A sequence of activities to help students describe their phone: (i) an adjective sorting activity (ii) selct adjectives for an advertising campaign (iii) a bit of grammar (iv) some useful phrases.
Interactive drag-and-drop activity for practising the numbers 1 to 21 in French. All 21 numbers are embedded but the activity will select 10 numbers at random to practise each time it is opened. It will also arrange the vocab in random order. With any luck it will never be the same twice.
A synopsis of the film in the Present Tense up to the point where Hardenberg is kidnapped. Students have to read the synopsis and then re-write the text in either the Perfect or the Imperfect Tense, depending on which of the two attached files you use. (I've uploaded this to replace an earlier version which doesn't seem to display the file.)
Simple toolkits to help students go beyond 'er / sie ist + adjective' when describing friends and relatives.
- He / she looks ...
- He / she can be ...
- I think he / she is ...
- I find him / her ...
plus a load of adjectives
I made this for my FL2 class to practise the Perfect Tense with haben and sein in the context of daily routine. The pair work cycles through three times, with the on-screen support reduced each time.
Powerpoint containing multiple choice trivia questions followed by images desiged to provoke discussion. (The quiz questions are different to the ones in the German ppt)
I showed my KS4 classes the Til Schweiger film KOKOWÄÄH and they loved it. Some of the scenes are very accessible in terms of the language level, so I transcribed one of the scenes and added some activities. You'll need a copy of the film, though.
Interactive drag and drop activity featuring modal verbs plus werden. There are twenty one items embedded in the game, but it will select ten at random each time it is opened, and will arrange them in random order. Will work in a computer suite, or on the IW.
This is a re-vamped version of a text I have uploaded elsewhere. It now has additional exercises. The text has been simplified slightly and is now followed by (i) a comprehension activity (ii) a find the phrase exercise (iii) grammar practice of TMP (iv) a manipulation exercise (v) a translation exercise (vi) a speaking activity and (vii) an essay