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Experience in Year 2 and FS2
Snow Lambs Week Plan and Resources

Snow Lambs Week Plan and Resources

Year 2 Snow Lambs book Links to comprehension tasks, what is a shepherd? What are adjectives? Looking at adjectives linked to the story The story PPT isn’t included due to copywright but is very cheap to buy online. The book is a very rich text. Story sequencing Writing descriptions
Measuring Year 2

Measuring Year 2

Outdoor year 2 activity Week of activities OWL refers to LO Measuring indoors and outdoors
Art week Literacy Plan

Art week Literacy Plan

Year 2 Georges Seurat as the focus artist Exploring feels, herringbone activity, reading, commands, spellings, team work and links to history
Book Week Bog Baby Plan

Book Week Bog Baby Plan

Great whole school resource for English leads Bog baby whole school book for book week Ideas and whole school plan
creative writing ks1

creative writing ks1

Based on the book How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers LO: To use your phonics to write a word or sentence describing your picture. SC: I have used my phonic knowledge to write a word or sentence. I have used resources to help me write a word or sentence. Using imaginations children will write about catching a star, aimed at Year 2.
Phonics plan ll ff ss

Phonics plan ll ff ss

A week plan for Phase 2 digraphs -ff -ss -ll and tricky words Great plan with a broad range of ideas for activities for FS2.
Foundation Stage Daily Plan

Foundation Stage Daily Plan

An example of a daily plan used for FS2. 2 classes with a rotation of resources. Focused on a Science week theme. Percy the park keeper book used for some activities.
Year 2 Home Learning

Year 2 Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning - very quick home learning including spellings, common exception words, maths, sequences, simple addition sentences. Great for Autumn Term.