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100+ Topic based Exam Packs – GCSE Maths Takeaway

100+ Topic based Exam Packs – GCSE Maths Takeaway

100+ Exam based questions with solutions. Very useful as GCSE revision, or at the end of a topic. For the hyperlinks to work: 1- Create a folder called “Resources” 2- Save all pdf files into this folder. 3- The excel file and “Resources” Folder should be in the same location. (the excel file should not be inside the folder) Thanks to keshmaths where you can download individual files. Why not have a look at my A-Level Maths takeaway resource?
Exam Question Level Analysis - Identify trends and diagnose weaknesses

Exam Question Level Analysis - Identify trends and diagnose weaknesses

Use this resource after your students have done an Exam paper, to help identify and diagnose weaknesses. Automatically colour codes weak areas based on max marks per question. Can be fully customised to any paper, and you can add upto 250 students. For the full version with individual student reports and custom range to change colour coding please see my paid resource. Please leave a comment.