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Physicsfairy's Shop

Average Rating4.42
(based on 226 reviews)

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler"-Albert Einstein. These wise words from the worl'd greatest physicist has long inspired my lesson plans, ensuring that concepts are made as simple as possible without dumbing down. All paid for lessons follow the same design, all lessons are clearly differentiated, with plenty of peer assessment and self assessment to reduce teacher workload and are fun and engaging for student and teacher alike.




"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler"-Albert Einstein. These wise words from the worl'd greatest physicist has long inspired my lesson plans, ensuring that concepts are made as simple as possible without dumbing down. All paid for lessons follow the same design, all lessons are clearly differentiated, with plenty of peer assessment and self assessment to reduce teacher workload and are fun and engaging for student and teacher alike.
Physics Christmas Fun

Physics Christmas Fun

5 Resources
Five activities to get you and your students into the Christmas spirit. Including a full KS3 science skills lesson, GCSE christmas equation activity and two fun A-level revision activities in Mechanics and Quantum Phenomena and a some Physics angels to decorate your classroom.
Forensic Science Careers Poster

Forensic Science Careers Poster

21 posters showing the wide variety of specialisms within Forensic Science with a variety of real images of people working within those fields. Each poster also has a list of recommended A-levels for that area of forensics.
Christmas Science Skills

Christmas Science Skills

A fun Christmas lesson covering the basics of means and ranges. The lesson has an introduction where the students help an elf monitor the reindeer training program before completing their own experiment to put into practice the skills they have just learned. A perfect way to have a fun Christmas lesson whilst ensuring your students still gain curriculum knowledge in the lesson. for the lesson you will need: Balloons, String, straws. stopwatches, clamp stands (or something else to tie the string to)
Young's Modulus

Young's Modulus

A full lesson covering the Young’s Modulus, how to use a micrometer screw-gauge and the required practical 4 for AQA. There are also a few questions including a past paper QWC question
World Cup Science Skills/data handling

World Cup Science Skills/data handling

This is a lesson looking at how and when to draw different graphs, identifying variables and analysing a graph or data and planning an experiment. There are three different worksheets at the beginning to go with the PowerPoint, one for low ability, one for intermediate and one for high ability students to be printed off before the lesson.
Santa's Mechanics Mix-Up

Santa's Mechanics Mix-Up

A fun Christmas revision lesson. Santa’s elves have mixed up all the presents! Each present has an a-level physics mechanics maths based question on it. Some questions are easy, some questions are difficult. Can you students match the present to the right house in time for Christmas Eve? There are 24 questions complete with a teacher’s guide containing all answers. Students could quite easily spend over an hour solving these puzzles, whilst practicing all the equations they have learnt for year 12 mechanics. Make the last lesson of term a useful but also fun lesson for your students!
Scalars and Vectors (Introduction to Mechanics)

Scalars and Vectors (Introduction to Mechanics)

This is a full lesson for introducing Scalars and Vectors for A-level physics, for a very mixed ability group. The lesson includes activities, worked examples, answers and differentiated learning objectives. The lesson includes two fun activities and a fully differentiated drill sheet, covering E-grade all the way to pre-university level questions for your most able students. The lesson powerpoint includes worked example answers.
P2.2 Force Mass and Acceleration

P2.2 Force Mass and Acceleration

This lesson acts as an introduction to Newton's Second law for a high ability year 10 class. The lesson uses road safety as one of its main themes to engage the students to help them realise the importance of this rule. The lesson includes differentiated questions to be used the with CGP Essential Formula Practice book. The lesson also includes a practical.
Edison Vs Telsa (AC/DC Currents)

Edison Vs Telsa (AC/DC Currents)

This worksheet is aimed at a low ability class studying alternating and direct currents. The videos attached go nicely with this worksheet. To finish off I got my pupils to debate who they would rather be, Thomas Edison or Nickola Telsa. Feedback Appreciated.
Waves - Phase and phase difference (lesson 2)

Waves - Phase and phase difference (lesson 2)

This is the second lesson for A-level physics on waves. this lesson looks at Amplitude, wave properties and phase. The lesson covers phase in fractions, degrees and radians. A fully differentiated lesson with a fun board game to liven up the topic and a homework activity.


A full lesson including an extended writing task, a crossword and a worked example covering the learning objectives required for AQA GCSE Physics


A whole lesson covering resistivity for A-level physics, including what resistivity is, semiconductors and superconductors.
Introduction to A-level Electricity

Introduction to A-level Electricity

A full lesson introducing the electricity topic for AQA physics. Covering Current and Voltage, Ohm’s law and I-V graphs. Lesson includes questions with answers and an experiment
Freefall and projectile Motion

Freefall and projectile Motion

A full lesson plan for a mixed ability sixth form class on projectile motion and free fall. Could be used over two lessons. Includes a step by step projectile motion worksheet for weaker students.
A-level Electricity

A-level Electricity

3 Resources
Three complete two hour lessons covering the first 6 topics in the Electricity chapter for AQA Physics
Physics Angels

Physics Angels

Make your own physics decorations for your tree or classroom! A fun Christmas activity (although could be used at other times of the year), the “angels” of physics come with an equation they are closely associated with, students can then get creative by adding their own wings. I will also be setting my students the task of writing a biography about their “angel” over the Christmas break.
Mechanics Easter Egg Hunt

Mechanics Easter Egg Hunt

A fun revision lesson covering all of the equations students need to know for the Mechanics topic for AQA year 12 physics. Each easter egg has a question and an answer to a previous question on it. Students work in teams to solve the question to help them find the next egg. With over 35 questions, some easy some difficult it should take most A-level classes at least 1 hour to complete this. For a bit of extra fun, try turning it into a competition, where teams get a mini egg for each correctly solved question at the end of the lesson!