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"Street FACTOR II" - Amazing Factors and Multiples dice game

"Street FACTOR II" - Amazing Factors and Multiples dice game

Your students will develop their knowledge and understanding of factors and multiples without even realising it! Aim: To use knowledge and understanding of factors, multiples, common factors and prime numbers to win a tournament fight in the style of a certain arcade classic. Equipment: Two sets of six D6 dice (e.g.: six black and six white dice). The PDF includes 3 full colour card sets (copyright-friendly superheroes, monsters and tournament fighters) and full instructions. Students roll dice to recruit fighters and then pit them against each other based on common factors. No pre-knowledge of factors or multiples required. Can be used to introduce or consolidate the topic. Also great for golden time as students LOVE playing this for the gameplay alone! Gameplay video and instructions on my YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/eUU8Kg30pBs