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Prof_de_francais's Shop

Average Rating3.47
(based on 39 reviews)

Secondary French teacher, rated Ofsted 'Outstanding' at KS3, KS4 and KS5. PGCE and NQT mentor. Regular CPD/Professional Learning leader. State and private sector experience.




Secondary French teacher, rated Ofsted 'Outstanding' at KS3, KS4 and KS5. PGCE and NQT mentor. Regular CPD/Professional Learning leader. State and private sector experience.
Display / Printable Reference Sheet - French Classroom Language

Display / Printable Reference Sheet - French Classroom Language

Fantastic double-sided table of French classroom language. Huge time-saver and incredibly useful to encourage use of the target-language in lessons. Really helpful to introduce at the start of the year (or at any stage as a 'I think you're ready for this now...'). Can be printed as a big display poster, as A4 or A5 sheets and laminated as a reference point for students on classroom tables, or as an individual sheet to refer to. As well as classroom language, sheet also includes Days of the Week, Months of the Year, Numbers (overview of 1 - 1,000,000), Articles and Useful words (who, what, where, why etc. and connectives). Huge time saver! Useful with any age.
Grammar - Tenses - Near (immediate) future

Grammar - Tenses - Near (immediate) future

Excellent resource, introducing the near future tense through the 'aller' song, with a clear table to demonstrate formation. Text message conversation between Simon and Carly of The Inbetweeners engages students and asks them to answer a series of questions designed to test their understanding of the tense. HA stretched through identification and translations of colloquialisms such as 'ma biche'. Mini-whiteboard translation activity follows to gauge understanding, and a plenary with 12 sentences to translate is the last slide. This can be printed, cut up, and used in a box as a 'Pass-the-Parcel' style game, learners could throw die to determine the phrase that they translate to their partner, or in any number of different ways. LA supported through use of lesson worksheet (print table on first slide for learners to complete), HA through extension with colloquialisms and perfect tense. Excellent for introduction at KS3 and for revision / review at KS4.
Grammar - Tenses - Modal verbs

Grammar - Tenses - Modal verbs

2 slide PowerPoint includes clear and concise explanations of conjugation of each of the three modal verbs and questions differentiated into four boxes on Slide 2 to gauge understanding. Perfect for mini-whiteboard activities. Excellent for introduction at KS2 / KS3 to conjugation and for revision and further practice at KS4.
Starter - 'Brain Trainer' Number Challenge

Starter - 'Brain Trainer' Number Challenge

Differentiated number-challenge starter (one slide), presenting learners with three levels of puzzle increasing in difficulty. Students are given a number at the start of each puzzle and asked to work out a series of sums (all in French) to end up with the final answer. Puzzles very similar to daily 'Brain Trainer' challenge in The Times. All animations and answers on slide. Puzzles use double and triple-figure numbers, therefore most suitable for HA KS3 / KS4. Excellent numeracy and cross-curricular links between MFL and maths. A great time saver, took an hour make and format! Can be adapted and used over and over again with different ages. 'Challenge' option asks students to research the difference between 'chiffre', 'nombre' and 'numéro'.
Lesson PowerPoint - Places in town 2 (Using près de)

Lesson PowerPoint - Places in town 2 (Using près de)

Comprehensive resource, building from Places in town 1 (see other resources), asking students to recognise places in town and use them with the conjunction 'près de' + correct article. Learning objectives: 1. To be able to understand how to say ‘a’ and ‘the’ in French. 2. To be able to say what I live close to. Lesson includes: Starter activity, finding places linked to town in a grid (for example 'une boulangerie'); a dice speaking game to practice pronunciation and translation (offering a good basis for discussion on how to build sentences); whiteboard work practising the correct articles for masculine, feminine and plural nouns; a reading activity based on a Facebook profile to draw out the rule for 'près de' and a writing task. Scaffold provided for LA. Fully animated with all answers. A great time saver!
Lesson PowerPoint - Free time activities + Opinions

Lesson PowerPoint - Free time activities + Opinions

Very comprehensive, structured resource building on introduction of free-time activities into full sentences with opinions and reasons. Full Success Criteria given at start of lesson, along with 'My Learning Journey' arrow to encourage students to reflect on their own progress. Review table also at end of lesson for students to self-complete. Speaking, reading and writing activities, with scaffolds for those learners that need. 'Twitter' feeds used to give celebrity opinions on different activities. Treasure Hunt game at end to consolidate learning. Fully animated with explanations of each activity on slides in 'Notes' section for teachers.
Lesson PowerPoint - Rooms of the house

Lesson PowerPoint - Rooms of the house

Great lesson, covering all rooms and levels of the house, introducing them and culminating in students writing their own paragraph to describe their house or an imaginary house. Learning objective: To be able to recognise rooms in the house and describe my or an imaginary house. Lesson includes: Starter activity, un-scrambling sentences that increase in difficulty; repetition of rooms of the house vocabulary with text and images; table to fill in with rooms of the house; Splat game; Listening activity grid (teacher makes up listening text to link to ability of class); images linking to different levels of the house and whiteboard activity; writing activity with paragraph scaffold for LA; Super Splat game to finish! Lesson is fully animated with all answers and teacher instructions for each activity. A huge time saver!
Verb conjugation tables (present, perfect, imperfect, simple future)

Verb conjugation tables (present, perfect, imperfect, simple future)

Eight tables set up for verb conjugation in present, perfect, imperfect and simple future tenses. First two slides are blank templates, second two have all of the answers. Tables animated to appear one-by-one on answer slides, but can be easily adapted to suit teaching and learning needs. A real time saver! Verbs are those that are key at GCSE. Also useful for HA KS3, and support at KS5. Avoir, Être, Faire, Aller, Dire, Prendre, Pouvoir, Devoir.
Grammar - Tenses - Perfect tense

Grammar - Tenses - Perfect tense

A comprehensive resource, suitable for introduction to the perfect tense with both auxiliary verbs at KS3 and revision at KS4. Over 30 slides of explanation, questions, whiteboard activities and games to help consolidate learning.
Mystery French-Speaking Country Cultural Lesson + Worksheet (Morocco)

Mystery French-Speaking Country Cultural Lesson + Worksheet (Morocco)

An excellent lesson, providing students with clues as to a mystery Francophone country and asking them to detect which one it might be. 23 slides in total, great fun to teach. Fully animated with all answers, clear directions for students and support for teacher in Notes section of slides if required. Challenge options included within activities to extend HA. The lesson begins by asking students to note down on their whiteboards vocabulary linked to travel and holidays. Activity 1 - Match the French name for the country to the English translation and the correct flag, drawing a star next to the country if you think it has French as an official language. Activity 2- Match the Mystery Country's national dishes to the English descriptions and the images if possible. Activity 3 - Use the French clues provided to locate the Mystery Country on the map. Activity 4 - Use the map and the images to work out where the Mystery Country might be. Activity 5 - See how many phrases can be recognised in the song lyrics for a famous singer from the Mystery Country (Amel Bent - Ma Philisophie). Think, pair, share, discussion of song lyrics depending on level of group (vocabulary, verbs, pronouns, messages within the song) and singalong at end. Lesson is reviewed using a Plenary Triangle, asking students to reflect on one thing that they knew already, three things that they've learned during the lesson, and one thing that they would like to know more about. The final section can be set as a research project for homework if wished. Great to fit into modules about Travel and Tourism, food, song, cultural similarities and differences, geography, or as a filler lesson before a holiday. A very popular lesson that always goes down a storm! Also available with Mauritius as the mystery country.
Le Tour de France - Differentiated Reading Comprehension - KS3 + KS4

Le Tour de France - Differentiated Reading Comprehension - KS3 + KS4

Excellent cultural resource, working on Le Tour de France. Text outlines the competition, the history of the competition and the course that the cyclists follow. Support LA learners with vocabulary sheet if required and stretch HA learners with a ‘Challenge’ extension activity - a mini research project into the significance of the different jerseys. A French website is suggested as a first access point. A brilliant lesson that can branch off in to many different areas (researching winners, the different regions that the course crosses, anti-doping etc.) depending on level of group.
French Introductions Jigsaw Activity Display - All About Me

French Introductions Jigsaw Activity Display - All About Me

Great resource, providing a template in the shape of a jigsaw piece for students to introduce themselves. Jigsaw pieces can be decorated as teacher sees fit (with photographs or coloured in for example) and displayed, or simply used as a worksheet. Students asked to complete sentences to provide basic information about themselves including their name, age, nationality, birthday, family, favourite colour and sport. Template can be amended as teacher wishes. Makes a brilliant display for the start of term, simple and very personal to students. Helps them to get to know each other too!
Only Connect - French Game / Starter / Plenary - Verbs [Infinitives, present, perfect and imperfect]

Only Connect - French Game / Starter / Plenary - Verbs [Infinitives, present, perfect and imperfect]

Excellent resource, based on the popular BBC show 'Only Connect'. Works well as a starter, plenary or as a game to review learning. Students are asked to apply critical thinking skills to make links between fourteen different French verbs or phrases in each game. The first game focuses on infinitives and present tense conjugations, the second on infinitives and infinitive constructions, and the third on the perfect and imperfect tenses. Instructions for teachers on each slide, fully animated with all answers and hyperlinks. Fully differentiated. Slides at the end of the PowerPoint are set up to input own vocabulary too. Can be used in lots of different ways! Always great fun!
Italian Introductions Jigsaw Activity Display - All About Me

Italian Introductions Jigsaw Activity Display - All About Me

Great resource, providing a template in the shape of a jigsaw piece for students to introduce themselves. Jigsaw pieces can be decorated as teacher sees fit (with photographs or coloured in for example) and displayed, or simply used as a worksheet. Students asked to complete sentences to provide basic information about themselves including their name, age, nationality, birthday, family, favourite colour and sport. Template can be amended as teacher wishes. Makes a brilliant display for the start of term, simple and very personal to students. Helps them to get to know each other too!
Lesson Worksheet and Answers - European Day of Languages - French

Lesson Worksheet and Answers - European Day of Languages - French

Links to Assembly for European Day of Languages 2018 Links to Lesson / Assembly for European Day of Languages - French Worksheet designed to be used alongside European Day of Languages 2018 lesson - French, please see other uploads as detailed above. Can also be used as a stand-alone worksheet for basic French words, including seasons, numbers 1-12, colours and greetings. First document contains four tables with all of the French vocabulary for these topics. Links directly to PowerPoint. Second document has the answers. Both easily projected / adapted if required.
French number line, 1-100

French number line, 1-100

Numbers 1-100 in number line form with French words for each number written out. Excellent support resource. A huge time saver! Subtle hints, such as 's' underlined in 'quatre-vingts' and 'quatre-vingt-un' underlined to remind students that 'et' is not required. Also used successfully in small groups when teaching numbers to ask students to draw out patterns and links between 1-100 in French, and then to create their own numeracy worksheets for each other.
Daily routine bundle - Infinitives and Reflexive verbs

Daily routine bundle - Infinitives and Reflexive verbs

Excellent double-resource set, linking to daily routine and reflexive verbs. Suitable for KS2/KS3/KS4. Great as starters / warm-ups / white-board activities in class. All animations and answers included. The first resource asks students to un-scramble the reflexive infinitives. It is differentiated through giving more support to learners who require it by underlining the first letter of the verb. HA challenged through working out secret message of numbered boxes to form phrase 'Je me réveille' when all answers have been de-coded. The second resource is a pre-prepared time-saving table, with key verbs for daily routine and reflexive verbs, asking students to translate infinitives. Both very useful for HA KS2, KS3 and KS4, either as starters or class activities.