This game is fantastic for developing fluency and rapid recall of multiplication facts.
How to play:
Put all of the strips into a cup/pot
Children play the game in groups
Children choose a strip and if they answer correctly, they get to keep this.
If children pull out a ‘KABOOM’ strip they have to put all of their collected strips back into the pot.
The child at the end of the round with the most strips wins! (This game can last as long as you need it to, which is fab!)
Children can use a calculator to check everyones answers, a whiteboard to support them or a multiplication square.
This pack includes all of the times tables up to 12. This game can be adapted for any year group.
Children absolutely love getting their pen licence! These certificates help to celebrate all of the hard work they have put in to their work being a high stand and always displaying good presentation.
These are great for individual assessment. Children can set their own goals or you can help them. They can be left out on their desks as reminders. They can also be shown to parents at parents evening.
These are fantastic for a 5 minute discussion at the end of the day. It helps to build strong relationships with the children in your class and can also act as a sneaky assessment tool!
These are adaptable to meet the needs of the children in your class. Once laminated children can tick off what they have edited in their work. This supports children to edit their work independently. I normally give children a paper clip so that they can slide it down each bullet point. I have these editing pencils clipped to my literacy working wall so children can get them when they need them.
This door design pack includes:
Welcome sign
Name of class sign
Teacher and other staff sign
Our helpers of the week poster
Lollipops for all children’s names
Inspirational ‘Reach For success’ poster
These learning objectives are handy, especially if you’re teaching a mixed class. The black objectives are year 3/4/5/6 and the blue objectives are extra for year 5/6.
This NQT File outline includes:
All of the Teachers’ Standards evidence outlines
Front cover with contents page
Lesson observation form
NQT/Mentor weekly meetings form
This is super handy to have near your desk for any spare time you need to fill. These activities are fun and educational. Children love doing these and it supports them to work collaboratively.
This is a great resource for promoting independence, children can try to resolve their own issues before filling in this form to ask for support. This is also a good way for you as the teacher to keep a record of any incidents that happen in school.