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My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.




My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
Present tense small practice (regular verbs)

Present tense small practice (regular verbs)

Present tense small practice (regular verbs) For each verb type, complete the matching section with the correct letter of the conjugation. Then, complete the sentences with the correct verb ending. *For each verb type (-ar, -er, -ir) students will match the verb conjugations for 3 infinitives, and complete 10 sentences with the correct verb ending. There are 30 short sentences total. Example: -AR verbs Hablar (Write the correct letter of the conjugation) ____ 1. Yo a. hablamos ____ 2. Tú b. habláis Complete with the correct verb ending. Yo habl ____ con mi amigo. (hablar) Tú ayud ______ en la casa. (ayudar) Ud. estudi ____ mucho. (estudiar) Él compr _____ un libro. (comprar) Ella bail ____ en la sala. (bailar) Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Imperfect tense small practice (regular verbs)

Imperfect tense small practice (regular verbs)

Imperfect tense small practice (regular verbs) For each verb type, complete the matching section with the correct letter of the conjugation. Then, complete the sentences with the correct verb ending. *For each verb type (-ar, -er, -ir) students will match the verb conjugations for 3 infinitives, and complete 10 sentences with the correct verb ending. There are 30 short sentences total. Example: -Ar verbs ____ 1. Yo a. hablábamos ____ 2. Tú b. hablabais Cada día yo habl __________ con mis amigos. (hablar) Cada tarde tú jug __________ en el parque. (jugar) Cada mañana Ud. desayun _________ con su familia. (desayunar) Cada noche él cen ________ en la cocina. (cenar) Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, bell ringer, entry or exit slip.
Imperfect tense similar clue words practice

Imperfect tense similar clue words practice

Imperfect tense similar clue words practice Part 1: Matching (Write the correct letter of the clue word that is the same as or like the clue word in the second column (Letters A – N). *There are 14 clue words total ____ 1. Cuando (yo) era niño(a) a. Todos los años ____ 2. Cada mañana b. Todas las primaveras Part 2: Matching (Write the correct letter of the English translation for every clue word) *Same 14 clue words are used from part 1. ____ 1. Cuando (yo) era niño(a) a. Every winter ____ 2. Cada mañana b. Every spring Answer key is included on pages 3-4.
Preterit tense small practice (regular verbs)

Preterit tense small practice (regular verbs)

Preterit tense small practice (regular verbs) For each verb type, complete the matching section with the correct letter of the conjugation. Then, complete the sentences with the correct verb ending. *For each verb type (-ar, -er, -ir) students will match the verb conjugations for 3 infinitives, and complete 10 sentences with the correct verb ending. There are 30 short sentences total. Example: -AR verbs ____ 1. Yo a. hablamos ____ 2. Tú b. hablasteis Complete with the correct verb ending. Ayer yo habl ____ con mi amigo. (hablar) Anoche tú ayud ______ en la casa. (ayudar) Anteayer Ud. estudi ____ mucho. (estudiar) El otro día él compr _____ un libro. (comprar) Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, bell ringer, entry or exit slip.
Present subjunctive: Fast practice regular verbs

Present subjunctive: Fast practice regular verbs

Present subjunctive: Fast regular verbs practice Part 1: For each set of verbs, write the correct letter of the conjugation. Then, conjugate the 3 infinitives in the present subjunctive. *For the matching section only hablar, comer, and escribir will be used for all 6 persons in each set. Students will conjugate 3 different infinitives for every set (18 total). Example: _____ 1. Hablar (Yo) a. coma _____ 2. Comer (Yo) b. escriba _____ 3. Escribir (Yo) c. hable Bailar (Yo) _____________, Aprender (Yo) ______________, Vivir (Yo) ___________ Part 2: Complete with the present subjunctive of the verb in parenthesis. (10 total) Example: Yo quiero que tú __________________ en español. (hablar) Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Las nacionalidades (Nationalities): Matching and fill in practice

Las nacionalidades (Nationalities): Matching and fill in practice

Las nacionalidades (Nationalities): Matching and fill in practice Part 1: Matching (Write the correct letter of the nationality based on the country) *20 total (Spain, Mexico, Central and South American countries included). c. salvadoreño / salvadoreña/ salvadoreños / salvadoreñas h. mexicano / mexicana / mexicanos / mexicanas ____ 1. México ____ 11. El Salvador Part 2: Complete each sentence with the correct form of nationality based on where the person is from. Be sure that your nationalities agree in number (singular / plural) and gender (masculine / feminine) (20 total: one sentence per country from part 1) Luis es de México. Él es _____________________. Marta y Susana son de Guatemala. Ellas son ____________________. Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
IR stem change verbs fast practice (Present tense)

IR stem change verbs fast practice (Present tense)

IR stem change verbs fast practice (Present tense) Verbs included: pedir, servir, repetir, competir Part 1: Matching (Write the correct letter of the conjugation) Pedir / Servir _____ 1. Yo a. pide / sirve _____ 2. Tú b. pedimos / servimos Part 2: Write the correct conjugation for both verbs. *Students will write the conjugations for all 6 persons for repetir and competir Part 3: Complete the mini conversations using the correct conjugation from the word bank. (4 total) pido / pides ¿Qué ________________ tú en el café? Yo ____________ una pizza. Answer key is included on pages 3-4.
Go verbs mini conversations fast practice

Go verbs mini conversations fast practice

Go verbs mini conversations fast practice Verbs included: hacer, poner, salir, decir, tener, venir, oir, traer (8 total) Marcos is on the phone texting his friends asking them what they are doing. Complete their mini conversations using the correct conjugation of the -go verb. Use the notes below. (8 conversations total. One for each of the verbs mentioned above) A table with the English translation of the 8 aforementioned verbs and their yo conjugations is included. (Ex: Hacer: to make / to do , Yo: hago) Example: Marcos: ¿Qué haces tú? Carlos: Yo ____________ mi tarea. Marcos: ¿Qué haces tú? Elena: Yo ____________ la mesa. On page 2, students will conjugate 4 -go verbs for all 6 persons. Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Preterit and imperfect fast practice (regular and irregular verbs)

Preterit and imperfect fast practice (regular and irregular verbs)

Preterit and imperfect fast practice (regular and irregular verbs) Part 1: For each set of verbs, write the correct letter of the conjugation. Then, conjugate the 3 infinitives in the preterit and imperfect tenses. For each set of verbs, only hablar, comer, and escribir are used. After each set, students will conjugate 3 different infinitives for a total of 18 infinitives. _____ 1. Hablar (Yo) a. comí / comía _____ 2. Comer (Yo) b. escribí / escribía _____ 3. Escribir (Yo) c. hablé / hablaba Part 2: Irregular verbs: Write the correct letter of the conjugation. P: Preterit / I: Imperfect Verbs included: Hacer, Ser, Ir, Ver, Dar (5 total) Each verb is used twice, once in the preterit and once in the imperfect. e. hacía / hacías / hacía / hacíamos / hacíais / hacían g. hice / hiciste / hizo / hicimos / hicisteis / hicieron Hacer (Pret) Hacer (I) Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry / exit slip.
Tener que and ir a infinitive mini conversations fast practice

Tener que and ir a infinitive mini conversations fast practice

Tener que and ir a infinitive mini conversations fast practice Complete each set of conversations using the word bank provided. *There are 4 sets total. Example: Word bank: voy / tienes / tengo / vas / visitar / completar Marcos: ¿Qué ______________ que hacer tú? Paco: Yo _____________ que _____________ la tarea. Marcos: ¿Qué ______________ a hacer tú? Paco: Yo _____________ a_____________ a mi amigo. Answer key is included on page 2. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Present tense regular verbs tiny conversations fast practice

Present tense regular verbs tiny conversations fast practice

Present tense regular verbs tiny conversations fast practice Complete each tiny conversation using the word bank provided. (4 sets with 3 tiny conversations, for a total of 12 conversations) Word bank: vives / comes / hablas / vivo / como / hablo ¿Con quién ______________ tú? Yo _______________ con mi amigo. ¿Qué ______________ tú? Yo ______________ una pizza. ¿Dónde _____________ tú? Yo ____________ en Nueva York. On page 2, students will also conjugate 3 infinitives (1 -ar, 1 -er, 1 -ir) for all 6 persons. *Note: A table with all the infinitives used in the conversations and their English translation is also provided for reference. Ex: Hablar: to speak Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Practice: Las nacionalidades y el dinero (Nationalities and currency)

Practice: Las nacionalidades y el dinero (Nationalities and currency)

Practice: Las nacionalidades y el dinero (Nationalities and currency) Marcos is a high schooler that wants to raise money to help a family in need in Mexico. He will accept currency from any Spanish speaking country. His classmates want to help. Many of them are from various Spanish speaking countries. Marcos has created a group chat where each student that wants to donate will give their name, nationality, amount, and the type of currency they are going to donate. Guidelines: Write the correct nationality (first blank) and currency (second blank) based on the country that each student is from. Use the word bank below. For nationalities, be sure that they agree in number and gender with the person. *There are 20 students with 20 different countries. Note: Only masculine and feminine singular are used for nationalities. Example: Word bank: Nationality: guatemalteco / mexicano / cubano Currency: pesos / colones / quetzales Yo soy Luis Muñoz. Soy de México. Soy _______________. Voy a donar diez _____________________. Yo soy Paula Mártinez. Soy de Guatemala. Soy ___________________. Voy a donar quince _____________________. Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, entry / exit slip. Students can also complete the practice in pairs or small groups.
Practice: Imperfect subjunctive all conjugations matching

Practice: Imperfect subjunctive all conjugations matching

Imperfect subjunctive matching practice There are 25 verbs total. All 6 conjugations are included. Example: r. hiciera / hicieras / hiciera / hiciéramos / hicierais / hicieran g. hablara / hablaras / hablara / habláramos / hablarais / hablaran _____ 1. Hablar _____ 8. Hacer Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, or quiz.
Subjunctive intro tiny conversations

Subjunctive intro tiny conversations

Subjunctive intro tiny conversations Complete the tiny conversations using the first verb in the present tense in the first blank and the second verb in the present subjunctive in the second blank. *There are 10 conversations total. Only regular -ar, -er, -ir verbs are used for the present subjunctive. Marcos: ¿Qué quieres tú? Luis: Yo _______________ que tú _________________ sobre tu día. (querer / hablar) Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Preterit regular verbs fast mini practice

Preterit regular verbs fast mini practice

Preterit regular verbs fast mini practice Part 1: For each verb, write the preterit verb conjugation and answer the two questions in a complete sentence. *3 verbs total with 4 questions per verb. Verbs included: hablar, comer, vivir Example: Hablar: to speak ¿Con quién _____________ tú ayer? Yo __________________________________________________________________ ¿Con quién _____________ Marcos anoche? ¿Con quién _____________ vosotros el lunes? Nosotros _____________________________________________________________ ¿Con quién _____________ Tomás y Luis anteayer? Part 2: Answer in a complete sentence in Spanish in the preterit. (8 information questions with 8 different verbs) ¿Dónde estudiaste tú anoche? ______________________ Answer key is included on page 3 for part 1 only. Student answers will vary for the personal questions in parts 1 and 2.
Subject pronouns and present tense quick practice (Spanish)

Subject pronouns and present tense quick practice (Spanish)

Subject pronouns and present tense quick practice (Spanish) For each subject, write the English translation or the subject pronoun in Spanish, as indicated. Then, conjugate each infinitive in the present tense. A structured template is provided for students. For each subject, students will conjugate a different -ar, -er, -ir infinitive for a total of 36 infinitives. Only regular -ar, -er, -ir verbs are used. Page 1: Singular subject pronouns (5 total) Page 2: Plural subject pronouns (7 total) Example: Yo - English translation - hablar - comer - vivir *Answer: I, hablo, como, vivo Elena - Subject pronoun - estudiar - leer - permitir *Answer: Ella , estudia, lee, permite Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Imperfect tense regular verbs fast mini practice

Imperfect tense regular verbs fast mini practice

Imperfect tense regular verbs fast mini practice Part 1: For each verb, write the imperfect verb conjugation and answer the two questions in a complete sentence. *3 verbs total with 4 questions per verb. Verbs included: hablar, comer, vivir Example: Hablar: to speak ¿Con quién _______________ tú cada día? Yo __________________________________________________________________ ¿Con quién _______________ Marcos muchas veces? ¿Con quién _______________ vosotros generalmente? Nosotros ___________________________________________________ ¿Con quién ________________ Tomás y Luis todo el tiempo? Part 2: Answer in a complete sentence in Spanish in the imperfect tense. (8 information questions with 8 different verbs) ¿Con quién jugabas tú cuando eras niño(a)? (jugar: to play) Answer key is included on page 3 for part 1 only. Student answers will vary for the personal questions in parts 1 and 2.
E-IE stem change verbs fast mini practice

E-IE stem change verbs fast mini practice

E-IE stem change verbs fast mini practice Part 1: For each verb, write the present tense conjugation and answer the two questions in a complete sentence. Make the appropriate stem changes. Note: There is no stem change in the nosotros and vosotros conjugation. *There are 3 verbs in part 1 (empezar, querer, preferir) Example: Empezar (e-ie): to start / to begin ¿Cuándo _______________ tú la escuela? Yo __________________________________________________________________ ¿Cúando _______________ la profesora la clase? ¿A qué hora _______________ vosotros el concierto? Nosotros _____________________________________________________________ ¿Cuándo _______________ Tomás y Marta su viaje (trip)? Part 2: Answer each question in a complete sentence in the present tense. Make stem changes, as needed. All verbs are e-ie stem change verbs. *There are 5 questions total with 5 different verbs. Example: ¿En qué piensas tú? (pensar: to think / en: about) Answer key is included on page 3 for part 1 only. Student answers will vary for the personal questions in parts 1 and 2. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
O-UE stem change verbs fast mini practice

O-UE stem change verbs fast mini practice

O-UE stem change verbs fast mini practice Part 1: For each verb, write the present tense conjugation and answer the two questions in a complete sentence. Make the appropriate stem changes. Note: There is no stem change in the nosotros and vosotros conjugation. *3 verbs total: Almorzar, Poder, Dormir Example: Almorzar (o-ue): to have lunch ¿Cuándo _______________ tú normalmente? Yo __________________________________________________________________ ¿Cúando _______________ Marcos? ¿A qué hora _______________ vosotros los sábados? Nosotros _____________________________________________________________ ¿Cuándo _______________ Tomás y Marta? Part 2: Answer each question in a complete sentence in the present tense. Make stem changes, as needed. All verbs are o-ue stem change verbs. *5 questions total. Example: ¿A qué hora vuelves tú a casa hoy? (volver: to return to a place) Answer key is included on page 3 for part 1 only. Note: Student answers will vary for personal questions in parts 1 and 2. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Las clases with present progressive tense

Las clases with present progressive tense

Las clases with present progressive tense For each class and lunch period, write what each person is doing. Use the correct conjugation of estar and the present participle (-ando / -iendo). For the present participle phrase, use the word bank provided. You can also come up with your own responses. *There are 6 classes and lunch period (7 total). Students will write 2 sentences for each one. *Note: For the present participles, only regular -ar, -er,-ir verbs are used. Example: Word bank: jugar al tenis / correr en el campo / estudiar una novela / escribir un ensayo En la clase de inglés Yo ________________________________________________ Yo ________________________________________________________ Answer: Yo estoy estudiando una novela. Yo estoy escribiendo un ensayo Answer key is included on page 3-4.