I am a subject leader for a successful Geography department. We currently teach AQA Geography at GCSE & A level. Over my twenty years of teaching experience, I have found that modelling is the most effective way of supporting students with exam preparation. My shop will save you many hours of preparation by supplying you with numerous model answers and supporting activities.
I am a subject leader for a successful Geography department. We currently teach AQA Geography at GCSE & A level. Over my twenty years of teaching experience, I have found that modelling is the most effective way of supporting students with exam preparation. My shop will save you many hours of preparation by supplying you with numerous model answers and supporting activities.
This resource pack includes revision material to help prepare students for the water & carbon unit of the AQA Geography course. However, these materials would also be useful for AS & A level courses from other exam boards.
A case study of a river catchment(s) at a local scale appeared in AQA Geography AS exam during 2017 however, it is yet to appear in the AQA exam for A2, so I have decided to focus in greater depth on this section for 2021. The specification lists this case study at the end of the unit & asks students to “examine the themes above” (i.e. carbon cycle as well as the water cycle) therefore to develop lateral thinking skills I have focused on helping students to consider how the changes in the carbon cycle can impacts upon the drainage basin system.
Resources included:
Three & half pages of key terms with definitions.
2a) Model answer for the following question:
Assess the extent to which there are inter-relationships between processes in the carbon cycle and factors driving change in the flows and stores of water within river catchment(s) at a local scale. (20 marks)
2b) Previous model answer adapted into a model answer for the following question: (Please note this not a completely different model answer)
Assess the potential impacts of human interference in the carbon cycle upon run-off variations for a river catchment(s) at a local scale. (20 marks)
This essay is VERY similar to the previous example; however, it can be used to show how prior knowledge can be adapted to different questions.
List of sources that have been used within the previous model answer. The link to the National River Flow Archive it of much use. These model answers could easily be adapted to a local river elsewhere in the country, perhaps one that is local to the students that you teach.
Additional question and plan that students can use to further develop their exam technique.
Exemplar answers to these questions from the 2019 AQA A level paper:
‘Shoreline management/integrated coastal zone management can effectively tackle the expected eustatic sea level change and associated threat to coastal landscapes over the coming decades.’ 20 marks
Using Figure 6 and your own knowledge, assess the role of vegetation in the development of this landscape. (6 marks)
Explain the formation of a saltmarsh environment. (4 marks)
AQA Geography A level exam 2018 - Water & Carbon model answers.
Model answers for the Carbon and Water section of the AQA Geography A level exam of 2018.
This model answers have been written in order to meet the criteria of the mark scheme.
This document includes answers for the following questions:
01.1 Explain the role of cryospheric change in the water cycle.
01.2 – Analyse the data shown in figure 1.
01.3 Using figure 2 and your own knowledge, assess the challenges associated with reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
01.4 Assess the potential cause and impacts of changes in the water balance within a tropical rainforest that you have studied.
Supportive materials to help students with the pre-release material.
A cost benefit analysis activity.
Example 9 mark style question as well as an exemplar answer.
With reference to at least one food commodity or one manufactured product. Assess the extent that international trade and investment can promote stability, growth and development for people and places. (20 marks)
Exemplar answer to this question with supporting activities.