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Collaborative Educators

We are a group of active educators sharing our everyday experiences in the classroom. We share news, trends, research, ideas, and technologies that shape the future of learning. We support teaching through professional development, thought leadership, and resource curation. We believe that education should not be a privilege; it is essential to the survival of the human race.

We are a group of active educators sharing our everyday experiences in the classroom. We share news, trends, research, ideas, and technologies that shape the future of learning. We support teaching through professional development, thought leadership, and resource curation. We believe that education should not be a privilege; it is essential to the survival of the human race.


All over the world, in every kind of climate, majestic mountain ranges rise up as eternal guardians of nature’s beauty. Shaped over millions of years by the forces of tectonics and weather, these geological wonders not only define the landscapes they inhabit but also affect weather patterns and host unique ecosystems. Whether it’s towering peaks capped with everlasting snow or lush slopes descending into valleys, each mountain range has its own story of endurance, cultural significance, and ecological variety. This book is not about the tallest mountains (most of them are in the Himalayas anyway); it is about the biggest mountain ranges of the world. Each chapter is dedicated to one such mountain range, with plenty of interesting facts about them. At the end, there are some multiple choice questions to check your students’ undrstanding, and as usual the relevant answer key to the questions. Explore our world through teaching cool geography!


Whether on the land, in the jungle, at sea, or in the air, you certainly do not want to cross paths with these natural-born killers! This ebook includes factual information about the ten biggest predators in the world: the African lion, the Grizzly bear, the orca, the polar bear, the great white shark, the golden eagle, the Harpy eagle, the Bengal tiger, the Komodo dragon, and the saltwater crocodile. You will find lots of interesting information on the animals’ size, where they live, how they behave, and their preferred hunting methods (how they camouflage, cooperate and ambush their prey). This is all essential information that your students can easily absorb and remember. To consolidate their knowledge, there are 20 multiple choice questions at the end of the book, followed by the relevant answer key. Take some time to teach the wild beauty of nature to your students, and don’t forget to have fun!


For many years architects tried to make skyscrapers simply as tall as possible. In recent decades, of course, this seems to be changing, as architects strive to create both tall and beautiful buildings. Buildings that fill the… eye, apart from their height, and for their beauty. Buildings that one would call ornaments. The skyscraper and the twentieth century are synonymous. The tall building is the landmark of our time. As a structural marvel that breaks the traditional limits of mankind’s persistent ambition to build in the sky, the skyscraper is the most impressive architectural phenomenon of that century. Although skyscrapers have not always been beautiful, each new project is an engineering marvel, helping to shape a city’s landscape and define its skyline. Designing a skyscraper is every architect’s dream. These talents are constantly striving to reinvent the modern skyscraper with taller, more innovative designs. We have gathered in this ebook the 10 tallest skyscrapers of the world. The activities at the back of the book will help your students practice their knowledge of them. Enjoy!


Geography offers a unique blend of practical learning, real-world relevance, and engaging activities that make it an essential and enjoyable subject. Students get to learn about the real world around them. It helps students understand global issues like climate change, migration, and urbanization, making it a vital subject for navigating modern life. Rivers are essential for their roles in water supply, biodiversity, food, transportation, irrigation, flood control, cultural significance, and energy production, making them vital to both natural ecosystems and human societies. What is more, many cultures have strong connections to rivers, which are revered as sacred or hold immense cultural importance. In this book you will find essential facts about the biggest rivers in the world, which will surely interest your students. At the end, there are some multiple choice comprehension questions to make sure they have understood the facts, and of course the relevant answer key to the activities.


Here are some quick facts you surely didn’t know about sharks: Sharks have been around for 400 million years. There are over 400 different species of sharks. Sharks see in monochrome. Shark wounds heal quickly. Sharks can smell a drop of blood in 1 million drops of water. Sharks never run out of teeth, if they lose one another comes in front of rows and rows of back teeth. A shark can grow and lose 30,000 or more teeth in its lifetime! ​The smallest shark in existence is the Dwarf Lantern Shark, which is about 20 centimeters, while the largest shark in existence is the Whale Shark, which is about 10 meters. The average lifespan for most shark species is 20 to 30 years. Sharks sleep with their eyes open. Only one part of their brain is asleep at a time, so they can continue to breathe while they rest. Sharks do not take care of their young. A young shark is on its own from the moment it is born. This ebook has interesting information about the world’s biggest sharks. It is followed by questions and the relevant answer key. Have fun teaching!


Whether they are located in tropical forests or falling over rocky landscapes, caves or lakes with turquoise waters, waterfalls have a special attraction for humans. These water “paintings” are among the most spectacular sights, in some traditions they are even considered to mediate between the natural world and the divine. Perhaps because of the rush of water that falls with force from above, causing awe, perhaps because of the thunderous sound of the incessant flow, which in a strange way has a calming effect, the only thing that is certain is that the greatness of nature manages to transform all this energy into shocking experience. This book contains factual data and descriptions of the world’s biggest and most impressive waterfalls. Your students will love learning about these wonders of nature. There are 15 multiple choice questions at the end of the book, to revise and consolidate their knowledge of waterfalls, and of course, the relevant answer key to the activities. Don’t forget to check out the other books of the series “Geography Is Cool!”.


A volcano is the open passage from the interior of the Earth that allows the outflow or explosion of fluid rocks and gases from the interior (mantle) to the surface of the solid crust in the form of lava. This activity leads to the creation of a mountain, which in everyday language we call a volcano. The term volcano mountains and later simply volcanoes is etymologically derived from the God of fire and metallurgy Hephaestus, as it was believed that his forge was located within them. Volcanoes are fascinating because of their beauty, but also terrifying because they can cause great destruction. Although eruptions are rare and scientists usually manage to bring them under control, they are still a huge source of danger to the people who live near them. Find out about the biggest volcanoes in the world with this practical eBook. You can check your students’ knowledge with the questions at the end.


Dispersed throughout enormous oceans, islands are like nature’s hidden jewels, each with a unique story inscribed in its surroundings. They extend an invitation to us, promising adventure and tranquility as well as a haven from the hectic mainland. Islands display a vast diversity in both topography and culture, ranging from tropical paradises with palm-fringed beaches and crystal-clear blue waters to craggy cliffs cloaked in mist and mystery. Their soaring volcanic peaks and vivid coral reefs teeming with life beneath the waves enthrall us. Islands create distinct ecosystems that need to be preserved since they are home to a wide range of flora and fauna that are not found anywhere else. Islands must be conserved because, despite their beauty, they are threatened by the water and by human activity. Yet, beyond their breathtaking beauty, islands are hubs of resilience and adaptation. Their communities have crafted lives deeply intertwined with the rhythms of the ocean and the abundance of the land. Explore the world’s biggest islands with this ebook. It contains facts about the 10 biggest islands, and some follow-up questions.


Lakes are essential to the world’s social, economic, and ecological aspects. They serve as large freshwater reservoirs, which are vital for industry, agriculture, and drinking and support billions of people worldwide. Lakes are rich ecological ecosystems that sustain a wide variety of flora and animals, many of which are indigenous, and are essential to the preservation of regional biodiversity. They are economically essential to transportation, tourism, sports, and fisheries, supporting local communities’ livelihoods and general well-being. Numerous lakes represent centuries-old customs and rituals that are historically and spiritually significant to the native and indigenous cultures. Furthermore, lakes influence weather patterns and store vast volumes of water, which contribute to climate regulation. The issues posed by climate change require their conservation and appropriate management. This ebook contains useful factual information about the world’s largest lakes. At the end, there are some multiple choice questions and a separate answer key. Enjoy teaching!
How To Teach Prepositions

How To Teach Prepositions

How do you teach prepositions? If you are an English language teacher, sooner or later you will need to teach prepositions to your students. Prepositions are one of the building blocks of the English language (or any language for that matter). They are the words that help us build meaningful sentences in the context of space and time. It is therefore imperative that students learn from a very young age how to use them properly. What is inside this eBook? There are millions of textbooks and grammar books out there that contain grammar exercises and practice activities on prepositions. This is not one of them. This eBook will give you ideas on how to teach prepositions creatively. It will show you how to create your own activities using materials you have available. Most importantly, it will give you suggestions on how to teach prepositions using the four skills, so that your students will stay interested and motivated.


Many millions of years ago, dinosaurs ruled the Earth and sea dragons were not mere creations of Hollywood movies, but fearsome predators that controlled and dominated the oceans. These creatures belong to a world that disappeared a long time ago, but nevertheless continues to excite those trying to understand the origin of life on our planet. Dinosaurs are a fascinating puzzle of prehistory, having evolved and disappeared millions of years ago. With their impressive variety of sizes and shapes, from the tiny Velociraptor to the imposing Tyrannosaurus Ρex, dinosaurs are a source of wonder and mystery for scientists and researchers. Telling their story opens windows into an ancient world rich with discoveries and helps us imagine what Earth was like when these amazing creatures dominated nature. Dinosaurs are linked to human curiosity, offering a journey into the past and an unexplored opportunity to learn more about the world that existed millions of years ago. This ebook includes information about the ten most well-known ones, followed by questions.
The 12 Gods of Greek Mythology

The 12 Gods of Greek Mythology

Greek mythology was a way of explaining the environment in which people lived, the natural phenomena they observed and the passage of time with days, months and seasons. Greek myths were also intricately connected to religion. They explained the origin and life of the gods, the origin of humans and their fate after death. Myths gave flesh and blood to the gods of Greek religion, while advising people on how to live a happy life. Another purpose of myths was to tell historical events so that people could keep in touch with their ancestors, the battles they fought and the places they explored. In this book, you will find detailed information about each one of the gods: their character, their symbols, their role in the ancient Greek mythology, and their most famous stories. Your students can practice their knowledge of Greek mythology by doing the 20 multiple choice questions at the end of the book. The questions are followed by the relevant answer key. Immerse yourself into the amazing world of Greek mythology and enjoy teaching it to your students!
100 English Idioms You Need to Know - 1

100 English Idioms You Need to Know - 1

100 of the most common idioms of the English language For learners of all levels With Comprehension Activities and Key For classroom use as well as self-studying When learning a foreign language, idioms are crucial. They are what separates a native speaker from a non-native speaker. Idioms have subtle language nuances that all learners should be aware of. They also carry cultural connotations and meanings; you can tell a lot about a country and its language from its idioms. As a teacher, don’t be afraid to expose your students to idioms. They are the backbone of the language (of any language, especially the English language). Idioms are also very memorable. They create mental pictures which are often quite unusual, hence easy to remember: just imagine raining cats and dogs, an elephant in a room, or throwing out the baby with the bath water. Even the youngest of students can remember them.
100 English Idioms You Need To Know - 3

100 English Idioms You Need To Know - 3

We have spoken about the importance of idioms in the previous two books of this series.Idioms improve communication by enabling you to communicate subtleties and deeper meanings that plain language cannot. When idioms are used effectively, communication becomes more captivating, engaging, and successful. Idioms reveal a person’s familiarity with English-speaking culture. Acquiring knowledge of idioms demonstrates a respect for the culture and principles inherent in the language. For instance, the expression “to pull yourself up by your bootstraps” was first used in America in the 19th century and still refers to bettering your circumstances on your own. Idioms are a fundamental component of language. Idioms having metaphorical connotations are genuinely present in many commonplace English expressions. Acquiring knowledge of idioms is essential to mastering the English language. In this third book of the Idioms series you will find 100 more idioms to teach your students, followed by 40 exercises and their answers as usual. Enjoy!
100 English Idioms You Need To Know - 2

100 English Idioms You Need To Know - 2

This is the second book of the four-book series ‘100 English Idioms You Need To Know’. Inside you will find 100 more idioms of the English language in alphabetical order. They are all followed by a short and precise definition and an explanatory example. At the end of the book you will find 40 activities: 20 gap-fill and 20 multiple choice type questions. These activities will help your students practise what they have learned and consolidate knowledge of the idioms. Finally, the last two pages of the book contain the key with the answers to the activities. It is needless to mention the importance of learning the idioms of the English language, Being proficient with idioms is not only a prerequisite skill for every language learner, but it is also a confidence booster and another step towards language acquisition and consolidation. We hope you will have fun teaching idioms to your English classes!
100 English Idioms You Need To Know - 4

100 English Idioms You Need To Know - 4

This is the fourth and last book of the series ‘100 English Idioms You Need To Know’. If you have reached this far, you probably know what this series is about. A few words about idioms Idioms enhance your general fluency in English. Knowing common idioms makes it easier to comprehend native speakers and increases your enjoyment of English-language media, such as songs and movies. Idioms are widely utilized in media, literature, and everyday speech. Your English sounds more expressive and natural when you use idioms. They give your writing and voice more individuality and color. Acquiring knowledge of idioms is an excellent method to increase your vocabulary and enhance your English communication skills. About this book This final book on idioms will give you 100 more idioms to teach your students. As always, there are 40 practice activities at the end of the book and the relevant key. Happy teaching!
Top 20 Presentation Tips for Teachers

Top 20 Presentation Tips for Teachers

Very practical tips and strategies for delivering powerful presentations in the classroom. What do teachers and presenters have in common? What can teachers learn from great presenters? This eBook contains some very practical presentation tips and strategies for delivering PowerPoint presentations. Teachers will find that most of these tips can be applied to normal classroom lessons.
Using Music & Song In The English Classroom

Using Music & Song In The English Classroom

This comprehensive guide is designed to explore the integration of music into English language instruction, aiming to transform traditional teaching methods by leveraging the power of music. By exploring various dimensions of music’s role in education, this book provides practical strategies, theoretical insights, and hands-on activities that can be used to enrich language learning experiences. The book targets educators at different levels—beginner, intermediate, and advanced—equipping them with tools to enhance student engagement, foster language development, and promote cultural awareness through music. Music’s appeal is universal and its impact on learning profound. Through structured and creative integration of music into English language lessons, this book seeks to demonstrate how music can be used to address various educational objectives, from improving linguistic skills to enhancing cultural understanding. The following sections will delve into the underlying principles, practical applications, and potential challenges of using music as a pedagogical tool in the English language classroom.
North America

North America

North America stretches from the arctic zone in the North to the tropical zone in the South. Most of it is in the temperate zone. The lands located in the Arctic zone are highly fragmented with deep gulfs and many islands, while its southern part, which approaches the Equator, forms the bridge between North and South America. In this narrow section the Panama Canal connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. North America is connected to South America by a strip of land, which is called Central America and belongs to North America along with the islands of the Caribbean Sea. This ebook will take your students on a journey across lands of huge differences, be it cultural, social, or economic. From the mighty USA to the tiny Saint Kits & Nevis, the North American continent is a unique crossroads of people and civilizations. The 20 activities at the end will consolidate your students’ knowledge of this part of the world.
Top 50 Resource Books for English Teachers

Top 50 Resource Books for English Teachers

Why Resource Books? Teachers need resource books for a variety of reasons. Firstly, resource books provide access to a wealth of ready-made materials such as lesson plans, activities, exercises, and assessments that can save teachers a significant amount of time and effort in lesson planning and preparation. Resource books for English teachers offer a wide range of materials that can be adapted to suit different teaching styles, class sizes, levels, and learning objectives, allowing teachers to be more flexible in their approach and cater to the diverse needs of their students. Resource books can be a valuable tool for professional development. They often include teaching tips, strategies, and techniques that can help teachers improve their skills and knowledge, keeping them up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in their field. Who is this book for? Resource books can be especially helpful for new teachers who may not have as much experience in lesson planning or classroom management. By providing step-by-step instructions and guidance, resource books can help new teachers build their confidence and develop effective teaching practices. Hence, this book can be used both by novice and experienced teachers who want to enrich their theoretical background and get practical ideas for their everyday teaching.