
Introduction to Organisation of Texts and Language Effects-2 Lessons
This powerpoint contains two lessons: The first is about raising students awareness of identifying organisational devices and why they are used. The activities within the lesson will be centred around the following objectives:
1. To consider why texts have organisational features
2. To examine a text and comment upon organisational features
3. To collate information about organisational features
Lesson two will be providing students with the opportunity to construct detailed PEE paragraphs regarding the effects that language can have upon on reader e.g. adjectives/noun phrases etc.
The lesson objectives for the second lesson will be as followed:
1.To consider the impressions created by specific words
2.To explain effects on the reader
3.To evaluate the effect of words in a text

Introduction to re-telling traditional stories
Students will be introduced to re-telling/writing traditional stories with a modern twist.
The Learning Outcomes are:
1. To explore traditional stories
2. To discuss ways in which traditional stories have been re-told
3. To respond to an example of a re-told story
There are student activities throughout this 21 slide Powerpoint document which are devised to introduce students to the notion of re-inventing exisiting stories.

Supply Teacher/Cover Supervisor Bundle
There are a range of resources in this bundle which can be delivered to students of many abilities from 11-16. Some resources are also applicable to A-Level students. They cover; study skills, English and a range of PSHE/tutorial topics which require little planning.
The price of this bundle means that you are getting each resource for less than £1

Introduction to Writing
This bundle features introductory lessons on the following areas:
Travel Brochure Writing
Imaginative Writing
Play Script Writing
Writing to Argue and Persuade

Introduction to Imaginative/ Creative Writing
This lesson introduces students or can act as a refresher for students on how to write imaginatively.
Students will recap the terms: Alliteration, Simile, Metaphor and Adjectives and will use these terms to analyse examples of imaginative writing, guiding them into choosing an imaginative writing task in order to produce their own piece.
The lesson objectives are:
1. To recap writing to imagine, explore and entertain
2. To consider how to approach imaginative tasks
3. To practise responding to imaginative tasks

Introduction to Writing Play Scripts
This is an introductory lesson designed to show learners the key features of play scripts. The lesson covers the key features students need to know and finishes with a task designed to get students to write part of their own script.
A practical performing lesson could follow on from this lesson where students act out parts in each others plays or lead into students writing a full play script.
The lesson objectives are:
1. To explore the conventions and features of a play script.
2. To examine a play script
3. To practise writing a play script

Introduction to Writing to Argue and Persuade
This is an introductory lesson aimed at introduces students to some of the techniques used in writing to make a text more persuasive/argumentative.
There will be opportunities in the lessons for students to construct their own persuasive paragraphs as well as critiquing example paragraphs/sentences in terms of effectiveness.
This would be a useful lesson to introduce students to this idea before looking at more complex aspects of this writing style.
Lesson outcomes:
1. Identify similarities and differences between persuading and arguing
2. To examine the technique of using exaggeration in writing to argue and persuade.
3. To examine the technique of the rule of three when writing to argue or persuade.

Introduction into writing travel brochures/travel brochure writing
This is an introductory lesson into the features of travel brochures. There are activities and discussions for students to participate in throughout the lesson. This lesson could be used prior to students writing their own full travel brochure.
The Objectives are:
1. Recognise features of Travel Brochures
2. Examine features of Travel Brochures and their Audiences
3. Write an extract of a travel brochure

The Meaning of Texts
This lesson is aimed at classes who are analysing texts, inferring and deciphering meanings from texts.
There are whole class activities and independent activities based around non-fiction and fiction texts.
The lesson has been created to get students thinking about what writers mean, taking their reading further than comprehension level.

Reading Comprehension-South Sudan Famine
This reading comprehension summarises the key points of the current famine which has been declared in South Sudan. This reading comprehension has been designed to keep young people up to date with current news topics and global issues.
The questions are focused around the content of the text, language choices used and inference. There is also an extension for more able learners of which you will need access to the internet for.

SM, SN, and SP Spellings
This is a worksheet created for SM, SN, SP spellings,
The activity features a gap fill activity where students read the sentence and put the correct spelling in, This will support students in understanding the meaning of the word and not just being able to correctly spell the word.
There is also an activity where students play teacher to correct the incorrect spellings.
Extension activity: students use the spellings in their own sentences.

This is a worksheet created for IAL word endings,
The activity features a gap fill activity where students read the sentence and put the correct spelling in, enhancing their comprehension and stretching their vocabulary. This will support students in understanding the meaning of the word and not just being able to correctly spell the word.
There is also a word unscrambling activity where students have to work out the correct spelling.
Extension activity: students use the spellings in their own sentences.

Queen Elizabeth II Sapphire Jubilee
This is a money saving bundle containing a full lesson (with student activities), a reading comprehension activity and a problem solving maths activity on Queen Elizabeth II Sapphire Jubilee and the lead up to her 90th Birthday next year.
This pack contains activities which embed British Values, English, Maths and ICT.

Sapphire Jubilee-Queen Elizabeth II-reading comprehension-formal letter
This reading comprehension covers the Sapphire Jubilee Queen Elizabeth II is currently celebrating. The reading comprehension asks open and closed questions about the text. In addition, their is a letter writing activity to the queen which makes up an extension activity for more able learners. Maths has been embedded into the comprehension.

News, Current Issues, Media-Female Stereotypes-Dress Like a Woman, Trump
This lesson was inspired by the recent media coverage of Trump's comments to his employees regarding needing to "Dress like a woman'. This has lead to much debate on the news, internet, social media and so is a perfect opportunity to discuss why context matters when constructing an argument for or against an individuals comments, meaning of female and gender stereotyping.
This lesson enables students to voice their opinion in a safe environment, use debate skills to argue their viewpoint, research the meaning and context on the internet, discuss media influences on how events have been portrayed.
Students activities and extension activities have been included to provide an engaging session.
English skills, Equality & Diversity, British Values and Study Skills embedded throughout.
Applicable to a wide range of subjects.

Brazil, Comprehension, Online Research Hunt-Lets Visit Brazil
This lesson is based upon Brazil and has been written in a style which allows the students to explore the country.
They will be using their reading, research and ICT skills by finding out facts on the internet and recording them.
They will be asked questions which use their literacy/English skills, as well as comparing Brazil to their own Country- building up their awareness of diversity. Students will be looking at the symmetry of the Brazilian flag to enhance their mathematics/numeracy skills.
You may wish to use the accompanying handout for lower ability learners, but higher ability learners could be asked to record the information in a format of their own choice, in greater detail.
The lesson also covers locating Brazil on a map.

LY Spellings, Suffix, Adverbs, Words
This is a worksheet created for LY words (adverbs) and spelling.
The activity features a gap fill activity which students will need to read in order to work out which word goes where.
There are sometimes a couple of alternatives of words which could fit, making it more challenging for higher ability learners.
The purpose of this activity was to help learners understand the meaning of words and not just be able to spell them.
Extension activity included: students asked to use the words in their own sentences.

Spellings and Comprehension
This is a worksheet creates for SK and SL spellings e.g. ski, slip, skid etc.
The activity features a gap fill activity which students will need to read in order to work out which word goes where.
There are sometimes a couple of alternatives of words which could fit, making it more challenging for higher ability learners.
The purpose of this activity was to help learners understand the meaning of words and not just be able to spell them.
Extension activity included: students asked to use the words in their own sentences.

News, Politics, Current Affairs reading Comprehension
8 reading comprehensions which cover a combination of political headlines and global matters which have been in the news recently.
Could make useful activities for lesson time, general studies or tutorials.
Excellent value and a way of keeping your class up to date with whats going on in the world.
They have been written in a style which completes SATS, entrance exams etc.

Reading Comprehension-Brexit
This reading comprehension summarises the key points of Article 50 and Brexit in a way which is easy for younger people to understand.
The questions are focused around the content of the text, an embedded maths questions and students opinion on whether they agree with the right to leave. There is also a challenge/extension for more able learners of which you will need access to the internet for.