We are a group of active educators sharing our everyday experiences in the classroom. We share news, trends, research, ideas, and technologies that shape the future of learning. We support teaching through professional development, thought leadership, and resource curation.
We believe that education should not be a privilege; it is essential to the survival of the human race.
We are a group of active educators sharing our everyday experiences in the classroom. We share news, trends, research, ideas, and technologies that shape the future of learning. We support teaching through professional development, thought leadership, and resource curation.
We believe that education should not be a privilege; it is essential to the survival of the human race.
Every viewer of a teacher film can be greatly inspired. Who doesn’t adore the tale of the educator who has such faith in their pupils that they change their lives? Every educator aspires to have some influence on our students’ lives. Isn’t this ultimately the reason we teach?
The creation of instructional videos has gained popularity, whether through the internet or motion pictures. More people are getting involved in teaching and creating engaging movies and videos, which are primarily shared on Facebook and YouTube. The sector is flourishing.
But because movies evoke strong feelings and convey stories about people who are similar to us, they have a considerably greater impact than blogs and instructional videos.
This is a thorough list of the best teacher films ever made, arranged by rating. Some of the teachers will inspire you, while others will struggle, and some will be absolutely remarkable. They are all deserving of your consideration. Rotten Tomatoes provided the audience ratings and comments, while IMDb provided the plot descriptions.
This is a complete 90-minute lesson dedicated to the Black History Month. February is Black History Month. This month-long observance in the US and Canada is a chance to celebrate Black achievement and provide a fresh reminder to take stock of where systemic racism persists and give visibility to the people and organizations creating change.
African Americans have played a central role in shaping U.S. history. From slavery and its abolition to the Great Migration, the civil rights movement and military, scientific, cultural and political achievements, explore key moments, milestones and figures in Black History.
The lesson is largely based on the video ‘Origins of Black History Month’ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUUlstTYCLU).
In this lesson, you will find activities that practice all four skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing). For the writing activities, there are suggested answers provided, so as to be used as samples.
The lesson is ideal for classroom use or for home study.
Since many educators are currently using Zoom as their favored platform for online instruction, these suggestions and techniques would be helpful. Numerous educators encounter significant frustration at first as they strive to navigate the complex landscape of online learning and Zoom teaching. Therefore, this guide offers the most helpful tips for novice and intermediate users in one comprehensive resource.
This checklist acts as a quick guide to help you start Zoom for live teaching sessions. We have all faced complicated scenarios when you’re in a Zoom meeting and your internet drops unexpectedly, resulting in missing several important details of the meeting. Use this checklist as a basic resource and adjust it while personalizing the list based on your session requirements. You will find all that needs to be done before, during, and after your Zoom meeting. Ultimately, a comprehensive overview of the different tools available on Zoom is provided, along with instructions on their usage.
In today’s global economy, English language school franchises are a popular way for teachers to generate revenue. However, the process of opening an English school is not as simple as it might seem. Numerous considerations must be made before even getting started with the actual opening of your school. In this guide, we will discuss some of these things you should consider when opening an English language school.
The guide is divided into three parts. The forst part discusses all these things that you should consider before opening an English language school, such as finding a location and hiring the right staff. The second part includes all the online and offline tools you will need to run the school successfully, such as Kahoot, Zoho, etc. The third part outlines a specific timeline for your actions. Starting from two years before opening up until the opening day and even beyond that.
Why is Martin Luther King’s birthday celebrated as a national holiday, and who was he? Learn how Martin Luther King Jr. transformed American culture forever by watching this incredibly educational Kids Academy film about this remarkable guy. You will learn about his battle against segregation, a legislation in the United States that prohibited individuals with different skin tones from traveling, studying, or dining together. Some individuals felt it was normal to treat Black people badly, despite the fact that slavery had been abolished over a century earlier. In order to combat this inequality, Martin Luther King began using both words and nonviolent means, and he was successful!
This lesson plan is based on the YouTube video about Martin Luther King Jr.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwZxJEUOvS0. There are various activities for your students to do before, while, and after watching the video. The lesson last 90 minutes and it is designed mostly for Elementary school students. The answer key is included at the end.
This Lesson Plan is based on the YouTube video “How to Have a British Christmas” by Anglophenia. The video describes all the unique and sometimes weird Christmas traditions that can be found in the UK. It also compares them with their equivalent ones in the US. From explosives at the dinner table to burning letters to Santa, it looks at 10 ways Christmas differs in Britain.
The level is Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate. The video duration is 4:52 minutes. The total lesson duration is 90 minutes.
The lesson aims to:
To familiarize students with British Christmas traditions.
To compare cultural practices in the UK and the US.
To practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
Each stage of the lesson is assigned a specific time frame. The written activities for the students are provided in a separate photocopiable sheet. The answers to the activities are included as well at the end of the lesson.
This coloring book includes 30 elaborately created coloring pages centered around Kwanzaa. The sheets are entirely in black and white, set up for printing and coloring. Share this experience along with your students!
A brief overview of Kwanzaa:
Kwanzaa is an annual celebration that emphasizes African family values and social principles, primarily recognized in the United States from December 26 to January 1. The celebration and its name were founded in 1966 by Maulana Karenga, an Africana studies professor at California State University, Long Beach, and an influential figure in Afrocentrism. Karenga derived the term kwanza, signifying “first,” from the Swahili phrase matunda ya kwanza, incorporating an extra a as the seventh letter to guarantee it contained sufficient letters for each of the seven children who were present at a previous celebration. The word Kwanzaa does not exist in Swahili. The concept of Kwanzaa originates from first-fruits celebrations in Southern Africa.
Hanukkah — which can also be written as Chanukah or through various transliterations from Hebrew — is the “festival of lights” in Judaism. For eight nights in a row, Jews come together with relatives and friends to light one more candle in the menorah — a multi-armed candelabrum.
In Hebrew, Hanukkah signifies “dedication,” and this festival commemorates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem during the 2nd century BC, after a tiny band of Jewish warriors freed it from foreign occupying forces. Using the small amount of ritually pure oil discovered in the temple, they kindled the menorah — and it remained lit for eight days. The tradition of igniting a nightly candle, along with the focus on preparing dishes in oil like potato pancakes known as latkes, honors this astonishingly enduring oil.
This comprises a series of tasks centered around the video “What is Hanukkah?”. The solutions can be located at the conclusion of the book.
This is a detailed lesson plan based on the YouTube video “Christmas traditions in Great Britain”.
Christmas is a very important time in the christian year, but it is also very important to people who do not go to church. It is a time for presents, parties, and time with the family.
In the UK, people start to get ready for Christmas in late October or early November. They decorate their shops with lights, trees, and other decorations. Shops get very busy and stay open later
in the middle of December. Most families buy Christmas trees, put them inside the house, and put colorful decorations on them.
Watch the video with your students and follow the steps in the lesson plan. You will have 60 minutes of lesson, with a variety of activities that will engage all types of learners.
Add some Christmas joy to your lessons with this festive lesson plan!
The Grade 3 Common Core Language Arts curriculum focuses on developing foundational reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. In Reading, students explore both literature and informational texts, learning to identify main ideas, details, and themes while also recognizing text structures. The Reading Foundations segment emphasizes fluency, helping students read with accuracy and expression.
Writing tasks include narratives, informative texts, and opinions, guiding students through the writing process—planning, drafting, revising, and editing. Language standards focus on grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary, with lessons on using verbs, forming plurals, and understanding word meanings and figurative language.
In Speaking and Listening, students engage in discussions and presentations to strengthen communication and active listening skills. Overall, this curriculum builds independence in reading and writing and equips third graders with essential skills for future academic success. It balances skill-building with opportunities for creative expression, preparing students for more complex learning in later grades.
You will find a wealth of activities in this worksheet for your students.
The Common Core ELA standards aim to help students develop their comprehension and practical use of print concepts, the alphabet principle, and other fundamental rules of the English writing system. These basic skills are not the ultimate goal; they are essential parts of a successful reading program aimed at creating skilled readers who can understand various types of texts in different subjects.
Differentiation in instruction is necessary as proficient readers will require far less practice with these ideas compared to readers who are having difficulty. The goal is to educate students on new information, not repeat what they already understand - to decide when certain children or tasks require additional or reduced focus.
Students are responsible for meeting grade-specific standards each year and improving upon skills and knowledge acquired in previous grades.
This worksheet provides a lot of practice opportunities for your Grade 1 students in order to master Language Arts.
Grade 4 students are required to perform certain tasks.
Use specific information and examples from the text to clarify the text’s direct meaning and to make logical deductions from it.
Identify a central idea in a text and provide a concise summary of the text.
Provide a detailed analysis of a character, setting, or event in a story or drama by referencing specific details from the text, such as the character’s thoughts, words, or actions.
Identify the definition of words and phrases in a text, including references to important mythological characters like Hercules.
Describe key distinctions among poetry, plays, and prose by discussing the specific components of each form, such as verse, rhythm, and meter for poetry, and characters, settings, descriptions, dialogue, and stage directions for drama.
This ebook contains 50 activities designed for your students to practice with the Common Core Language Arts for Grade 4.
The Standards, known as the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects, are the result of a comprehensive initiative to meet the states’ directive to develop new K-12 standards that will prepare students for college and careers with literacy skills by the end of high school.
The Common Core Standards establish several criteria for literacy in history and social studies, science, and technical subjects as well as English language arts (ELA). In the same way that students need to master reading, writing, speaking, listening, and using language proficiently across different subjects, the Standards must also outline the literacy skills needed for success in college and careers in various fields.
This worksheet will provide enough pratcice for your students to familiarise themselves with the Language Arts curriculum. The answers to the activities are included as well at the end of the book.
While in Kindergarten, students will acquire these skills along with other subjects:
With guidance and assistance, inquire and respond to queries regarding important details within a text.
With guidance and assistance, recount well-known tales, highlighting important details.
Inquire and respond to queries regarding unfamiliar terms in a passage.
With guidance and assistance, identify the author and illustrator of a tale and explain the function of each in narrating the story.
Identify typical categories of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems).
Participate purposefully in group reading activities with comprehension.
With guidance and assistance, explain the relationship between two people, occurrences, concepts, or pieces of information within a text.
Identify the writer and artist of a piece and explain the function of each in conveying the concepts or details within the text.
Participate purposefully and with comprehension in group reading sessions.
This ebook is filled with numerous activities designed to assist your kindergarten students in honing their Common Core skills.
During the 9th Grade Common Core Language Arts curriculum, students will be taught various subjects including:
Show proficiency in the rules of standard English grammar and usage while writing or speaking.
Utilize parallel structure in rephrasing the given text while maintaining the same language and word count.
Recognize sentences that have parallel structures.
The cat played with the ball, pounced on the mouse, and chased the butterfly.
Employ different kinds of phrases and clauses to express precise meanings and enhance diversity and engagement in writing or presentations.
Find prepositional phrases
Recognize appositives and phrases that rename nouns.
Determine subordinate and main clauses.
What type of sentence is it: simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex?
Combine sentences by using relative clauses.Show mas
tery of correct English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling in writing.
Employ a semicolon (and possibly a conjunctive adverb) for connecting two or more closely related independent clauses.Using conjunctive adverbs for transitions
Utilize semicolons to connect independent clauses, and commas to separate items in a list.
This digital book will assist them in practicing everything mentioned.
By the time they reach fifth grade, students following the Common Core Language Arts curriculum will be introduced to a variety of new concepts and skills:
Make sure to correctly cite a passage from a text both when summarizing its explicit content and when making conclusions based on the text.
Identify the main idea of a narrative, play, or poem based on specific information provided in the text, such as the reactions of characters to obstacles or the reflections of the speaker on a subject; give a brief overview of the text.
Analyze and differentiate between two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, utilizing specific details from the text (e.g., examining how characters engage with one another).
Decide the significance of words and phrases in a text, taking into account figurative language like metaphors and similes.
Describe how a succession of chapters, scenes, or stanzas connect to form the overarching framework of a specific narrative, play, or poem.
This eBook provides numerous chances for Grade 5 students to practice various aspects of Language Arts.
In their final year of High School, students should be aware of, among other aspects:
· Utilize language understanding to grasp how it operates in various contexts, enabling effective decisions regarding meaning or style and achieving deeper comprehension during reading or listening.
· Change sentence structure for impact, referring to sources (like Tufte’s Artful Sentences) for support as necessary; utilize knowledge of syntax when analyzing intricate texts during reading.
· Merge sentences by incorporating relative clauses.
· What is implied by the punctuation?
· Vocabulary Learning and Application
· Identify or explain the significance of unfamiliar and ambiguous words and expressions relevant to grades 11–12 reading and subject matter, selecting adaptively from various techniques.
· Rely on context (for instance, the general idea of a sentence, paragraph, or text; a word’s role or placement in a sentence) as a hint to understand a word or phrase’s meaning.
This ebook will assist your students in practicing everything mentioned above and beyond.
In Common Core Language Arts, 6th grade students are instructed in a range of skills such as those listed below:
Explain how a narrative in a story or play develops through a sequence of occurrences, emphasizing how the characters react or evolve as the narrative advances towards a conclusion.
Identify the main concept conveyed in a passage and how it is illustrated through specific details; summarize the text without adding personal opinions or evaluations.
Examine how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza impacts the overall organization of a text and enriches the progression of the theme, setting, or plot.
Analyze the distinctions between reading a story, play, or poem and listening to or watching an audio, video, or live interpretation of the text, while also exploring the varied visual and auditory elements encountered in each.
This digital book includes many activities for Common Core Language Arts students to improve their abilities.
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts in the eighth grade:
Provide quotes from the text that best support an analysis of both explicit statements and conclusions drawn from the text.
Identify a main message or key idea of a text and examine how it progresses throughout the text, considering its connection to the characters, setting, and plot; give an unbiased overview of the text.
Examine how specific dialogues or events in a narrative or play advance the plot, unveil character traits, or influence a character’s choice.
Analyze the use of words and phrases in a text to understand their meanings, including figurative and connotative meanings; evaluate how specific word choices affect meaning and tone, such as using analogies or allusions to other texts.
Examine the organization of multiple texts and assess how the distinct structure of each impacts their overall meaning and style.
The ebook contains 50 exercises to assist your students in practicing.
Seventh grade students following the Common Core Language Arts program will be taught:
Provide multiple examples of text to back up analysis of both explicit statements and conclusions drawn from the text.
Identify a main theme of a text and examine how it progresses throughout the text; present an unbiased summary of the text.
Examine the way specific elements of a narrative or play are connected (e.g., how the setting influences the characters or storyline).
Analyzing the meaning of words and phrases in a text, including their figurative and connotative meanings, as well as examining the effects of rhymes and other sound repetitions like alliteration on a particular verse or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama.
Examine the impact of a play or poem’s format or arrangement (e.g., monologue, sonnet) on its significance.
This digital book will assist them in practicing the curriculum tasks.