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Pompey Rich's Educational Emporium (est in the year 10,191)

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A local shop full of precious things




A local shop full of precious things


Revision notes for A-level Religious Studies (OCR) Seven pages APPLIED ETHICS CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Examples of CSR: Gates Foundation M&S f Merck & Co Amazon MILTON FRIEDMAN Friedman Doctrine 'Hypocritical window dressing’ Greenwashing Coca-Cola’s Giving Pledge KANTIAN ETHICS Goodwill Universalisability Formula of the End in Itself UTILITARIANISM Act Utilitarianism Bentham Natural rights “nonsense on stilts” Rule Utilitarianism Preference Utilitarianism Evaluation GLOBALISATION Interconnectedness Issues Loss, abuse, damage and inequality KANTIAN ETHICS Capitalism UTILITARIANISM Objective empirical approach Voluntary diversification Evaluation **GOOD ETHICS IS GOOD BUSINESS ** Duty to be honest FRIEDMAN Mill’s harm principle Singer’s strong principle ADAM SMITH Self-interest KARL MARX Instability in capitalism Exploiting labour KANTIAN ETHICS Self-satisfaction instead UTILITARIANISM Pursuit of lower pleasures Evaluation EUTHANASIA Should ‘good death’ be universally permitted? SANCTITY OF LIFE Human life made in God’s image Genesis 1 Catholic DECLARATION ON EUTHANASIA Natural Law’s preservation of life Doctrine of double effect PIUS XII Secondary effect of medicines Dignity of the human person Technological abuse Criticism of SofL DANIEL MAGUIRE PETER SINGER Value to community also RONALD DWORKIN Affirming life QUALITY OF LIFE Secular concept Case studies: DANIEL JAMES TONY NICKLINSON Personhood GERMAIN GRISEZ Criticisms of QofL ‘Playing God’ Consent VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA GREGORY PENCE Autonomy NON-VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA Persistent vegetative state PERSONAL AUTONOMY Self-determination Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms J.S MILL Individual is sovereign 'Harm principle’ Criticisms One’s life is of value to others Depression MEDICAL + NON-MEDICAL INTERVENTION Difference between ‘killing’ + ‘letting die’ Morally equivalent, equal responsibility Active or passive? JAMES RACHELS HELGA KUHSE Nazi Germany Conclusion APPLICATION OF ETHICAL THEORIES TO EUTHANASIA NATURAL LAW Doctrine of double effect c Precept of preservation of life Value of life Prevents achieving telos Secular societies What is ‘natural’? Blurred distinction SITUATION ETHICS Agape Personalism Pragmatism Positivism Relativism


Revision notes for A-level Religious Studies (OCR) Seven pages RELIGION + ETHICS Normative Ethical Theories NATURAL LAW Roman Catholic approach Intrinsic values Bentham “Nonsense on stilts” Cicero “One eternal law" ARISTOTLE ‘Eudaimonia’ Afterlife THOMAS AQUINAS ‘Beatific vision’ Human purpose Four Tiers of Law: Eternal Law Divine Law Natural Law HUMAN LAW Precepts ‘Rule of synderesis’ Five primary precepts ‘Lex’ & ‘ius’ Real good Apparent good ‘Principle of double effect’ Four conditions required in principle Strengths & weaknesses Just War theory Seven virtues Deontological secondary precepts STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Objective Relativism Rational Conflicting rules JOHN FINNIS Seven basic goods UTILITARIANISM JEREMY BENTHAM Hedonism “Two sovereign masters” Pleasure is sole good, pain sole evil Principle of utility Hedonic calculus Fecundity Purity Act utilitarianism Strengths & weaknesses JOHN STUART MILL Higher and lower pleasures Rule utilitarianism PETER SINGER Preference utilitarianism SITUATION ETHICS WILLIAM TEMPLE Four types on love in the Bible EROS STORGE PHILIA = AGAPE Jesus at Last Supper More loving outcome Jesus’ actions JOSEPH FLETCHER Bioethics God’s rules should not always be followed 'Law of love’ ‘Himself Might his Quietus Make’ ‘Special Bombing Mission No. 13’ ‘Christian Cloak and Dagger’ Loving neighbour = loving God Ten Commandments Greatest Commandment RUDOLF BULTMANN 'Love thy neighbour’ Three ways of making moral decisions: Legalistic ethics Antinomian ethics Situation ethics Six Fundamental Principles Ruling norm of Christian decision Only the end justifies the means Four Working Principles Pragmatism Relativism Positivism Personalism Conscience as a verb RELIGIOUS vs NON-RELIGIOUS AB William Temple Pius XII condemned SE as sacrilegious Jesus’ agape inspired SE STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES Subjectivity Too individualistic Consistent with the gospel Disregards divine command theory Universal appeal Religious vs secular Altruism Truly selfless acts “Situationism is a method” Reality
Homework booklet: CRUMBLING COASTS

Homework booklet: CRUMBLING COASTS

Eight page booklet : define coastal keywords; complete a fact file about a seaside resort; SPAG exercise about Holderness erosion; annotate a map to show human uses of the Humber region; family dilemma about using fossil fuels; write a poem based on a beautiful coastal scene; explain how transport changes have affected holiday habits over time
Hazards 9: "DROUGHT IN THE UK"

Hazards 9: "DROUGHT IN THE UK"

Powerpoint and worksheets using the UK as a Case Study of drought in a developed country. Completion of a climate graph. Differentiated exam-style questions. Comparisons of human and physical maps and data. Sustainability of four drought management methods used in the UK.
COASTAL LANDSCAPES 2: "Where's your head at?"

COASTAL LANDSCAPES 2: "Where's your head at?"

Powerpoint covering headlands and bays along the destructive Holderness coast Starter: use maps to locate Flamborough Head Main activities: sketch bird's eye view diagrams showing before and after erosion has affected a discordant coastline. Followed by a differentiated question: 1-3: How do headlands and bays form? 4-6: What role have chalk and boulder clay played in the formation of Flamborough Head? 7-9: What is wave refraction and how has it affected the Flamborough landscape? Second part gets pupils to annotate a diagram to show the sequence of cave-arch-stack formation using a series of mixed-up pieces of info (so can be done as a card sort or a mystery). Class then feeds back verbally by responding to a series of images and questions Third part: pupils work together to find advantages and disadvantages of headlands and bays using clues from a large scale OS map Plenary: pupils recap learning by describing and explaining features seen in a photo of the chalk at Flamborough
COASTAL LANDSCAPES 3: "Say hello, wave goodbye"

COASTAL LANDSCAPES 3: "Say hello, wave goodbye"

Powerpoint looking at erosion and transportation along Holderness Starter: the properties of powerful waves, including fetch Main activities: map work to measure the fetch from Holderness to various coasts of the North Sea. Then radar diagrams are introduced, using a wind rose as an example followed by the pupils constructing a radar to show dominant wave patterns. Then the link between the UK's SW prevailing wind and how it causes NNE dominant waves. Differentiated question... 1-3: What makes a sea wave powerful? 4-6: Explain why North Sea waves can be powerful and damaging 7-9: Refer to data which suggests that Holderness is threatened by powerful waves Second part gets pupils to draw and label diagrams to compare the features of constructive and destructive waves. They are then asked to assess photos of Holderness to decide which type of wave is affecting that coastline. Third part looks at the properties of boulder clay and why that soft geology is a problem. Differentiated question: 1-3: Why are the caravan owners worried about the erosion of the cliffs at Hornsea? 4-6: Explain why erosion of the boulder clay is a problem for Holderness 7-9: Explain why the erosion of boulder clay is an economic problem for Holderness businesses Plenary: pupils are asked to show how they think a typical wave moves, then are shown an animation that describes the circular motion of real wave patterns


40 mark SDME assessment in the form of a Powerpoint with associated resources Background: Why does Holderness suffer from severe coastal erosion? What are the advantages and disadvantages of halting erosion? Options: Why has hard engineering used to defend Hornsea? Why is soft engineering gaining popularity? Decision: Do nothing, retreat the line, hold the line or advance the line
Climate Change 4: "MAN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Climate Change 4: "MAN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Powerpoint and worksheets explaining the Enhanced Greenhouse Effect Starter is an odd-one-out quiz of various human activities which affect climate Students draw a pie chart showing sources of greenhouse gases from human activities then memorise and sketch the Enhanced Greenhouse Effect The main work involves constructing a mind map of the effects caused by major greenhouse pollutants (carbon dioxide, water vapour, nitrous oxide, methane and halocarbons) Differentiated questions: 1-3: How does (a) industry and (b) farming make climate change worse? 4-6: How do humans add to the Greenhouse Effect and climate change? 7-9: Using named chemical compounds, explain how human actions increase the rate of climate change Plenary: affects of contrails on the short-term weather Enough for two lessons
REVISION: Glacial systems and landscapes (Case Studies)

REVISION: Glacial systems and landscapes (Case Studies)

A glaciated environment at a local scale- The Helvellyn area of the English Lake District A contrasting glaciated landscape from beyond the UK- The Athabasca Glacier A contrasting glaciated landscape from beyond the UK- The Sápmi region of tundra, northern Europe Colour coded: green statistics; yellow definitions; blue dates


Powerpoint and worksheet about the extreme temperatures, precipitation and winds around the World. The work involves researching Case Studies from info sheets then annotating a World map with explanations for the extremes. Pupils work together, report back to other pupils then to the whole class. Case Studies are: the Atacama Desert; Ridge A in Antarctica; Mawsynram in India; the McMurdo Dry Valleys in Antarctica; Death Valley; Barrow Island off Australia; and Vostok Station, again in Antarctica. Builds on knowledge from Hazards 1: "GLOBAL CIRCULATION SYSTEM". Enough for two lessons.
Development 5: "NIGERIAN SDME"

Development 5: "NIGERIAN SDME"

A decision making exercise (set up as a lesson) based around transnational corporations and developing countries. How can Nigeria meet the United Nations set a Millennium Development Goal of ‘Halve the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water’? The Nigerian Government has four options… -Encourage the use of bottled water in partnership with a transnational company like Nestlé -Educate Nigerian school pupils to understand the importance of water hygiene -Form a partnership with a non-government organisation such as Water Aid -Invest government resources into clean water supplies and sewage treatment works Includes resources and questions


First Powerpoint in a series looking at the River Tay (Britain's largest river by discharge) Starter: A comparison of the Tay with the Severn and the Thames and using maps to locate the Tay Main activities: sketch of a typical river basin, then annotate to show main features (eg tributary, confluence, source, mouth) Graphing activity to construct the long profile of the Tay (including locating the three stages of the river) Worksheet and mystery clues comparing the Upper and Lower Stages of the Tay with Bradshaw's River Model Differentiated questions comparing the Upper and Lower Stages of the Tay Valley Plenary: video link recapping the long profile of a river
Bolshevik consolidation of power (1917 to 1924)

Bolshevik consolidation of power (1917 to 1924)

The establishment of government and power Peace with Germany Civil war and foreign relations (1918 to 1924) War Communism and New Economic Policy (1918 to 1921) Lenin, government and the Communist Party colour coded: green statistics; yellow definitions; blue dates
Homework booklet: TOHOKU TSUNAMI

Homework booklet: TOHOKU TSUNAMI

Eight page booklet : define tectonic keywords, complete a fact file about the Tohoku Tsunami; SPAG exercise about Japan's seismicity; empathise with a parent, a businesswoman and a farmer from Japan after the disaster; a moral dilemma about the continued use of nuclear energy; a question about God's role in natural disasters; draw your own version of The Great Wave by Hokusai
Geography display

Geography display

A variety of pictures I use for display from various internet sites Mostly cartoons with a geographical message


Series of Powerpoints and worksheets... 1: "We need rivers" (map and atlas skills (locating World rivers); photo analysis of human uses of rivers) 2: "The start(s) of the Nile" (carousel activities looking at upper course features) 3: "Khartoum" (climate graphs; satellite photo analysis; map annotation assessment) 4: "Egypt, Gift of the Nile" (Egyptian mythology; use info sheets to complete a sheet linking the annual flood to Egypt's wealth, farming, transport, etc) 5: "Aswan Dam" (make a long profile of the Nile; pupils debate the advantages and disadvantages of the dam then write a conclusion) 6: "Stream table" (erosion, transportation, deposition starter; class activity recording features seen while changing slope and water flow) 7: "Waterfalls" (rock types as a starter; stream table experiment to make waterfalls; record results by annotating diagrams) If you like these resources, give me a rating/comment and then take a look at my shop (* Pompey Rich *)