A full lesson plan based on the seven deadly sins linked to An Inspector Calls. This lesson also covers the idea of a morality play. Slides also can be used for worksheets. Aimed at higher/middle ability.
Over 100 slides containing tasks and context for each of the poems in the AQA power and conflict poetry cluster. This is perfect for revision or as a first teaching of the poems. Contains slides with the poems to make things easier.
An A3 grid with notes on each poem including; language, form, structure, context, theme and suggested poems for comparision. Useful for supporting lower level students who are unsure on which poems compare with which.
A 90+ slide powerpoint containing everything you will need for revision around Macbeth. It contains tasks, quotes, past papers, videos, language analysis and more all in one powerpoint. Links are added to websites used for information.
Reading strategies to support with pre reading, during reading and after reading. Can be used for whole school literacy initiatives. Suitable for KS3 upwards.