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Sarah Hilton has been a business examiner for over 20 years and a business teacher for longer. She is now a teacher trainer, business teacher and qualification developer. She runs the website revisionstation which provides smashing business teaching resources at budget prices.




Sarah Hilton has been a business examiner for over 20 years and a business teacher for longer. She is now a teacher trainer, business teacher and qualification developer. She runs the website revisionstation which provides smashing business teaching resources at budget prices.
Edexcel A Level Business 2.1.4 Planning (complete lesson) 214

Edexcel A Level Business 2.1.4 Planning (complete lesson) 214

This lesson includes a PowerPoint and a worksheet and covers: a) Relevance of a business plan in obtaining finance b) Interpretation of a simple cash-flow forecast and calculations based on changes in the cash-flow variables c) Use and limitations of a cash-flow forecast Written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
Edexcel A Level Business 2.2.3 Break even complete lesson (break-even) 223

Edexcel A Level Business 2.2.3 Break even complete lesson (break-even) 223

This lesson includes a PowerPoint and a worksheet and covers: a) Contribution: selling price – variable cost per unit b) Break-even point: o total fixed costs + total variable costs = total revenue c) Using contribution to calculate the break-even point d) Margin of safety e) Interpretation of break-even charts f) Limitations of break-even analysis Written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel International A Level Business (131) 2 Market Research

Pearson Edexcel International A Level Business (131) 2 Market Research

NEW Pearson Edexcel International A Level Business 131 2 Market Research Complete teaching resources for a whole lesson includes PowerPoint and worksheet a) Primary and secondary market research data (quantitative and qualitative) used to: • identify and anticipate customer needs and wants • quantify likely demand • gain insight into consumer behaviour. b) Methods of primary market research: • surveys/questionnaires • focus groups/consumer panels • face-to-face/telephone interviews • product trials/test marketing. c) Methods of secondary market research: • websites/social media • newspapers/magazines/TV/radio • reports • databases. d) Sampling methods: • random • quota • stratified Written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel A Level International Business (133) 3 Promotion and branding

Pearson Edexcel A Level International Business (133) 3 Promotion and branding

Pearson Edexcel A Level International Business (133) 3 Promotion and branding This lesson covers: a) Types of promotion. b) Types of branding. c) The benefits of strong branding: • added value • ability to charge premium prices • reduced price elasticity of demand. d) Ways to build a brand: • unique selling points, USPs)/differentiation • advertising • sponsorship • the use of social media. e) Changes in branding and promotion to reflect social trends: • viral marketing • social media • emotional branding. This lesson was written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel A Level International Business (134) 1 Approaches to staffing

Pearson Edexcel A Level International Business (134) 1 Approaches to staffing

New Pearson Edexcel A Level International Business (134) 1 Approaches to staffing This lesson covers: a) Staff as an asset; staff as a cost. b) Flexible workforce: • multi-skilling • part-time and temporary • zero-hour contracts • flexible hours and home working • outsourcing. c) Distinction between dismissal and redundancy. d) Employer/employee relationships • individual approach • collective bargaining. This lesson was written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel International A Level Business (132) 4 PED Price Elasticity of Demand

Pearson Edexcel International A Level Business (132) 4 PED Price Elasticity of Demand

NEW Pearson Edexcel International A Level Business (132) 4 PED Price Elasticity of Demand Complete teaching resources for a whole lesson including a PowerPoint and worksheet Written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation a) Calculation of price elasticity of demand. b) Interpretation of numerical values of price elasticity of demand. c) The factors influencing price elasticity of demand. d) The significance of price elasticity of demand to businesses in terms of implications for pricing. e) Calculation and interpretation of the relationship between price elasticity of demand and total revenue.
Pearson Edexcel International A Level Business (135) 1 Role of an entrepreneur

Pearson Edexcel International A Level Business (135) 1 Role of an entrepreneur

NEW Pearson Edexcel International A Level Business (135) 1 Role of an entrepreneur Complete teaching resources for a whole lesson including a PowerPoint and worksheet Written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation a) Creating and setting up a business. b) Running and expanding/developing a business. c) Innovation within a business (intrapreneurship). d) Barriers to entrepreneurship. e) Anticipating risk and uncertainty in the business environment.
Pearson Edexcel International A Level Business (131)  1 The Market

Pearson Edexcel International A Level Business (131) 1 The Market

Pearson Edexcel International A Level Business 131 1 The Market This lesson covers: a) Mass markets and niche markets: characteristics market size and market share brands b) Dynamic markets: online retailing how markets change innovation and market growth adapting to change c) How competition affects the market d) The difference between risk and uncertainty Complete teaching resources for a whole lesson includes PowerPoint and worksheet Written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel International A Level Business (131)  3 Market Positioning

Pearson Edexcel International A Level Business (131) 3 Market Positioning

Pearson Edexcel International A Level Business (131) 3 Market Positioning Complete teaching resources for a whole lesson including a PowerPoint and worksheet Written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation a) Product and market orientation. b) Market mapping. c) Market segmentation. d) Competitive advantage of a product or service. e) The purpose of product differentiation. f) Adding value to products/services.
Pearson Edexcel A Level International Business (133) 4 Pricing Strategies

Pearson Edexcel A Level International Business (133) 4 Pricing Strategies

Pearson Edexcel A Level International Business (133) 4 Pricing Strategies This lesson covers: a) Types of pricing strategy: • cost plus (mark-up on unit cost) • price skimming • penetration • predatory • competitive • psychological. b) Factors that determine the most appropriate pricing strategy for a particular situation: • number of USPs/amount of differentiation • price elasticity of demand • level of competition in the business environment • strength of brand • stage in the product life cycle • costs and the need to make a profit. c) Changes in pricing to reflect social trends: • online sales • price comparison sites. This lesson is written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel A Level International Business (133) 5 Distribution

Pearson Edexcel A Level International Business (133) 5 Distribution

Pearson Edexcel A Level International Business (133) 5 Distribution This lesson covers: a) Distribution channels: • four stage: producer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer • three stage: producer to retailer to consumer • two stage: producer to consumer. b) Changes in distribution methods. This lesson is written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel A Level International Business (134) 2 Recruitment

Pearson Edexcel A Level International Business (134) 2 Recruitment

Pearson Edexcel A Level International Business (134) 2 Recruitment This lesson covers: a) Recruitment and selection process: • internal versus external recruitment. b) Costs of recruitment, selection and training c) Types of training: • induction • on-the-job • off-the-job. This lesson is written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel A Level International Business (134) 3 Organisational Design

Pearson Edexcel A Level International Business (134) 3 Organisational Design

Pearson Edexcel A Level International Business (134) 3 Organisational Design This lesson covers: a) Structure: • hierarchy • chain of command • span of control • centralised and decentralised. b) Types of structure: • tall • flat • matrix. c) Impact of different organisational structures on business efficiency and employee motivation. This lesson is written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation