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Resources for Social Sciences, PSHE and Sociology. All have been tested and used in my own classroom.




Resources for Social Sciences, PSHE and Sociology. All have been tested and used in my own classroom.
PSHCE Complete Secondary Course

PSHCE Complete Secondary Course

11 Resources
11 Units of work from Year 7 to Year 11. All of these schemes of work are fully resourced and are meant to be a starting point for adaption to individual schools and classes. They include PowerPoints, videos [which I have created or links to YouTube ones], Student workbook and teachers notes as well as a progress check midway and at the end of the unit. **Units Included ** Friendship and Bullying Puberty, Hygiene and Health Desert Island Living Drugs and Alcohol RSE: Relationships British Society Contraception, Conception and Consent. Welcome to Reality Moral Thinking Addiction RSE Crime and Criminality Healthy Body Healthy Mind Reality Bites
KS3 PSHCE - Desert Island Living *2024*

KS3 PSHCE - Desert Island Living *2024*

In this unit of work students will be creating a community after a shipwreck leaves them stranded on a desert Island. Students can either work individually or as a group to decide on how they will be governed, what resources they are going to need, and what rules and laws they are going to live by. **Landing on the Island ** The scenario and set the scene for the unit of work. Different decision-making systems and evaluate them. **Decision Making time ** The difference between a need and a want. What a community requires to survive. Laws of the Land Why rules and laws and needed in a society. To link cause and consequence when related to behaviour. Community Dilemmas To discuss community issues and how to deal with them. To practice listening skills, negotiation and compromise.
KS3 PSHCE - Rights and Responsibilities *2024*

KS3 PSHCE - Rights and Responsibilities *2024*

In this Scheme of Learning you will be looking at the development of the Human Rights Act and its importance in today’s society. You will be looking at case studies to determine if human rights have been infringed. In the second part of the phase you will be looking at different types of discrimination and how to combat it. History of Human Rights What the human rights are according to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. Where human rights came from. Some of the difficulties in writing the Declaration of Human Rights. Balancing Human Rights Consider if all rights are absolute. Understand that rights have to be balanced against responsibilities and laws. Discrimination and Prejudice What is meant by the term’s discrimination and prejudice. What the protected characteristics are under the Equalities Act 2010 Standing up for ourselves and others The importance of allyship. Strategies for standing up for others.
KS4 PSHCE - Crime and Terrorism *2024*

KS4 PSHCE - Crime and Terrorism *2024*

In this unit of work, you will be looking at the issues around crime and criminality. You will consider why people commit crime, the legal system in the UK and what happens when someone is arrested as well as looking at terrorism and what leads people to join terrorist groups. Unit comes with: Student workbook Teachers Notes PowerPoints Videos Additional Resources. ***Unit outline *** Crime and Deviance To define crime and Deviance To understand the difference with examples. To identify dome of the reasons someone may commit crime. The difference between criminal and civil law. What happens when you are arrested. What circumstances can lead to an arrest. The process you go through when you are arrested. How it is decided if you will be prosecuted. The court system in the UK. Punishments in the UK Explain some of the ways people who break the law are punished. To evaluate the effectiveness of the punishments available. Terrorism What the term Terrorism means. The different types of terrorism in the world today. Different terrorist groups in the world today. What to do in the event of a terrorist attack.
KS3 PSHCE - Welcome to Reality *2024*

KS3 PSHCE - Welcome to Reality *2024*

In this scheme of learning you will be focusing on learning about financial management skills and understanding the link between education, work and lifestyles, through a role play scenario. It includes the Student Workbook, Teachers Notes, PowerPoints, and resources. Introduction How the game works. How much you already know about household budgeting and the cost of living. The Dream The cost of your dream life. How to work out a percentage How to build a budget Getting a job Find out your role for the remainder of the unit. The link between education and job prospects Look at similarities and differences in the roles. Reality Bites How income limits the choices people have. How to work out a percentage. The types of things that people spend their salary on. Unexpected Events To look at the lifestyles and budgets you have created and see how they stand up to some of life’s unexpected events (both good and bad).
KS3 PSHCE - British Society *2024*

KS3 PSHCE - British Society *2024*

This unit of work is split into two parts. The first part looks at British culture and its multicultural links. It will outline what is meant by culture and its components. It will also look at the migration patterns to the UK and how that has helped to shape modern British culture. The first part of the unit will also evaluate the British Values initiative and seeing how well British culture embodies these values. In the second part of the unit you will be learning about the British political system, including the voting system, how parliaments works and the different political parties in the UK. This will culminate in a mock election for the fictional role of School President. The Pack contains Student Workbook, Teachers Notes, PowerPoints, Videos and resources. What is Culture The Definition of Culture The different components of a culture. What is the purpose of Culture Multicultural Britain What is considered to be British Culture. Where does British Culture come from. What are the strengths and challenges of living in a multicultural society. How does the UK political System work. The structure of the UK political system. The role of parliament, the monarchy and the House of Lords and the people in them. Elections and Political Parties The different types of election in the UK. The voting system of the UK Alternative voting systems that could be used in the UK. Understand the main Political parties of the UK. Mock election A group project where students create political party and run for the election of the Student President role.