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Petermorris2001's Shop

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Everything in the shop is a pound cheaper than in Poundland.




Everything in the shop is a pound cheaper than in Poundland.
Essen und trinken INTERVIEW

Essen und trinken INTERVIEW

Revision of the paradigms of essen and trinken, followed by an exercise in which students must generate questions which they will use to interview a partner. They then conduct the interview, record the answers, and finally write up their results in the third person.
Harry Styles will zum Bahnhof DIALOG

Harry Styles will zum Bahnhof DIALOG

Revision of useful phrases relating to asking the way and understanding directions. followed by a look at the formal versus the informal imperatives of four key verbs. This sets the students up for a playscript in which heart-throb Harry Styles has to ask the way to the station, having been given his marching orders by Taylor Swift. The script then becomes the basis for a writing task.
Introduction to Wie komme ich zum / zur ... ?

Introduction to Wie komme ich zum / zur ... ?

ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS. Powerpoint to help pupils to deduce the grammar underpinning the question 'Wie komme ich zum / zur / zum ... ?'. Examples of masc. fem. and nt. destinations followed by a grid, which can be completed following discusion of the patterns the pupils have observed.
Globale Probleme

Globale Probleme

Two resources for able KS4 students. The first is a vocab match-up activity to introduce students to some key vocab relating to Global Problems. The second is a text relating to Global Problems, followed by a True / False / Not in Text activity, a sentence building activity using a toolkit to help students quantify their levels of concern, plus some questions for students to answer about what should or should not be done in order to improve things. (The text is watered down from a text I originally wrote for Lernpunkt Deutsch.)
Das Internet TEXT u AUFGABEN

Das Internet TEXT u AUFGABEN

Three short texts about what teenagers use the internet for, followed by questions in English, a 'find the phrase' activity, a minor Grammar point, a manipulation exercise, a 'find the tense' exercise, and a writing task.


Structure for extended pair work in which pupils must compare what they are allowed and not allowed to do. Paradigm of dürfen provides on-page support. Could be followed by whole-class discussion.
An introduction to 'Pour aller  ...?'

An introduction to 'Pour aller ...?'

This activity is derived from a Powerpoint on Asking The Way, originally uploaded by sammy_lou710 , but has been re-worked in terms of content and format. I designed it for my Year 8 class to work through independently in the computer suite, but it could be adapted easily to be presented on the IW.
Mein Haustier II

Mein Haustier II

This is similar to meion Haustier which I uploaded previously, but has been edited to suit my Year 7 class. Five authentic blogs about pets, written by relatively young native-speakers.( I've changed the names of the writers and the pets.) The texts are followed by comprehension and manipulation exercises and a toolkit to help the students form a range of sentences.
REFLEXIVES Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch

REFLEXIVES Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch

Dialogue set at a party in Hogwarts. The students are given the beginning of the dialogue and must reconstruct the rest using a selection of speech bubbles and a bit of imagination. Lots of practice of sich duschen, sich amüsieren and sich erbrechen.
Mein Haustier

Mein Haustier

Five authentic blogs about pets written by relatively young native-speakers.( I've changed the names of the writers and the pets.) The texts are followed by comprehension and manipulation exercises and a little bit of grammar.
Der Banküberfall PLAYSCRIPT

Der Banküberfall PLAYSCRIPT

Playscript practising transactional language relating to the changing of foreign curency. In this unlikely scenario Darth Vader changes some money in a bank, then returns later to rob it, but is foiled by the quick thinking of Austin Powers ...