PowerPoint and activities to accompany Module 1 Unit 1 of Stimmt 2 Früher und heute. Includes:
- PowerPoint with lesson structure and answesr to various activities
- Extensive activities (stretch and support) on früher and heute Innsbruck texts (including listening gap-fill activity)
- Imperfect explanation and 2 pages of imperfect war/hatte/es gab drills
- Then and now pictures of various world cities for a photo comparison task
- Hamburg früher and heute text with vocabulary support
- Stretch and support transposition activity from imperfect to present
PowerPoint and activities to accompany Module 1 Unit 1 of GCSE Viva Edexcel. Includes:
- PowerPoint with key answers, explanations and starter activities
- Costa Rica text to introduce weather
- Further practice of the weather with Spanish weather forecasts
- Country quick-fire matching exercise
- Paired dictation of listening exercise which can be used to verify later
A worksheet based on page 99 exercise 4 Traum- oder Alptraumurlaub?
Includes analysis of the text, vocabulary building exercises and translation practice linked to GCSE skills.
A unit of work using the Michaela inspired knowledge organiser approach on school routine, time and present tense verbs. Included:
Powerpoints with starter activities
Knowledge organiser
Variety of activities including: time game, grammar drills, one pen-one dice translation
Loosely based on Dynamo 1 Chapter 2
A range of role plays and picture cards for additional speaking practice based on Edexcel French speaking exam:
Theme 1: Identity and culture
Theme 2: Local area, holiday and travel
Theme 3: School
A unit of work using the Michaela inspired knowledge organiser approach with some Gianfranco Conti activities on describing your school and revision of subjects, time and uniform. Included:
Powerpoints with starter activities
Knowledge organiser
Sentence builders
Variety of activities including: narrow reading, tangled translation, narrow translations, running dictation, big quiz on entire topic, no snakes-no ladders sentences (the grid can be sourced from Gianfranco Conti)
Loosely based on Dynamo 1 Chapter 2
PowerPoint and activities to accompany Module 1 Unit 2 of GCSE Viva Edexcel. Includes:
- School subject and teach homework
- Sentences for running translation
- PowerPoint with all answers to selected exercises from the book and explanation of comparatives and superlatives grammar point
Original texts removed due to copyright
A photo mat preparing students for the GCSE and being able to describe a photo. Includes sections on:
- What is there in the photo
- What are the people doing
- Adjectives
- Higher level phrases
PowerPoint and activities to accompany Module 2 Unit 3 of GCSE Viva Edexcel. Includes:
- Dominoes matching school rules exercise
- Speaking exercises on school rules
- Gap-fill with English transcription of listening exercise
- Problems at school reading
- Optional (and very challenging) Pen, paper, dice translation
A few resources to aid with the teaching of the future tense with werden:
- Worksheet with grammar drills
- Worksheet for students to fill in whilst listening to an explanation of the future tense
- Listening grid where students listen to sentences and categorise the elements to aid with the understanding of word order
Some more exercises to aid with the teaching of the future tense with werden. Includes:
- Translation homework into English
- Pen, paper, dice translation (two versions)
- Running translation sentences
A series of exercises and resources to practise the verb avoir and articles in French. Includes
- Page of drills on avoir
- Drills on determining articles based on thegender of nouns
- Battleships drilling avoir/il y a/classroom objects
- Find the error exercise
- Homework translation into French
A series of grammar drills with answers for self correction, ideal for cover work or DIRT type activities. Grammar covered includes:
- gern vs. mag
- verb agreements
- word order
- capitalisation of nouns
- connectives
Series of grammar exercises based on Gianfranco Conti's exercises for the perfect tense in German. includes
- Find someone who activity
- Two differentiated text searches
- Two ping-pong translation
- A listening activity focused on word order
Two resources to aid with teaching the town in German
1. Places in town with descriptions for students to work out meanings
2. A selection of texts on town
A lesson on the importance of water. Includes an activity based on a video about the journey of a water droplet and a translation activity based on important water facts
A lesson based on a silent movie featuring a griffon. The lesson is uses the video to create a lesson based on a literary text which forms the basis to practise the past tense.