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Spanish Future Tense & Technology

Spanish Future Tense & Technology

In this activity, students are given 10 different situations that involve common things that can go wrong with technology (dead cell phones, broken printers, lost passwords, etc) and are asked to tell what they will or will not do next using the Future Tense. This is a fun way to get students writing about something they are interested in while relating it to everyday problems.
Spanish Christmas Carol Activities (Villancicos Navideños)

Spanish Christmas Carol Activities (Villancicos Navideños)

Do you want to expose your students to Spanish language Christmas carols (villancicos) in a way that enforces learned grammar and vocabulary concepts? These activities accompany 3 popular Spanish language villancicos readily available on YouTube or iTunes. Students will listen to each of the villancicos and attempt to complete the missing lyrics, then they will complete a variety of activities with each song that reinforce basic Spanish vocabulary, vocabulary related to the Chirstmas season, and grammar concepts like gerunds, the verb IR, diminutives, and many more. This product focuses on the following Villancicos: -"Rodolfo el Reno" cantado por Thalia -"Mi Burrito Sabanero" cantado por Juanes -"Los Peces en el Río" cantado por los Gipsy Kings This product includes: -3 Cloze Activities -Vocabulary Matching Activity -Description Activity -Grammar Scavenger Hunt -Grammar Review Activity -Lyric Illustration Activity
Spanish Inductive Grammar Lesson:  Verbs like Gustar

Spanish Inductive Grammar Lesson: Verbs like Gustar

This inductive grammar lesson leads students to discover the rules behind using verbs like gustar to express likes and dislikes in Spanish. Students will follow a 4 step inductive process to make learning grammar more meaningful. Step 1: Students will see examples of correct usage and create rules based on what they observe. Step 2: Students will test those rules against additional examples of correct language usage. Step 3: Students will make adjustments and additions to their rules based on more observations. Step 4: Students will apply the rules while producing their own language. These scaffolded activities promote higher order thinking skills and represent the method of grammar instruction that is recommended by national organizations like ACTFL.
Vocabulary Sorting Activities - Free Sample

Vocabulary Sorting Activities - Free Sample

This is a free sample containing 2 vocabulary sorting activities. Sorting activities help Foreign Language, Elementary and ESL/ELL students make connections between words, brainstorm for writing, or practice new vocabulary. Their versatility, ease of use, and the fact that they differentiate themselves make them one of my favorite things to use in my own classroom! Each activity contains 4 different categories which students must complete with words that they know and fit each category. These are a quick, easy way for students to recycle vocabulary that they have previously learned or integrate vocabulary they are currently studying. They can also be used to gauge a student's progress in acquiring language when compared over the school year and they differentiate themselves! These work well as a class starter or closing activity. Once students have completed an activity, it is easy to use their work as a jumping off point for writing tasks or inspiration for oral drill and conversation. Use them when you need a sub plan and ask students to write a paragraph or sentences as a follow up activity! These are low prep and ready to print and go! You can even skip the print step and just display them for students! The full length product includes 30 activities and is available in both Spanish and English.
El Día de los Reyes Magos

El Día de los Reyes Magos

This printable Power Point presentation offers students important cultural information about "El Día de los Reyes Magos" and invites them to participate in virtual activities that simulate different facets of the holiday celebration. Students will learn about Melchor, Gaspar, and Baltasar and how they figure into the Christmas season in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries. They will read about the large festival in Mexico City at Alameda Park and write their own brief letter to the Three Kings. They will acquire vocabulary related to the holiday and use it to complete a variety of activities and exercises. Your students will love choosing a piece of a virtual Rosca de Reyes and seeing if they found the figure of el niño Jesús in one of two interactive activities. In the second interactive activity, students will see figures added to the nacimiento and learn when and where each one is placed. Guaranteed to be educational AND fun for your students! This Product Includes: 1. Six Readings - cover the major traditions of Three Kings Day in English with key Spanish vocabulary highlighted in each reading. 2. Letter Writing Activity - students write a brief letter to the Three Kings in Spanish. Phrase ideas provided. 3. Vocabulary Acquisition Activity - students complete sentences with new words they have learned. 4. Virtual Rosca de Reyes Activity - students choose a piece and click to see if they have found el niño Jesús 5. Virtual Nacimiento - students see figures added to a nativity scene and learn when and where they are placed 6. 2 Summative Activities - a venn diagram, and a vocabulary sorting activity 7. Teacher/Student Resource Links - links to videos that provide more information about the holiday and show the celebrations
Spanish Future Tense Fortune Teller Activity

Spanish Future Tense Fortune Teller Activity

In this activity, students play the role of a fortune teller as they tell what WILL (future tense) happen to 12 different people when given some key information. Lots of possible answers mean students are creating original thoughts and authentic responses. Students will enjoy sharing their answers and trying to figure out how others responded.
Spanish Phonics & Pronunciation Activities

Spanish Phonics & Pronunciation Activities

These activities help students learn the basics of Spanish phonics with scaffolded activities that focus on a variety of letter sounds in Spanish. Often taken for granted, instruction in phonics is a great way to jumpstart the listening and pronunciation skills of beginning learners. Each activity targets a different set of letter sounds, beginning with sounds that are easy for native English speakers and progressing to sounds that are more difficult to identify or easy to confuse. Students will listen to the pronunciation of 12 words within each of the 7 activities and are asked to insert the correct letters that are representative of those sounds. Included with each word is also a picture definition so that students can begin to acquire some basic vocabulary. When the activities are complete, they may be added to a notebook or binder as a picture dictionary for students to keep. This Product Includes: -Consonant Sounds Activity 1 (D, F, K, M P, T) -Consonant Sounds Activity 2 (C, H, CH, L, LL) -Consonant Sounds Activity 3 (R, RR, N, Ñ) -Consonant Sounds Activity 4 (G, J, S, Z, B, V) -Vowel Sounds Activity 1 (A, O, U) -Vowel Sounds Activity 2 (E, I) -Vowel Sounds Activity 3 (Diphthongs) -Answer Keys For All Activities
"Me Gustas Tú" & Verbs like Gustar

"Me Gustas Tú" & Verbs like Gustar

These activities go along with the song "Me Gustas Tú" by Manu Chao which is readily available on YouTube and iTunes. In the first activity, students listen to the song and complete the missing lyrics. In the second activity, they are asked to locate certain lines of the song and copy them. In the third activity they will manipulate those lyrics. The manipulation of the lyrics requires them to use a variety of "backwards" verbs like gustar. The final activity is an extension activity where students write a verse for a make-believe song called "Me Disgustas Tú" using the same lyrical pattern and rhyme scheme of this song. The lesson also includes several higher-order thinking questions for discussion. Students will practice listening, reading, and writing in this lesson. This Product Includes: 1. Questions for Discussion 2. Clozeline Activity 4. Lyric Identification Activity 5. Lyric Manipulation Activity 6. Extension Activity 7. Answer keys for all objective exercises
"Creo en Mi" & The Present Perfect Tense

"Creo en Mi" & The Present Perfect Tense

These activities are meant to help students learn how to use the present perfect tense in Spanish. These activities go along with the song "Creo en mi" by Natalia Jiménez, former vocalist of the well-known group "5ta Estación". This song is readily available on YouTube and iTunes and a link to the song is referenced. After reviewing a biography of the artist, students are asked to listen to the song several times and fill in the lyrics that have been removed. Then, students are given an overview of the concept of the Present Perfect tense and asked to locate and observe it's use in the lyrics of the song. Students then are asked to find and copy certain lyrics frin within the song. Students then apply their new understanding of the present perfect tense to manipulate those lyrics and create new ones. Included in this download: -Artist Biography -Link to the song on YouTube -Clozeline Activity -Present Perfect Tense Tutorial -Inductive Grammar Activity -Lyric Identification Activity -Lyric Manipulation Activity -Answer Keys for all objective activities
Cortometraje Activities:  Vendedor de Humo

Cortometraje Activities: Vendedor de Humo

These listening, reading, writing, and speaking activities accompany the cortometraje "El Vendedor de Humo". Similar to MovieTalk, these lessons focus not only on speaking, but on all communicative skills. (link included). Students are introduced to 8 key vocabulary words that will help them to talk about the story in Spanish. Prior to watching the animated short, they will consider a couple of questions which can then be discussed with a partner, as a whole class, or reflected on with a written response. After watching the cortometraje, students will engage in listening activities where they must match scenes of the short with description in Spanish, reading activities where they must apply new vocabulary, writing activities where they must describe scenes, and speaking activities where they must retell the events of the story. These are great anytime activities with a lot of comprehensible input that seek to develop all modes of communication. This resource includes: -Link to the Cortometraje -Key Vocabulary -Discussion Activity -Listening Activity -Listening Script for Teacher -Reading Activity -Writing Activity -Speaking Activity -Answer Keys for all Objective Activities
Spanish Preterite vs Imperfect:  La Leyenda del Espantapájaros

Spanish Preterite vs Imperfect: La Leyenda del Espantapájaros

This product includes 4 scaffolded activities to accompany the viewing of the short film "La Leyenda del Espantapájaros" (available on YouTube, link provided). Students will begin by watching the short animated film and answering some basic questions in Spanish about what they see happening. Students will watch the film a second time, this time focusing on 14 different vocabulary words that students should be able to acquire based on the context of the film. They will then use these 14 words to answer additional questions about the legend. In the third activity, students are asked to fill in missing parts of an English translation of the legend when given the Spanish script. In the final activity, students examine the Spanish script of the movie more closely to find examples of the preterite and imperfect tenses and support the author's choice for their usage. This Product Includes: 1. Link to the film "La Leyenda del Espantapájaros" on YouTube 2. Visual Literacy Activity 3. Predicting Meaning Activity 4. Comprehension Activity (includes film script in Spanish) 5. Preterite vs Imperfect Activity
Spanish Speaking Prompts - Basic Personal Information

Spanish Speaking Prompts - Basic Personal Information

These speaking prompts are designed to move students from asking/answering basic questions in Spanish to responding to increasingly complicated prompts around the theme of Providing Basic Personal Information There are 4 categories of prompts that ask students to move between different levels of communication including the presentation of facts, opinions, feelings, and towards complete openness in social situations. Category A – Yes or No Questions, Either/Or Questions Category B – Additional Information Questions Category C – Expressing Opinions and Feelings Category D – Situational Speaking Prompts & Extended Response You may approach these prompts by moving students through them from Categories A-D in a sequential manner, or you may use them as an opportunity for easy differentiation between the various proficiency levels of Novice to Intermediate learners that may be present in your classroom. Although these prompts have been designed as speaking prompts, they can also be used as writing prompts for individual practice, homework, or assessment. Ideas for Usage: -Pair students for one on one practice. -Form small groups and have students interview a student. -Invite a guest speaker or native speaking student to your classroom and have students select questions to ask them during a Q&A session -Have students write additional prompts or variations of existing prompts on the blank cards provided -Pull 1 prompt from each category for a challenging oral proficiency assessment -Have students develop role plays based on the situational prompts This Product Includes -Guide for Educators -15 Category A Prompts -15 Category B Prompts -9 Category C Prompts -6 Category D Prompts -Blank Cards to allow for creation of additional questions if desired
Spanish Inductive Grammar Lesson:  Adjective Agreement

Spanish Inductive Grammar Lesson: Adjective Agreement

This inductive grammar lesson leads students to discover the rules behind adjective agreement in Spanish. Students will follow a 4 step inductive process to make learning grammar more meaningful. Step 1: Students will see examples of correct usage and create rules based on what they observe. Step 2: Students will test those rules against additional examples of correct language usage. Step 3: Students will make adjustments and additions to their rules based on more observations. Step 4: Students will apply the rules while producing their own language. These scaffolded activities promote higher order thinking skills and represent the method of grammar instruction that is recommended by national organizations like ACTFL.
Hispanic Myths & Legends:  La Llorona

Hispanic Myths & Legends: La Llorona

This lesson introduces beginning language learners to the legend of La Llorona in a way that promotes using legends to learn about culture in a deep and meaningful way. This lesson asks students to consider some complex ideas and make connections between the products, practices, and beliefs of Hispanics around the world. These activities promote higher-level thinking that would be beyond the grasp of most students in the target language, so the lessons are done in English to make sure they are attainable. These lessons make perfect sub plans as they require no prep and little to no Spanish language production. Students begin by reading the legend of La Llorona and illustrating the legend to demonstrate comprehension and understanding. Students are then debriefed on the class system that existed in colonial Mexico and serves as a tie in to the legend itself. Students are then asked to reflect on the social hierarchy within their school building to gain a greater understanding of the feelings and motivations of the lover of La Llorona in the legend. Finally, students will read a second and slightly different version of the legend from Texas. They will be asked to compare and contrast the two versions and reflect on the cultural differences between the two groups. This Product Includes: -La Llorona Legend (version 1) -Illustration Activity -Social Class in Colonial Mexico Activity -Social Hierarchy in Schools Activity -La Llorona Legend (version 2) -Venn Diagram Activity
"Vivir la Vida" & The Immediate Future Tense (IR + A + Infinitive)

"Vivir la Vida" & The Immediate Future Tense (IR + A + Infinitive)

These activities go along with the song "Vivir la Vida" by Marc Anthony which is readily available on YouTube and iTunes. In these activities, students listen to the song and complete the missing lyrics. They are instructed on the formation of the immediate future tense and asked to locate it as well as some infinitive verbs in the lyrics of the song. Then, they are asked to locate certain lines of the song, copy them, and manipulate them. The manipulation of the lyrics requires them to use the Immediate Future Tense. There is a reading activity to help them internalize the new vocabulary learned with the song and 3 different exit tickets. The lesson also includes a short artist bio. Students will practice listening, reading, and writing in this lesson. This Product Includes: 1. Artist Biography (in Spanish) 2. Clozeline Activity 3. Immediate Future Tense Tutorial & 2 Practice Activities 4. Lyric Identification Activity 5. Lyric Manipulation Activity 6. Vocabulary / Reading Activity 7. 3 Different Exit Tickets 8. Answer Keys
Spanish Inductive Grammar Lesson:  Definite & Indefinite Articles

Spanish Inductive Grammar Lesson: Definite & Indefinite Articles

This inductive grammar lesson leads students to discover the rules behind the correct usage of definite and indefinite articles in Spanish. Students will follow a 4 step inductive process to make learning grammar more meaningful. Step 1: Students will see examples of correct usage and create rules based on what they observe. Step 2: Students will test those rules against additional examples of correct language usage. Step 3: Students will make adjustments and additions to their rules based on more observations. Step 4: Students will apply the rules while producing their own language. These scaffolded activities promote higher order thinking skills and represent the method of grammar instruction that is recommended by national organizations like ACTFL.
Cortometraje Activities:  Día de los Muertos

Cortometraje Activities: Día de los Muertos

These listening, reading, writing, and speaking activities accompany the cortometraje (short) "Día de los Muertos" (link included). Students are introduced to 8 key vocabulary words that will help them to talk about the story in Spanish. Prior to watching the animated short, they will consider a couple of questions which can then be discussed with a partner, as a whole class, or reflected on with a written response. After watching the cortometraje, students will engage in listening activities where they must match scenes of the short with description in Spanish, reading activities where they must apply new vocabulary, writing activities where they must describe scenes, and speaking activities where they must retell the events of the story. These are great anytime activities with a lot of comprehensible input that seek to develop all modes of communication. This resource includes: -Link to the Cortometraje -Key Vocabulary -Discussion Activity -Listening Activity -Listening Script for Teacher -Reading Activity -Writing Activity -Speaking Activity -Answer Keys for all Objective Activities
Spanish Infographic Reading Activities: Novice-High Set 1

Spanish Infographic Reading Activities: Novice-High Set 1

Do you always see awesome infographics and you just don't know what to do with them? This product contains 10 different reading activities to accompany a variety of the infographics available for free on the Internet. Due to their visual nature, infographics are a great way to get students reading interesting, age appropriate content that is manageable. Your students will be encouraged by how much they can actually understand AND they will be building their interpretive reading skills while they do it! These activities can be used at any time, regardless of what unit you may be currently teaching. They also make great sub lesson plans. This Product Includes: 1. Links to 10 different infographics available on the Internet* 2. 10 Reading Activities (1 per infographic) 3. 10 Writing Prompts (1 per infographic) Infographic Topics Include: 1. How Long do They Take to Disappear? (biodegradability of various materials) 2. International Toilet Day 3. Labor Day 4. The Spanish & The New Year 5. The Piñata 6. The Benefits of Traveling 7. Symptoms of Returning to School 8. International Happiness Day 9. Heat Sickness 10. The Use of Social Media in Spanish-Speaking Countries *Note: Due to copyright, the actual infographics can not be included with the product, but their direct links can and are*
Introductions Spanish Listening Activities

Introductions Spanish Listening Activities

These activities were created to assist Novice language learners in developing skills related to ACTFL modes of communication, with an emphasis on the mode of interpretive listening in the context of Spanish greetings and introductions. The activities that accompany the audio recordings were created to allow teachers to easily differentiate and target specific skills. “E” Activities – these activities are presented in English and focus on students being able to demonstrate comprehension of the audio sample. “S” Activities – these activities are presented in Spanish and ask students to respond in Spanish. They will allow students to improve presentational writing and/or speaking skills (if done orally) as well as aural recognition of vocabulary. “A” Activities – these activities focus on using context to predict word meanings and general vocabulary knowledge. “B” Activities – these activities focus on making inferences about the person or situation presented in the audio samples. “C” Activities – these activities, presented in English, assist students in making cultural connections to the information presented in the audio sample. This resource deals with the theme of introductions in Spanish and includes: -2 audio samples sample 1: A man introduces himself and gives basic personal information sample 2: A man introduces his sister and tells a bit about her. 7 Activities in two different formats Half Page Format – works well if you are using the activities as bell ringers, exit tickets, to differentiate, or for quick formative assessments. Continuous Page Format – works well if you will be having students complete all of the activities for a given sample.
Spanish-Speaking Country Mnemonic

Spanish-Speaking Country Mnemonic

A pair of sayings (mnemonics) to assist students in learning the Spanish-speaking countries of North America, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America as well as labeling them on a map.