An Alevel Chemistry resource on calculating very low concentrations of solutions. The worksheet includes questions (and also worked examples which help the students complete the worksheet). Questions on calculating concentration in ppm (parts per million), mass of ions, avagodro’s constant, number of ions etc.) Answers are included.
A knowledge organiser on the AQA GCSE topic Chemical calculations. Includes information on the scientific terms: RAM, RFM, conservation of mass, mole, avagadro constant, excess & limiting reagents, titrations , formulae trianagles for all the calculations etc. Also contains more depth on the steps required in a titration, diagrams of flasks used and indicators etc. Also includes information about volume of gases, atom economy and percentage yield. Is everything the students need to know on one page before attempting the calculations. Can be expanded onto an A3 page. Relevant for the new 2018 exams.
A bundle of 4 resources suitable for the new AQA GCSE Chemistry syllabus. Resources on paper chromatography include a knowledge organiser containing all the facts on chromatography that students need to know, a differentiated 1-9 worksheet featuring exam style questions and a plenary chromatography traffic light quiz (useful for assessment for learning at the end of the lesson) and finally a cut and stick activity.
A Knowledge organiser on the AQA GCSE topic Paper chromatography. Contains all the information they need to know on the method, apparatus, mobile/stationary phases, calculating Rf values etc. includes examples of chromatograms. The resource is editable and can be printed out on A3 paper for the students to revise from. Suitable for the new 2018 GCSE.
A GCSE Chemistry knowledge organiser on topic 2 structure and bonding suitable for the new 2018 GCSE AQA syllabus. Contains information on the structure and bonding of ionic, simple covalent, giant covalent, graphene, fullerenes, metals and alloys. Includes descriptions and diagrams of their structure and explanation of how their strucutre links to their physical properties (melting & boiling points, conductivity etc.
A bundle of four resources on the A-Level Chemistry topic of Polymers, amino acids and DNA. Includes three knowledge organisers and a worksheet. The knowledge organisers includes information on all the syllabus content for polymers, amino acids, proteins and DNA. The worksheet includes practice questions on amino acids.
Contains all the facts from the AQA A-Level Chemistry syllabus on structure of proteins including sequence of amino acids joined by peptide links, hydrogen bonding, sulfur–sulfur bonds, primary, secondary (α-helix and β–pleated sheets,) tertiary structures and fibrous/globular proteins.
A bundle of three resources on shapes of molecules. theres a set of cue cards, an information sheet on how to calculate electron pair repulsion theory and then a worksheet requiring students to input information on number of lone pairs, bond pairs, bond angles and shape. Suitable for the new 2015 A-Level exams.
A worksheet on the GCSE Chemistry topic of electrolysis. Contains questions on the apparatus used, oxidation & reduction, ionic equations, electrolysis of lead bromide, aluminium oxide and aqueous solutions. Answers are included.
This is a differentiated A-level chemistry revision resource covering the different types of Ecell questions. There are 8 sections, each one increasing in difficulty. The resource is editable and the markscheme is provided. Could be used in a revision lesson at the end of the topic. There is also useful tips on how to calculate Ecell and writing of cell diagrams. There is one of every type of Ecell question that students could be tested on in an exam. Takes about 2 hours to complete.
I also have several other resources like this one in my shop on moles, pV=nRT, redox titrations, entropy, Equilibrium Kc & Kp, pH calculations and also buffer calculations. Each one covers all the different types of calculations they need to revise for the exams.
A GCSE Chemistry revision resource on Quantitative chemistry (moles) which contains questions on the new AQA Quantitative chemistry chapter (Separate Science). The resource includes revision on one of every type of calculation they have to know to prepare for the new GCSE 2018 exams. The resource includes 16 sections (3 pages) of calculations on determining relative formula mass, moles, reacting masses, limiting reactants, percentage yield, atom economy, concentration, titrations and volume of gases. The resource contains answers for every question. Takes about 2 hours for the students to complete.
Eight resources on the thermal decomposition of the group 1 and 2 nitrates and carbonates. The first resource is a differentiated worksheet with the questions designed around the style of AQA, Edexcel and OCR exam papers and test students on every aspect of the topic including the reactions, observations, trends, theory of charge density/polarisation and finishes with a few questions on how we measure it experimentally. I looked at exam papers from all three exam boards when designing this resource so that it provides comprehensive coverage for my students. Answers are included. There is also a resource which goes through the qualitative observations associated with thermal decomposition of the carbonates and nitrates (what’s observed e.g limewater goes cloudy, brown gas of Nitrogen dioxide etc). I have also included a spider diagram of the reactions/observations and Power Points which explain the science behind it. There is then a hexagon activity and a challenge grid, both designed at stretching & challenging the students.
A set of revision structure strips covering all of the new 2016 AQA GCSE Chemistry trilogy (combined) syllabus for papers 1 & 2. Structure strips are a simple but effective way that students can revise the large amount of knowledge in the new syllabus. There is complete coverage of the knowledge for each topic. The structure strips stick into the margins of an exercise book and students write the answer to each question. 310 questions on the topics: Atomic structure, periodic table, structure and bonding, chemical changes, electrolysis and energy changes, Rates and equilibrium, Crude oil and fuels, chemical analysis, The Earth’s atmosphere and The Earth’s resources. Answers to every question provided.
A bundle of 20 knowledge organisers I have made for the new 2015 A-Level Chemistry syllabuses. The knowledge organisers are on the following topics: atomic structure and the periodic table, acid base equilibria (pH), Ecell, thermodynamics (Entropy), Equilibrium, organic chemistry (hydrocarbons, crude oil, fuels, organic synthesis, polymers, proteins, DNA, amino acids), transition metals, periodic table, bonding and infra red spectra. The knowledge organisers have complete coverage of all the knowledge students need to know before they go on to tackle exam questions.
A bundle of 5 resources on electrolysis. Includes a knowledge organiser, a worksheet, a cut & stick activity, a group relay quiz on electrolysis of solutions and a traffic light quiz. Suitable for the new GCSE AQA 2018 syllabus. The knowledge organiser includes information on electrolysis, electrolytes, anode, cathode, oxidation, reduction, ionic equations etc. Also includes revision on electrolysis of lead bromide, aluminium oxide and sodium chloride solution . There is also information on how to determine the products at the anode and cathode for aqueous solutions. The cut & stick focusses on the electrolysis of lead bromide and aluminium oxide. The quizzes test the students knowledge on all of these concepts.
A set of 128 printable flash cards suitable for the AQA A-Level Chemistry topic of Organic chemistry. Questions cover theory on the naming, sketching of displayed, structural and skeletal formulae, fractional distillation, cracking, reforming, oxidation, combustion, hydrogenation, electrophilic addition, inductive effect, polymerisation etc. Covers all the informtion they need to know about introductory chemistry on the alkanes and alkenes including the mechanisms of free radical substitution and electrophilic additon (markovnikov). In PowerPoint format, the cue cards print out in the correct format. Once printed, all it takes 1 minute to slice the cards and prepare a set, is formatted so the answers will show on the reverse of the question card.
A lesson on Grignard reactions consisting of a PowerPoint and a worksheet. Suitable for all A-level exam boards. covers the 3 steps in the Grignard reaction and includes information on how to get the reaction started, solvent, conditions and relevant equations. The editable worksheet comes with answers.
A set of revision structure strips on the new AQA GCSE Chemistry syllabus for paper 2. The structure strips fit into the margins of an exercise book and students write the answer to each question in the lines beside. 120 questions covers topics Rates and equilibrium, Crude oil and fuels, chemical analysis, The Earth’s atmosphere and The Earth’s resources. Answers to every question provided.
An A-Level Chemistry resource on isotopes and relative atomic mass. Includes the definitions of isotope, RAM and relative isotopic mass. Questions require students to identify the particles present in atoms, isotopes and ions. Calculations on determining relative atomic mass (given percentage abundance, relative abundance or relative isotopic mass). Three sections with each section increasing in difficulty. Section three requires students to identify the relative isotopic mass of a species given the relative atomic mass. Suitable for the new 2018 A-Level syllabuses. Answers are included.