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Collaborative Educators

We are a group of active educators sharing our everyday experiences in the classroom. We share news, trends, research, ideas, and technologies that shape the future of learning. We support teaching through professional development, thought leadership, and resource curation. We believe that education should not be a privilege; it is essential to the survival of the human race.

We are a group of active educators sharing our everyday experiences in the classroom. We share news, trends, research, ideas, and technologies that shape the future of learning. We support teaching through professional development, thought leadership, and resource curation. We believe that education should not be a privilege; it is essential to the survival of the human race.


Asia is the largest and most densely populated continent. It has almost a third of the world’s total land area and is home to more than half of the Earth’s people. It also has impressive geographical features. It has the highest point on Earth (Mount Everest) and the lowest point (the Dead Sea). Asia also includes some of the wettest, driest, hottest, and coldest parts of the world. Asia is the only continent that shares borders with two other continents, Africa and Europe. The world’s major religions, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism all began in Asia. The continent was home to the great early civilizations of Mesopotamia and the Indus River Valley. This ebook contains essential information about the continent of Asia and for each of its countries. You will find interesting facts about their geography, history, culture etc. The consolidation questions at the back will check your students’ knowledge.


Bridges are among the most impressive human constructions. Marvels of engineering and architecture, they take advantage of the latest technology of each era to provide solutions for the movement of people and goods. Some suspended in the air and others on the water, each one is unique in its category and causes many photo clicks. But they are not only tourist sights; bridges connect pieces of land, connect countries and civilizations, they allow the faster commuting of people and goods, so their usefulness is immesurable. We have singled out and present in this ebook the longest and biggest bridges in the world. Take some time with your students to explore these bridges in all their colossal beauty, and learn about their history, construction, importance etc. At the end, you will find as usual 20 exercises to practice your knowledge, and of course the relevant answer key. We believe you and your students will really enjoy this!


Caves are empty spaces inside the rocks, they have an entrance that allows communication with the surface and dimensions such that human entry is possible. Each cave can be completely or partially filled with sediments, that is, with materials brought there mainly by the erosion of rocks, by water or ice. When caves present a complex development – ​​such as a combination of vertical shafts and horizontal chambers – they constitute cave systems. The shape and size of caves varies greatly due to a large number of factors related to the structure and composition of the rock, the geometry of the cracks it presents, the relief of the area in which it is located, the hydrological conditions and many other factors of lesser importance. What you will find in this ebook Information about the largest caves in the world Follow up questions to check students’ knowledge Answer key


Dispersed throughout enormous oceans, islands are like nature’s hidden jewels, each with a unique story inscribed in its surroundings. They extend an invitation to us, promising adventure and tranquility as well as a haven from the hectic mainland. Islands display a vast diversity in both topography and culture, ranging from tropical paradises with palm-fringed beaches and crystal-clear blue waters to craggy cliffs cloaked in mist and mystery. Their soaring volcanic peaks and vivid coral reefs teeming with life beneath the waves enthrall us. Islands create distinct ecosystems that need to be preserved since they are home to a wide range of flora and fauna that are not found anywhere else. Islands must be conserved because, despite their beauty, they are threatened by the water and by human activity. Yet, beyond their breathtaking beauty, islands are hubs of resilience and adaptation. Their communities have crafted lives deeply intertwined with the rhythms of the ocean and the abundance of the land. Explore the world’s biggest islands with this ebook. It contains facts about the 10 biggest islands, and some follow-up questions.


Lakes are essential to the world’s social, economic, and ecological aspects. They serve as large freshwater reservoirs, which are vital for industry, agriculture, and drinking and support billions of people worldwide. Lakes are rich ecological ecosystems that sustain a wide variety of flora and animals, many of which are indigenous, and are essential to the preservation of regional biodiversity. They are economically essential to transportation, tourism, sports, and fisheries, supporting local communities’ livelihoods and general well-being. Numerous lakes represent centuries-old customs and rituals that are historically and spiritually significant to the native and indigenous cultures. Furthermore, lakes influence weather patterns and store vast volumes of water, which contribute to climate regulation. The issues posed by climate change require their conservation and appropriate management. This ebook contains useful factual information about the world’s largest lakes. At the end, there are some multiple choice questions and a separate answer key. Enjoy teaching!


The first book in our Continents series is about Europe. Thanks to its geographical location, Europe has significant advantages. It is considered the “crossroads of three continents”. Most of the peoples of the Earth meet in its lands. Its cities host the largest international product fairs and cultural gatherings. This results in the development of international transport, with which people move and goods are transported. Few places attract travelers of all kinds like Europe. Honeymooners, history buffs, adventure and foodies, everyone can find a city (or an entire country) that beckons. From popular destinations like London, Paris, and Rome to less common destinations like Bologna or Dubrovnik, there’s so much to discover—and so many ways to get there. This ebook includes information about all the countries of Europe: a few words about their history, their geography and their culture. There are 20 questions at the end and the relevant answer key. Enjoy teaching about Europe to your students!


All over the world, in every kind of climate, majestic mountain ranges rise up as eternal guardians of nature’s beauty. Shaped over millions of years by the forces of tectonics and weather, these geological wonders not only define the landscapes they inhabit but also affect weather patterns and host unique ecosystems. Whether it’s towering peaks capped with everlasting snow or lush slopes descending into valleys, each mountain range has its own story of endurance, cultural significance, and ecological variety. This book is not about the tallest mountains (most of them are in the Himalayas anyway); it is about the biggest mountain ranges of the world. Each chapter is dedicated to one such mountain range, with plenty of interesting facts about them. At the end, there are some multiple choice questions to check your students’ undrstanding, and as usual the relevant answer key to the questions. Explore our world through teaching cool geography!
North America

North America

North America stretches from the arctic zone in the North to the tropical zone in the South. Most of it is in the temperate zone. The lands located in the Arctic zone are highly fragmented with deep gulfs and many islands, while its southern part, which approaches the Equator, forms the bridge between North and South America. In this narrow section the Panama Canal connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. North America is connected to South America by a strip of land, which is called Central America and belongs to North America along with the islands of the Caribbean Sea. This ebook will take your students on a journey across lands of huge differences, be it cultural, social, or economic. From the mighty USA to the tiny Saint Kits & Nevis, the North American continent is a unique crossroads of people and civilizations. The 20 activities at the end will consolidate your students’ knowledge of this part of the world.


For many years architects tried to make skyscrapers simply as tall as possible. In recent decades, of course, this seems to be changing, as architects strive to create both tall and beautiful buildings. Buildings that fill the… eye, apart from their height, and for their beauty. Buildings that one would call ornaments. The skyscraper and the twentieth century are synonymous. The tall building is the landmark of our time. As a structural marvel that breaks the traditional limits of mankind’s persistent ambition to build in the sky, the skyscraper is the most impressive architectural phenomenon of that century. Although skyscrapers have not always been beautiful, each new project is an engineering marvel, helping to shape a city’s landscape and define its skyline. Designing a skyscraper is every architect’s dream. These talents are constantly striving to reinvent the modern skyscraper with taller, more innovative designs. We have gathered in this ebook the 10 tallest skyscrapers of the world. The activities at the back of the book will help your students practice their knowledge of them. Enjoy!


Geography offers a unique blend of practical learning, real-world relevance, and engaging activities that make it an essential and enjoyable subject. Students get to learn about the real world around them. It helps students understand global issues like climate change, migration, and urbanization, making it a vital subject for navigating modern life. Rivers are essential for their roles in water supply, biodiversity, food, transportation, irrigation, flood control, cultural significance, and energy production, making them vital to both natural ecosystems and human societies. What is more, many cultures have strong connections to rivers, which are revered as sacred or hold immense cultural importance. In this book you will find essential facts about the biggest rivers in the world, which will surely interest your students. At the end, there are some multiple choice comprehension questions to make sure they have understood the facts, and of course the relevant answer key to the activities.


Whether they are located in tropical forests or falling over rocky landscapes, caves or lakes with turquoise waters, waterfalls have a special attraction for humans. These water “paintings” are among the most spectacular sights, in some traditions they are even considered to mediate between the natural world and the divine. Perhaps because of the rush of water that falls with force from above, causing awe, perhaps because of the thunderous sound of the incessant flow, which in a strange way has a calming effect, the only thing that is certain is that the greatness of nature manages to transform all this energy into shocking experience. This book contains factual data and descriptions of the world’s biggest and most impressive waterfalls. Your students will love learning about these wonders of nature. There are 15 multiple choice questions at the end of the book, to revise and consolidate their knowledge of waterfalls, and of course, the relevant answer key to the activities. Don’t forget to check out the other books of the series “Geography Is Cool!”.


A volcano is the open passage from the interior of the Earth that allows the outflow or explosion of fluid rocks and gases from the interior (mantle) to the surface of the solid crust in the form of lava. This activity leads to the creation of a mountain, which in everyday language we call a volcano. The term volcano mountains and later simply volcanoes is etymologically derived from the God of fire and metallurgy Hephaestus, as it was believed that his forge was located within them. Volcanoes are fascinating because of their beauty, but also terrifying because they can cause great destruction. Although eruptions are rare and scientists usually manage to bring them under control, they are still a huge source of danger to the people who live near them. Find out about the biggest volcanoes in the world with this practical eBook. You can check your students’ knowledge with the questions at the end.