I made a crazy interactive widget thingy to illustrate the limiting factor graphs for photosynthesis. Just for fun really. Project it onto the whiteboard perhaps. Make it huge using the browser zoom controls. I hope that it entertains you.
Please note: in order to provide a rich interactive experience, my interactive resources are mini-web sites local to your computer. After unzipping, they comprise a folder containing the main .html file and another folder containing the graphic resources and my coding to make the resource work. Double click on the .html file and the resource will work. If, however , you move or delete any of the files from this hierarchy, the resource will not work.
I have made a little interactive cartoon thingy about this concept. Double click on “osmosis.html” and it will open in your browser. Use the browser zoom controls to make it huge. May be useful as plenary around the whiteboard, in an interlude, etc etc.
It can be previewed on my web site.
Please note: in order to provide a rich interactive experience, my resources are mini-web sites local to your computer. After unzipping, they comprise a folder containing the main .html file and another folder containing the graphic resources and my coding to make the resource work. Double click on the .html file and the resource will work. If, however , you move or delete any of the files from this hierarchy, the resource will not work.
Word searches help concentrate on scientific literacy and aid concentration. they are good summary activities and for revision. I have tried to make these attractive and efficacious in that they use only one side of A4. A solution is provided for each.