A writing frame to help students structure their 6 and 9 mark extended writing questions, designed for use with the 9-1 GCSE Geography AQA Specification.
Features a breakdown sheet of how to structure an answer using the double cheeseburger method, as well as A3 sheets which can be printed and displayed within a classroom.
Tried and tested in my own school, students love this analogy and find it easy to follow and to remember. I’ve even printed little burger stickers to stick in their books to remind them!
General gist:
Start by deciding what your two paragraphs will be on. I’ve found that 9 times out of 10, the question itself will tell you what the two paragraphs should be. If in doubt, use social/economic/environmental. Looking through past mark schemes, AQA have said that 2 main paragraphs is optimal for these questions.
Introduction (bun): Not always needed, but will be for a 9 marker. If you’re using a case study, here is where you tell the examiner (because they won’t know what you’ve studied).
Point (lettuce): Keep it short, and to the point. It should be one sentence that sums up the whole paragraph. Imagine somebody saying to you get to the point! Nobody wants a burger thats all lettuce, and no examiner wants an answer thats all points.
Evidence (cheese): Sticks the whole thing together. Examples from your case studies or from any sources/figures which have been provided. It isn’t a cheeseburger without the cheese!
Explain (meat): Just like with a burger, this should be the biggest and best part of your answer. Use because… this means that… therefore… also… to ‘beef’ out your answer. Really explain why and what that means.
However (tomato): Not always applicable, but great when it can be used. Use however to counter the point you just made, do not introduce a whole new point.
Repeat! This is a double cheeseburger! Now you’ve done one paragraph, time to do the other.
Conclusion (bun): Again just like with the introduction, this isn’t always needed, but if the question required you to evaluate or come to some kind of decision, here is where you do it. Rephrase the question into a statement.
If you found this useful then please do check out my other stuff!
These full booklets are designed to be taught as part of a full scheme of work. Each booklet contains all of the information needed to study a topic, including activities and questions to practice and a knowledge organiser at the back.
2B Economic World (Nigeria)
Lesson 1: What is Development?
Lesson 2: Using HDI
2A Urban Issues and Challenges (Mumbai)
Lesson 3: Population Growth and the Megacity
Lesson 6: Economic Opportunities in Mumbai
1B Living World (Rainforests)
Lesson 8: Rainforest Loss and Deforestation
Lesson 10: Environmental Impacts of Deforestation
1A Challenge of Natural Hazards (Tectonics)
Lesson 4: Measuring Earthquakes
Lesson 5: LIC Syria – Causes and Impacts
1B Living World (Cold Environments)
Knowledge Organiser
These are just a few preview lessons from a few units. If you liked using them, then the full booklets and more units are available through TES, including revision booklets and bundles.
Looking to buy?
1A: Challenge of Hazards
1B: Living World
1C: Physical Landscapes in the UK
2A: Urban Issues and Challenges
2B: Changing Economic World
2C: Resource Management
Designed during a school closure for students to complete from home for one week. The attached PowerPoint can be sent home to students to use to complete marked activities.
This is week 2 of the ‘study from home - coasts’ SOW on Coastal Processes.
A multiple choice quiz was also set on SMHW to go along with the activities.
Contains information on the different erosional processes at the coastline, which processes cause cliffs to erode, and what happens to rock (sediment) after it has been eroded
Designed during a school closure for students to complete from home for one week. The attached PowerPoint can be sent home to students to use to complete marked activities.
This is week 3 of the ‘study from home - coasts’ SOW on Lyme Regis as a case study.
No multiple choice quiz was set this week as this lesson forms part of a larger piece of marked assessment work.
Contains information on the location of Lyme Regis and collates prior learning on wave types and rock types to understand why Lyme Regis is at risk from coastal erosion. Students imagine they are working for the environment agency and will complete a report on why intervention in Lyme Regis is required. This week they write the introduction and justification parts of their report.
The budget tracker can be used to keep track of department budget spending across the year.
It uses geography as an example, but the name of the department and available budget can be changed.
Provided also is a how-to manual
If you like this tracker, check out my others:
KS3 Assessment and Data Tracker
KS4 GCSE Geography Assessment/Mock Data and Intervention Tracker
Designed during a school closure for students to complete from home for one week. The attached PowerPoint can be sent home to students to use to complete marked activities.
This is week 1 of the ‘study from home - coasts’ SOW on Waves.
A multiple choice quiz was also set on SMHW to go along with the activities.
Contains information on how waves form, the key words required, the difference between and characteristics of constructive and destructive waves and basics of erosion.
For GCSE Geography 9-1 AQA Spec.
A way to practice 9 marker exam skills whilst also learning about the Katrina Case Study in the Hazards unit. Students use the immediate/long term sheet to complete the A3 planning sheet, which hinges off’ the 9 mark question. The planning sheet requires students to pick the question apart and tests their understanding of the question and a suitable format before attempting it.
SPAG consideration at the bottom.
Can be adapted around any 6 or 9 mark question.
Please note this booklet is for FOOD. If you study ENERGY or WATER please see the other booklets (Water) & (Energy)
A revision booklet for the AQA 9-1 GCSE Geography course, covering Paper 2 Unit C on Resource Management (Food)
Booklet includes a front page knowlegde organiser, AQA key words, and activities and case study sections to revise over content. Works well with past paper questions (not included for copyright reasons).
Looking for a complete scheme of work with individual lessons in a complete workbook?
Related topics to this resource:
Resource Management Overview
Resource Management (Water Management))
Other units available:
1A: Challenge of Hazards
1B: Living World
1C: Physical Landscapes in the UK
2A: Urban Issues and Challenges
2B: Changing Economic World
Looking for more revision materials?
Full Bundle
A revision booklet for the AQA 9-1 GCSE Geography course, covering Paper 2 Unit A on Urban Issues and Challenges.
Booklet includes a front page knowlegde organiser, AQA key words, and activities and case study sections to revise over content. Works well with past paper questions (not included for copyright reasons).
Looking for a complete scheme of work with individual lessons in a complete workbook?
Related topics to this resource:
Urban Issues and Challenges in an LIC/NEE (Mumbai)
Urban Issues and Challenges in the UK (London)
Other units available:
1A: Challenge of Hazards
1B: Living World
1C: Physical Landscapes in the UK
2B: Changing Economic World
2C: Resource Management
Looking for more revision materials?
Full Bundle
Please note this booklet is for COLD ENVIRONMENTS. If you study HOT DESERTS please see the other booklet (here)
A revision booklet for the AQA 9-1 GCSE Geography course, covering Paper 1 Unit B on Living World (Rainforests and Cold Environments)
Booklet includes a front page knowlegde organiser, AQA key words, and activities and case study sections to revise over content. Works well with past paper questions (not included for copyright reasons).
Looking for a complete scheme of work with individual lessons in a complete workbook?
Related topics to this resource:
Living World - Tropical Rainforests
Living World - Cold Environments
Other units available:
1A: Challenge of Hazards
2A: Urban Issues and Challenges
2B: Changing Economic World
Looking for more revision materials?
Full Bundle
A revision booklet for the AQA 9-1 GCSE Geography course, covering Paper 1 Unit A on The Challenge of Natural Hazards (including tectonics, weather, and climate change)
Booklet includes a front page knowlegde organiser, AQA key words, and activities and case study sections to revise over content. Works well with past paper questions (not included for copyright reasons).
Looking for a complete scheme of work with individual lessons in a complete workbook?
Related topics to this resource:
Challenge of Tectonic Hazards (Earthquakes)
Challenge of Weather Hazards and Climate Change
Other units available:
1B: Living World
1C: Physical Landscapes in the UK
2A: Urban Issues and Challenges
2B: Changing Economic World
2C: Resource Management
Looking for more revision materials?
Full Bundle
Please note this booklet is for ENERGY. If you study FOOD or WATER please see the other booklets (Food) & (Water)
A revision booklet for the AQA 9-1 GCSE Geography course, covering Paper 2 Unit C on Resource Management (Energy)
Booklet includes a front page knowlegde organiser, AQA key words, and activities and case study sections to revise over content. Works well with past paper questions (not included for copyright reasons).
Looking for a complete scheme of work with individual lessons in a complete workbook?
Related topics to this resource:
Resource Management Overview
Resource Management (Water Management))
Other units available:
1A: Challenge of Hazards
1B: Living World
1C: Physical Landscapes in the UK
2A: Urban Issues and Challenges
2B: Changing Economic World
Looking for more revision materials?
Full Bundle
A revision booklet for the AQA 9-1 GCSE Geography course, covering Paper 2 Unit B on Changing Economic World.
Booklet includes a front page knowlegde organiser, AQA key words, and activities and case study sections to revise over content. Works well with past paper questions (not included for copyright reasons).
Looking for a complete scheme of work with individual lessons in a complete workbook?
Related topics to this resource:
Economic Change in an LIC/NEE (Nigeria)
Economic Change in the UK (Birmingham)
Other units available:
1A: Challenge of Hazards
1B: Living World
1C: Physical Landscapes in the UK
2A: Urban Issues and Challenges
2C: Resource Management
Looking for more revision materials?
Full Bundle
Please note this booklet is for WATER. If you study ENERGY or FOOD please see the other booklets (Food) & (Energy)
A revision booklet for the AQA 9-1 GCSE Geography course, covering Paper 2 Unit C on Resource Management (Water)
Booklet includes a front page knowlegde organiser, AQA key words, and activities and case study sections to revise over content. Works well with past paper questions (not included for copyright reasons).
Looking for a complete scheme of work with individual lessons in a complete workbook?
Related topics to this resource:
Resource Management Overview
Resource Management (Water Management))
Other units available:
1A: Challenge of Hazards
1B: Living World
1C: Physical Landscapes in the UK
2A: Urban Issues and Challenges
2B: Changing Economic World
Looking for more revision materials?
Full Bundle
Please note this booklet is for COASTS and RIVERS. It does not contain work on GLACIATION
A revision booklet for the AQA 9-1 GCSE Geography course, covering Paper 1 Unit C on Phyiscal Landscapes in the UK (Coasts and Rivers)
Booklet includes a front page knowlegde organiser, AQA key words, and activities and case study sections to revise over content. Works well with past paper questions (not included for copyright reasons).
Looking for a complete scheme of work with individual lessons in a complete workbook?
Related topics to this resource:
Physical Landscapes in the UK: Coasts
Physical Landscapes in the UK: Rivers
Other units available:
1A: Challenge of Hazards
1B: Living World
2A: Urban Issues and Challenges
2B: Changing Economic World
2C: Resource Management
Looking for more revision materials?
Full Bundle
Looking for a complete scheme of work rather than a revision resource? Try here for Coasts
Please note this booklet is for HOT DESERTS. If you study COLD ENVIRONMENTS please see the other booklet here
A revision booklet for the AQA 9-1 GCSE Geography course, covering Paper 1 Unit B on Living World (Rainforests and Hot Deserts)
Booklet includes a front page knowlegde organiser, AQA key words, and activities and case study sections to revise over content. Works well with past paper questions (not included for copyright reasons).
Looking for a complete scheme of work with individual lessons in a complete workbook?
Related topics to this resource:
Living World - Tropical Rainforests
Living World - Cold Environments
Other units available:
1A: Challenge of Hazards
1C: Physical Landscapes in the UK
2A: Urban Issues and Challenges
2B: Changing Economic World
2C: Resource Management
Looking for more revision materials?
Full Bundle
This tracker has been designed for Geography, although it can be used to suit other subjects.
The tracker allows you to monitor student progress against their target grades based on data provided by end-of-unit assessments. Teachers can easily use the tracker to calculate assessment bands and grades, identify students who are below/on/ above target, and easily see students who are significantly behind their attainment targets.
If you like this tracker, check out my others:
GCSE Geography KS4 Tracker
Department Budget Tracker
This is a tracker 3 years in the making - it has been really useful for myself and my team, so I hope you too can find some use in it.
This tracker has been designed for the AQA Geography specification, although it can be amended to suit other exam boards or other subjects.
The tracker allows you to monitor student progress against their target grades based on data provided by end-of-unit assessments and up to three mock exams. Teachers can easily use the tracker to calculate fine grades, identify students who are below/on/ above target, and easily see students who are significantly behind their attainment targets. The data can also be exported by student to provide students and parents with a handout of scores broken down by unit, so they can focus their revision and better understand where they are making progress, which has been great to use during parents evenings.
We have used AQA’s exampro website to create our end of unit assessments which have been great, but this will work with any kind of exam or assessment. Included with this are some instructions.
If you like this tracker, check out my others:
Department Budget Tracker
KS3 Assessment, Progress and Data Tracker
Try before you buy - download a free preview booklet
This is a complete activity workbook for the GCSE AQA Geography specification covering Unit 1C: Physical Landscapes in the UK - Rivers.
This 31 page booklet covers Banbury as the case study.
What does the UK landscape look like?
What processes occur along a river?
What landforms are found in the upper course?
How does a river change in the middle course?
What landforms do you find in the lower course?
How can we use graphs to track river flooding?
What factors affect our risk to flooding?
How can we manage flooding?
How has Banbury protected itself from flooding?
Looking for a revision booklet?
Related topics to this resource:
1B: Rivers and Coasts Revision Booklet
Other units available:
Full Bundle
Looking for more schemes of work in complete workbooks?
1A: Challenge of Hazards
1B: Living World
1C: Physical Landscapes in the UK
2A: Urban Issues and Challenges
2B: Changing Economic World
2C: Resource Management
Try before you buy - download a free preview booklet
This is a complete activity workbook for the GCSE AQA Geography specification covering Unit 2C: Resource Management - Overview.
This 32 page booklet covers part one (overview) of the Resource Management unit,.
Why are food, water, and energy important?
Are the world’s resources distributed equally?
How far does the food you eat travel?
How can we farm sustainably?
Does the world have enough fresh water?
How can we balance water supply and demand?
How can our reliance on fossil fuels be reduced?
What are the issues with exploiting energy sources?
Looking for a revision booklet?
Related topics to this resource:
2C: Resource Management Revision Booklet
Other units available:
Full Bundle
Looking for more schemes of work in complete workbooks?
1A: Challenge of Hazards
1B: Living World
1C: Physical Landscapes in the UK
2A: Urban Issues and Challenges
2B: Changing Economic World
2C: Resource Management