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Pompey Rich's Educational Emporium (est in the year 10,191)

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A local shop full of precious things




A local shop full of precious things
REVISION: "Ecosystems under stress"

REVISION: "Ecosystems under stress"

A Level revision notes Colour coded: green statistics; yellow definitions; blue dates Nature of ecosystems Food chains, trophic levels and food webs Succession Example of a terrestrial ecosystem in the UK- The chalk downlands of the South Downs Climate change Human exploitation of the global environment Global trends in biodiversity An example of a tropical coral reef system, the Jamaican coral reef Biome 1- Tropical evergreen forest Biome 2- The savannah grassland biome Case study of a specified ecosystem at a local scale- The Sefton Coast sand dunes
REVISION: "Global systems and global governance"

REVISION: "Global systems and global governance"

A Level revision notes Colour coded: green statistics; yellow definitions; blue dates Systems framework and their application Factors of production Flows of capital, labour, products, services, information Global marketing Factors in globalisation North American Free Trade Agreement The World Trade Organization Issues associated with interdependence Barriers to trade and protectionism Trends in the volume and pattern of international trade, Fair Trade, Ethical investment Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Nature and role of TNCs Apple Inc.- a transnational corporation International development agencies
REVISION: "The beginning of Elizabeth’s reign, 1558-63"

REVISION: "The beginning of Elizabeth’s reign, 1558-63"

A Level revision notes Colour coded: green statistics; yellow definitions; blue dates Elizabeth’s accession Elizabeth’s religious settlement, 1558-63 Marriage and the succession: Elizabeth’s dilemma Social and economic conditions in the mid-sixteenth century
REVISION: "Unseen Context"

REVISION: "Unseen Context"

A Level revision notes The Renaissance (1300s-1700s) The Age of Enlightenment (1700s) Romanticism (1800s-1850s) + Victorian era (1837-1901) Transcendentalism (1830s-1850s) Realism (late 1800s/early 1900s) Naturalism (late 1800s/early 1900s) Existentialism (late 1800s/early 1900s) The Beat Generation (1950s) Modernism (1900s)
REVISION: "Othello"

REVISION: "Othello"

A Level revision notes Context Setting Othello Desdemona Othello and Iago Othello and Desdemona Desdemona and Brabantio Iago and Emilia


PLEASE NOTE: the TES preview does not display the font correctly! Based on the classic game Players move around the board trying to develop their country Move up the ladders and down the snakes according to geographical events Squares based on real countries and their 2018 HDI scores Took the idea from geographypods.com and made my own version (Suggest board is printed A4 and laminated)


Powerpoint and activities outlining how the mechanisation of farming and commercial fishing provide food Blooms and 9-1 differentiated questions/activities eg Grades 1-2 (Knowledge): You each have at least one clue… swap ideas to help you complete the following task. Describe how modern farming affects the environment by completing the labels surrounding the photo Grades 8-9 (Evaluation): Use the picture of ‘The Environmental Effects of Commercial Fishing’ to: (a) Identify six problems caused by fishing (number them on the picture). (b) In your book, assess the harm done to ocean ecosystems by trawlers, then explain the criteria you would use to assess the six impacts Find out how the farms we get our food from damages the environment (annotate photo) Find out how eating fish causes damage to the environment
Resource Reliance 4: "TROUBLED WATER"

Resource Reliance 4: "TROUBLED WATER"

Powerpoint and activities investigating how reservoirs help secure water supplies (but also damage the environment) “Chat/info stations” about the Three Gorges Dam in China: Location Water supply Sediment Waste Wildlife Forced migration Each info station has Blooms and 9-1 differentiated questions/activities eg Grades 1-2 (Knowledge): Describe the location of the Three Gorges Dam. Make a list of the ways in which the Three Gorges Dam has harmed Chinese wildlife Grades 8-9 (Evaluation): Explain the criteria you would use to assess the siting of the Three Gorges HEP project. Justify your choice of ONE animal to protect that is endangered by the Three Gorges Dam
Resource Reliance 1: "FEED THE WORLD"

Resource Reliance 1: "FEED THE WORLD"

Powerpoint and activities outlining the factors leading to demand outstripping the supply of food, energy and water Blooms and 9-1 differentiated questions/activities eg Grades 1-2 (Knowledge): Complete the line graph showing World population growth. Describe how the World’s population has changed since 1800 (try to write two paragraphs for 6 marks) Grades 8-9 (Evaluation): Complete the line graph showing Global water consumption’. Complete the table showing ‘Global oil extraction’. Which resource (oil or water) would be the most important to find new source for the 21st century? Justify your answer Drawing and analysing line graphs
Russia Thinking Skills

Russia Thinking Skills

I have made a range of topic-specific resources based upon activities in David Leat’s ‘Thinking Through Geography’. They can be dropped into individual lessons or a ‘Russia’ scheme of work. RUSSIA OR BRITAIN Pairs of images for students to discuss, with interesting Russian trivia WHAT COMES NEXT? Six sets of Russia-related photos to discuss and suggest the next feature ODD-ONE-OUT Six sets of Russia-related keywords, place names, etc. Can be used as starters LATERAL THINKING Six Russia-related dilemmas to solve (if possible!) ODD-ONE-OUT Six sets of Russia-related photos, can be used as starters LIVING GRAPH Choose 10 clues from 20 to annotate demographic graphs of Russia MIND MOVIE STORYBOARD Script (and images) about the the volcanoes and industry in Kamchatka CLASSIFICATION 32 facts about the Siberian industry to sort into a Case Study sheet MOST LIKELY TO… Five sets of Russia-related photos with a decision making element WHO? WHAT? WHY? WHEN? Photos of Russia to help formulate ‘W’ questions and prompt discussion IT’S A MYSTERY 32 facts for a pair-share activity about the Russian annexation of Crimea MIND MOVIE SCRIPT Choices facing a Nenets teenager in rapidly-developing Siberia THOUGHT CHAINS Using a concept map about Siberian Tigers to construct logical analysis HEXAGONS AND GEOG WEB Make links to explain the effects of climate change on Russia’s Polar Bears MAKING A… Choose from a menu of features to design a sustainable Black Sea resort DECISION MAKING Use a variety of resources to decide on the best Russian city for UK tourists ROLE PLAY Resources to help decide on the exploitation of Siberian fossil fuel reserves Reading Photos Twelve photos to promote discussion and connect Geographical features
Nigeria Thinking Skills

Nigeria Thinking Skills

I have made a range of topic-specific resources based upon activities in David Leat’s ‘Thinking Through Geography’. They can be dropped into individual lessons or into a ‘Nigeria’/‘Africa’ scheme of work. NIGERIA OR BRITAIN Pairs of images for students to discuss, with interesting Nigerian trivia WHAT COMES NEXT? Six sets of Nigeria-related photos to discuss and suggest the next feature ODD-ONE-OUT Six sets of Nigeria-related keywords, place names, etc. Can be used as starters LATERAL THINKING Six Nigeria-related dilemmas to solve (if possible!) ODD-ONE-OUT Six sets of Nigeria-related images, can be used as starters LIVING GRAPH Choose 10 clues from 20 to annotate graphs of Nigeria’s oil revenues MIND MOVIE STORYBOARD Script (and images) about a family affected by the oil industry in the Niger Delta CLASSIFICATION 32 facts about malaria in Nigeria to sort into a Case Study sheet MOST LIKELY TO… Six sets of Nigeria-related photos with a decision making element WHO? WHAT? WHY? WHEN? Photos of Nigeria to help formulate ‘W’ questions and prompt discussion IT’S A MYSTERY 32 facts for a pair-share activity about high-level corruption in Nigeria MIND MOVIE SCRIPT The story of a Nigerian migrant attempting to reach Europe THOUGHT CHAINS Using a concept map about the Great Green Wall to construct logical analysis HEXAGONS AND GEOG WEB Make links to explain terrorism (Boko Haram, Niger Delta Avengers) in Nigeria MAKING A… Choose from a menu of features to design a sustainable Sahelian school DECISION MAKING Use a variety of resources to choose a low tech way to halt desertification ROLE PLAY Resources to help decide if the Eko Atlantic development should be completed Reading Photos Twelve photos to promote discussion and connect Geographical features
China Thinking Skills

China Thinking Skills

I have made a range of topic-specific resources based upon activities in David Leat’s ‘Thinking Through Geography’. They can be dropped into individual lessons or a ‘China’ scheme of work. WHAT COMES NEXT? Four sets of China-related photos to discuss and suggest the next feature ODD-ONE-OUT Six sets of China-related keywords, place names, etc. Can be used as starters LATERAL THINKING Six China-related dilemmas to solve (if possible!) ODD-ONE-OUT Six sets of China-related photos, can be used as starters LIVING GRAPH Choose 10 clues from 20 to annotate demographic graphs of China MIND MOVIE STORYBOARD Script (and images) about the plight of the Uyghurs in China CLASSIFICATION 32 facts about the Great Sichuan earthquake to sort into a Case Study sheet MOST LIKELY TO… Five sets of China-related photos with a decision making element WHO? WHAT? WHY? WHEN? Photos of China to help formulate ‘W’ questions and prompt discussion IT’S A MYSTERY 32 facts for a pair-share activity about the effects of the Three Gorges Dam MIND MOVIE SCRIPT The immediate after-effects of a typhoon hitting the Yangtze Delta THOUGHT CHAINS Using a concept map about Foxconn electronics to construct logical analysis HEXAGONS AND GEOG WEB Make links to explain China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea MAKING A… Choose from a menu of urban features to design a sustainable Chinese city DECISION MAKING Use a variety of resources to locate a new electronic car factory in China ROLE PLAY Resources to help decide on ‘Pandas or profit’ in China Reading Photos Twelve photos to promote discussion and connect Geographical features
Project workbook: 'INCREDIBLE INDIA'

Project workbook: 'INCREDIBLE INDIA'

A 'footsteps' project about India in the 21st Century. Pupils research data and illustrations to complete the booklet. Footsteps follow sections called: Hypothese; Expected Outcomes; Background; Methodology; Data Presentation; Analysis; Conclusion; Evaluation. Questions for research include: 'Today, India is becoming so wealthy because...' 'In the past, the British Empire affected India because...' 'Today, the UK is linked to modern India because...' 'Not everyone is happy with modern India’s development because...'
Resource Reliance 3: "I'VE GOT THE POWER"

Resource Reliance 3: "I'VE GOT THE POWER"

Powerpoint and activities outlining how deforestation and mining provide energy but also damage the environment Blooms and 9-1 differentiated questions/activities eg Grades 1-2 (Knowledge): (a) Use the data to complete the two divided bar graphs (causes of tropical deforestation & global energy consumption). (b) Fill in the blanks on the separate sheet to analyse your completed divided bar graphs Grades 8-9 (Evaluation): (a) Read about firewood, mining, fracking and biofuels (highlight the main environmental effects as you go). (b) Compare and evaluate the effects of those four human activities. (Write three paragraphs for 8 marks) Completing and analysing divided graphs Find out why humanity’s growing demand for energy supplies can lead to deforestation Find out how human activities involved in the energy industry can cause serious environmental damage


Revision notes for A-level Religious Studies (OCR) Three pages PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION - THE EXISTENCE OF GOD ARGUMENTS FROM OBSERVATION TELEOLOGICAL ARGUMENT AQUINAS Fifth Way WILLIAM PALEY Watchmaker analogy HUME DAWKINS ANTONY FLEW F.R. TENNANT COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENT ARISTOTLE THOMAS AQUINAS Three cosmological ‘Ways’ Summa Theologica Argument from motion Argument from causation: Contingency argument: “ex nihilo nihil fit” Quantum physics No-boundary proposal: Hawking + Hartle Wave-function of the universe Oscillating universe theory: GOTTFRIED LEIBNIZ Criticisms of cosmological argument: Hume The fallacy of composition STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Key issues ARGUMENTS FROM REASON ONTOLOGICAL ARGUMENT ANSELM GAUNILO OF MARMOUTIER Dawkins RENE DESCARTES Cartesian doubt COGITO ERGO SUM Analytic statement Descartes’ triangle IMMANUEL KANT SYNTHETIC HYPOTHESIS STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Russell Key issues


Revision notes for A-level Religious Studies (OCR) Two pages MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE WILLIAM JAMES MACKIE ST TERESA OF AVILA Sufi Whirling Dervishes RUDOLF OTTO CORPORATE EXPERIENCES Toronto blessing Medjugorje Damascus Christophany Saul SWINBURNE PERSINGER’S HELMET Dawkins


Revision notes for A-level Religious Studies (OCR) Three pages PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION – THE PROBLEM OF EVIL “the rock of atheism” Logical problem of evil Inconsistent triad Epicurus Hume J.L. MACKIE AUGUSTINE Moral evil Natural evil Criticisms and responses Theodicy True theodicy Augustinian Theodicy Original Sin LOGICAL ERROR F.D.E. Schleiermacher creation ex nihilo SCIENTIFIC ERROR MORAL ERROR Freewill Defence ALVIN PLANTINGA SWINBURNE + HICK FLEW Irenaean Theodicy “Then God said ‘they will be like us and resemble us” Omnipotent God Hick DZ PHILLIPS Process theology SWINBURNE GUTIERREZ Liberation theology Pandeism Christian Science MARY BAKER EDDY HUME “Why is there any misery in the world?” Divine Command Theory PETER GEACH Animal suffering ALBERT CAMUS DOSTOEVSKY NIETZSCHE ‘Beyond Good and Evil’


Revision for A-level Religious Studies (OCR) Five pages ARGUMENTS FROM OBSERVATION **TELEOLOGICAL ARGUMENT ** AQUINAS’ Fifth Way STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES PALEY FLEW TENNANT COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENT ARISTOTLE AQUINAS Summa Theologica Hawking + Hartle Big Bang + Big Crunch LEIBNIZ Criticisms of cosmological argument: Hume: Fallacy of composition Anthropomorphology A posteriori vs a priori ARGUMENTS FROM REASON ONTOLOGICAL ARGUMENT ANSELM GAUNILO OF MARMOUTIER DESCARTES’ Triangle Cartesian doubt COGITO ERGO SUM KANT SYNTHETIC HYPOTHESIS STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Russell Key issues: