Traditional Tales with a Twist
Year 2
Blow your nose, Big Bad Wolf
Newspaper Article Writing
5 lessons
Aimed at Autumn 2 Year 2
FANTASTIC book , would highly recommend.
Year 2
Snow Lambs book
Links to comprehension tasks, what is a shepherd?
What are adjectives? Looking at adjectives linked to the story
The story PPT isn’t included due to copywright but is very cheap to buy online.
The book is a very rich text.
Story sequencing
Writing descriptions
2 week unit of Literacy for Year 2
Leading to a Big Write
How to care for Owls
Owl Facts
Owl Babies
Links to creative writing
Using imagination
Up level and promotes peer review
Based on the book How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers
LO: To use your phonics to write a word or sentence describing your picture.
SC: I have used my phonic knowledge to write a word or sentence. I have used resources to help me write a word or sentence.
Using imaginations children will write about catching a star, aimed at Year 2.
An example of a daily plan used for FS2.
2 classes with a rotation of resources.
Focused on a Science week theme.
Percy the park keeper book used for some activities.
Year 2 Home learning - very quick home learning including spellings, common exception words, maths, sequences, simple addition sentences. Great for Autumn Term.