
KS3 Coasts - Coastal Processes and Landforms - Full Unit with All Resources
KS3 Coastal Processes and Landforms - Full Unit with All Resources, including support for lower ability students and stretch (extensions) for higher ability students.
Waves (constructive and destructive)
Weathering and Mass Movement
Erosional Processes
Transportation and Longshore Drift
Landforms of Erosion (bays; caves, arches, stacks and stumps)
Landforms of Deposition (spits and bars)
Coastal Erosion Case Study - Holderness
Hard and Soft Engineering
Managed Retreat
Holderness Coastal Management
Coastal Sand Dunes (Formation, Habitats and Management at Studland)
Sea Level Rise - Causes, Effects and Management

KS3 Rivers, Flooding and Water Resources - Full Unit with All Resources
KS3 Rivers, Flooding and Water Resources - Full Unit with All Resources, including differentiated support for lower ability students and stretch (extensions) for higher ability students.
Introduction to Rivers and the Hydrological Cycle
The Upper River Course (features and processes)
The Middle and Lower River Course (features and processes)
Flood Hydrographs
Flash Flooding in Boscastle - HIC Case Study
Flooding in Bangladesh - LIC Case Study
River Basin Management
Water Supply, Demand and Management in the UK

KS3 Population Change and Migration - Full Unit with All Resources
KS3 Population Change and Migration - Full Unit with All Resources, including support for lower ability students and stretch (extensions) for higher ability students.
Population Density
Global Population Change
The Demographic Transition Model (DTM)
Population Pyramids
Population Pressures (Overpopulation and Underpopulation)
Population Control (Pro and Anti-Natal policies)
China’s One Child Policy
Ageing Populations
Migration - Push and Pull Factors
Migration within the EU
Migration into the EU
UK Population Issues

KS3 Natural Hazards / Tectonics / Restless Earth - Full Unit with All Resources
KS3 Natural Hazards / Tectonics / Restless Earth - Full Unit with All Resources, including support for lower ability students and stretch (extensions) for higher ability students.
Earth structure
Types of plate boundaries
Fold mountains and ocean trenches
Human uses of The Alps - Case Study
Types of volcanoes
Impacts of Volcanic Eruptions - Eyjafjallajokull 2010 Eruption Case Study
Earthquakes - formation and detection, including data exploration activity
Kobe, Japan - HIC Case Study
Haiti - LIC Case Study
Comparing earthquakes - literacy practice
The 3 P’s - Prediction, Preparation and Protection