animals you could use as part of a display or an opening lesson. This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide using these photo flash cards. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different animals being shown in each of photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Australian Animals. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different types of animals. The students can then research their living requirements and if they are in danger of becoming extinct. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
30 Tower Photos PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide For Using These Cards

30 Tower Photos PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide For Using These Cards

Are you looking at buildings? Are you interesting in really tall buildings and towers? I have collected together 30 photos of tall buildings and structures for you to discuss with your class. This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different towers being shown in each of the photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about towers around the world. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different types of towers. The students can then discuss why they think each one was built. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Clothes Visual Prompt Stories + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

Clothes Visual Prompt Stories + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different clothes being shown in each of the photos. This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide using these photo flash cards. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching set of story prompts. The students could also take five of the laminated photos and create them into a story . The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Minibeasts Visual Story Prompts - What if I was an insect?

Minibeasts Visual Story Prompts - What if I was an insect?

Minibeasts Visual Story Prompts is a fun set of worksheets based around different insects. The students imagine they are the insect. What would they see, feels, smell and touch? This is a wonderful way of getting the students to think like an insect. Let their imaginations run riot! You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different minibeasts being shown in each of the photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching set of story prompts. The students could also take five of the laminated photos and create them into a story . The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Myths Visual Story Prompts - Creative Writing Prompt Sheet About Myths

Myths Visual Story Prompts - Creative Writing Prompt Sheet About Myths

I have developed a nice creative writing prompt for students. It helps them bring each of the pictures to life. What can they see, hear, touch, taste and smell in each of the pictures. These writing prompts are a great way of improving their writing skills and making sure their writing becomes richer in detail and more organised in structure. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different mythical beasts being shown in each of the photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching set of story prompts. The students could also take five of the laminated photos and create them into a story . The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Paper Bags Visual Story Prompts - Creative Writing Using All Your Senses

Paper Bags Visual Story Prompts - Creative Writing Using All Your Senses

This is a fun creative writing worksheet. The students are simply shown a paper bag with a funny expression on its face. They then need to imagine they are the paper bag and write a story about why it feels like it does. They have to imagine why it is feeling happy, sad, scared etc... using their senses as a cue. What might the bag be seeing, hearing, smelling, touching and tasting to give it the expression it has on its face. This will help the students to become more creative, write more detailed descriptions and organise their work better. This is a perfect way of preparing for the KS1 SATs tests and the KS2 SATs tests. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different feelings Mr Paper Bag being shown in each of the photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching set of story prompts. The students could also take five of the laminated photos and create them into a story . The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.