Silly Spanish Sentence Writing Activity - Regular Present Tense Verbs
Silly Spanish Sentence Activities are a great way to motivate students and spice up your typical boring grammar drills while building vocabulary.
These activities promote both interpretive reading and presentational writing skills. They provide a structure that will help struggling students while at same time allowing more advanced students to add details according to their abilities. This type of self-differentiation is very helpful in classes where students are at a variety of stages in their fluency and language acquisition.
Students will choose 1 word each from a series of word boxes with the goal of creating funny sentences. They will need to apply grammatical concepts like conjugation and sentence structure while at the same time recognizing key vocabulary items. When they have created 10 sentences, they will choose a favorite and write it on the tear-off section of the activity.
This set of Silly Spanish Sentence activities focuses specifically on regular ar, er, and ir verbs and can be used to work on regular verbs in just about any tense (present, preterite, imperfect, future, conditional, etc.
This Product Includes:
-Guide for Educators with Tips and Extension Activity Ideas
-AR Verb Silly Sentence Activity
-ER Verb Silly Sentence Activity
-IR Verb Silly Sentence Activity
Spanish Halloween Reading Station Activities - Lugares Embrujados de México
Tired of teaching about Día de los Muertos year after year? Still want to do something in the spirit of the Halloween season?
These culturally authentic reading station activities each tell about a different haunted place in Mexico City. Students will read about each place, infer meaning from new vocabulary words, and respond to a series of comprehension questions about each one. Students can also use their personal or school issued electronic devices to scan QR codes (links also included) to watch video clips that give more information and provide a visual for the haunted places they are reading about. Once students have visited all 6 stations, they will come together for a final discussion about culture and urban legends.
Although created as a station activity, these could easily be broken up into daily assignments or homework assignments without any modification needed. They are perfect for Spanish 2 or 3 students who have already learned about Día de los Muertos in Spanish 1 and would like something different.
This product includes the following:
- Group Response Sheet (reduces paper usage)
- 6 readings with vocabulary and comprehension activities
- links and QR codes to additional video resources
- Questions for Discussion
"Qué Tengo Para Ofrecerte" & Spanish Helping Verbs
These activities are meant to help students learn and practice Spanish sentences that have double verbs. They will observe the grammatical rules and structure that apply to such sentences and learn some verbs that commonly serve as helping verbs (also called auxiliary or modal verbs) in Spanish.
These activities go along with the song "Que Tengo Para Ofrecerte" by Radial, a Puerto Rican indie rock group that has recently migrated to Los Angeles. This song is readily available on YouTube and iTunes and a link to the song is referenced. Also referenced is the bands official website for students who would like to learn more.
Students are asked to listen to the song several times and fill in the lyrics that have been removed. Then, students are given an overview of the concept of double verb sentences and helping verbs. Students then are asked to find and copy certain verses of the song. Students then use their new understanding of this grammatical structure to manipulate the meanings of those verses.
Included in this download:
-Radial Artist Bio and link to their official website
-Clozeline Activity
-Helping Verb/Double Verb Tutorial
-Helping Verb Identification Activity
-Lyric Identification Activity
-Lyric Manipulation Activity
-Answer Keys for all objective activities
"Pura Vida" & Asking/Answering Yes or No Questions in Spanish
These activities go along with the song "Pura Vida" by Don Omar which is readily available on YouTube and iTunes. The video for this song is wonderful and sends a great message about not giving up and working hard to accomplish your goals.
Students will begin by watching the video and responding to some yes or no questions about the video in Spanish. Then, students will listen to the song again and attempt to fill in some of the missing lyrics. Once the missing lyrics are identified, students will work on identifying several lines of the song with the help of a picture dictionary. They will then use these lyrics and change the word order and verb form to create yes or no questions and respond to some of them. Finally, students will write their own original yes or no questions in an exit ticket activity.
These activities are scaffolded, working students through activities that demand less language ability and moving towards activities that demand more use of Spanish.
This Product Includes:
1. Artist Biography (in Spanish)
2. Answering Yes or No Questions (Based on Video)
3. Clozeline Activity
4. Lyric Identification Activity
5. Lyric Manipulation Activity
6. Answering Yes or No Questions (Based on Lyrics)
7. Exit Ticket Activity
8. Answer Keys
Spanish Phonics & Pronunciation Activities
These activities help students learn the basics of Spanish phonics with scaffolded activities that focus on a variety of letter sounds in Spanish. Often taken for granted, instruction in phonics is a great way to jumpstart the listening and pronunciation skills of beginning learners.
Each activity targets a different set of letter sounds, beginning with sounds that are easy for native English speakers and progressing to sounds that are more difficult to identify or easy to confuse. Students will listen to the pronunciation of 12 words within each of the 7 activities and are asked to insert the correct letters that are representative of those sounds.
Included with each word is also a picture definition so that students can begin to acquire some basic vocabulary. When the activities are complete, they may be added to a notebook or binder as a picture dictionary for students to keep.
This Product Includes:
-Consonant Sounds Activity 1 (D, F, K, M P, T)
-Consonant Sounds Activity 2 (C, H, CH, L, LL)
-Consonant Sounds Activity 3 (R, RR, N, Ñ)
-Consonant Sounds Activity 4 (G, J, S, Z, B, V)
-Vowel Sounds Activity 1 (A, O, U)
-Vowel Sounds Activity 2 (E, I)
-Vowel Sounds Activity 3 (Diphthongs)
-Answer Keys For All Activities
Spanish IPA - Talking About Likes & Dislikes
This integrated performance assessment will help you gauge the proficiency level of your students in the areas of interpretive reading, interpretive listening, interpersonal speaking, presentational writing, and presentational speaking.
The assessment tasks that students will be asked to perform align directly to the following performance indicators for Novice-Mid and Novice-High learners:
-I can answer questions about what I like/dislike
-I can list my favorite free time activities and those I don't like
-I can say which sports I like/dislike
-I can talk about my favorite musical group, actor, or author
-I can talk about others likes/dislikes
The interpretive reading and listening tasks utilize authentic resources that were carefully selected and aligned to the above performance indicators.
links to scoring rubrics are provided.
This Product Includes:
-Guide for Educators
-Links to Resources and Rubrics
-Interpretive Reading task
-Interpretive Listening task
-Interpersonal Speaking task (4 versions)
-Presentational Writing task
-Presentational Speaking task
-Student Self-Assessment task
-Teacher Feedback Form
-Answer Keys for Interpretive Reading and Listening tasks
Yo Veo (I Spy) Spanish Vocabulary Game Kit: Food Edition
5 fun vocabulary games for your students to review vocabulary related to food! This is a flexible game that can be played individually, in small groups, teams, or as a whole class. It is also great for any level or any age group! Easily adapted for French, German, or ESL/ELL as well!
This kit includes:
-Instructions for 2 different vocabulary games
-2 Scoring Sheets (1 per game)
-5 Different Game Boards!
Yo Veo (I Spy) Spanish Vocabulary Game Kit
5 fun vocabulary games for your students to review vocabulary related to school, colors, professions, animals, food, and much more! This is a flexible game that can be played individually, in small groups, teams, or as a whole class. It is also great for any level or any age group! Easily adapted for French, German, or ESL/ELL as well!
This kit includes:
-Instructions for 2 different vocabulary games
-2 Scoring Sheets (1 per game)
-5 Different Game Boards!
Spanish Future Tense & Technology
In this activity, students are given 10 different situations that involve common things that can go wrong with technology (dead cell phones, broken printers, lost passwords, etc) and are asked to tell what they will or will not do next using the Future Tense.
This is a fun way to get students writing about something they are interested in while relating it to everyday problems.
Let's Taco Bout It! - Casa (House) Edition
This is a low prep game that will get your students speaking on the topic of "La Casa" (House).
Students will challenge each other to be the first to earn all the ingredients for their taco as they attempt to say longer and more detailed sentences in Spanish that contain a particular word.
This game is easily differentiated (instructions included) for any level of Spanish class. It also easy to create your own additional cards with the blank template if you would like to focus on additional vocabulary words.
This game is great for working with current and recycled vocabulary as well as raising student proficiency levels by encouraging incremental increases in the complexity of their spoken language. It also requires listening to the other members of the group which keeps students focused and on task. More important to the kids, it is just fun.
This product includes:
-Guide for Educators
-Visual instructions to share with students
-Taco Template
-24 game cards
-Blank Template for the creation of additional cards by the teacher or students
Parque de Diversiones Internet Activity
In this activity, students will visit the websites of amusement parks in Mexico, Spain, and Chile. As they navigate the sites, they will be asked to find basic information that one would need in order to plan a trip to an amusement park, all in the target language! After finding the basic information and answering some questions, they will complete a Venn Diagram comparing the amusement park to one that they have been to. Finally, they will write sentences, in Spanish, comparing the two parks.
Monstruo Body Parts Activity
In this activity, students determine the physical make up of their monster at random, draw it, label it, name it, and then describe it in Spanish.
A fun, creative way to practice vocabulary related to the face and body!
Spanish Proficiency or Placement Test: Novice-Mid
I developed this assessment as a tool for gathering data as to student's proficiency levels during their first and second years of language study in Spanish. This assessment is directly aligned with the ACTFL progress indicators for Novice-Mid fluency. This assessment addresses all skill areas; Interpersonal Speaking, Presentational Speaking, Presentational Writing, Interpretive Listening, and Interpretive Reading.
This assessment can be used in a variety of ways:
1. As an exit test or final exam for Spanish 1
2. As an entrance exam for Spanish 2
3. As a placement exam for students newly entering your language program from private or out of state institutions
4. As a progress indicator given to students at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year to demonstrate growth
5. As smaller, individual assessments given throughout the course of the school year
This Product Includes:
- Educator's Guide & Instructions for Test Administration
- Resource Links to ACTFL rubrics and progress indicators
- 11 Activities to assess Interpersonal & Presentational Speaking / Writing
- 4 Activities to assess Interpretive Listening
- 3 Activities to assess Interpretive Reading
- Answer Keys for Listening and Reading Activities
- Answer Keys for Writing activities unless answers may vary
Spanish Alphabet (Abecedario) & Spelling Activities
These activities were created to give students the practice they need learning and pronouncing the letters of the Spanish alphabet. With these activities, students will be able to begin building interpretive listening and presentational speaking skills while becoming comfortable with partner work.
This Product Includes:
-Guide For Educators
-Phonetic Alphabet Handout
-5 Alphabet/Spelling Partner Activities
-2 Partner Interview Activities
Las Posadas Activities
This series of 11 activities are designed to give students an accurate cultural view of the celebration of Las Posadas while acquiring new vocabulary and using reading skills in the target language.
Students will explore the traditions and celebrations of Las Posadas with cultural information provided on each page. Students will also learn the lyrics to the popular villancico "Pidiendo Posada" and complete activities to demonstrate comprehension and understanding of various cultural, grammatical, and vocabulary related aspects of this song.
The final summative activity asks students to synthesize all of the information they have learned to create an invitation to their own Posada party, create a to do list with things they must do or buy in preparation for the celebration, and complete a drawing of the inside and outside of their house all decorated for the holiday!
This Product Includes:
-Educator's Guide
-Vocabulary Activity
-9 pages that each contain cultural information about the holiday and pertinent vocabulary, a verse of the villancico "Pidiendo Posada", and accompanying questions/activity
-Closing Activity or Assessment
Note: Although some religious beliefs are referenced in the information provided, this activity is appropriate for public school students as well as private. As a public school teacher myself, I am careful with my presentation of religious information so as not to offend any of my students or their families.
Spanish Inductive Grammar Lesson: Affirmative Commands
This inductive grammar lesson leads students to discover the rules behind using both informal and formal affirmative commands in a variety of situations in Spanish.
Students will follow a 4 step inductive process to make learning grammar more meaningful.
Step 1: Students will see examples of correct usage and create rules based on what they observe.
Step 2: Students will test those rules against additional examples of correct language usage.
Step 3: Students will make adjustments and additions to their rules based on more observations. They will summarize what they have discovered by creating their own graphic organizer using the included template.
Step 4: Students will apply the rules while producing their own language.
These scaffolded activities promote higher order thinking skills and represent the method of grammar instruction that is recommended by national organizations like ACTFL.
GIANT Spanish Culturopoly Board Game
The second of our GIANT Board Games, Culturopoly focuses on teaching students about the important people, products, and places of the countries of Mexico, Spain, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, Cuba, Peru, Chile, Argentina, and Venezuela. This is a great whole-class game that transforms the floor of your classroom into a giant board game.
With a style of game play similar to Monopoly, students travel around the game board collecting cultural facts about the various countries. Once they gather enough facts, if they land on a "maleta" space, they can answer some trivia questions about a particular country in order to earn a "boleto de ida y vuelta". The team with the most "boletos" at the end end of the game wins.
The best part of this game is that it is easily adaptable to any age group and proficiency level. With three different difficulty levels (Easy, Medium, Hard), it is perfect for an exploratory or Latin American Studies class all the way through an upper level Spanish class. While the Easy mode allows for students with no knowledge of Spanish, the Medium mode starts to introduce target language terms for students with minimal Spanish language proficiency, and the Hard mode focuses on play completely in the target language.
This is a great way to review for culture portions of midterm or final exams, or for any day that you just need something different. In the future, there will be expansion packs to add different Spanish-speaking countries to the game. Either way, any teacher will get a LOT of use out of this one game.
This Resource Includes:
-Complete Set-up and Game Play Instructions for each mode
-Fifty 8 1/2 x 11 Game Spaces with pictures representative of cultural items
-12 Boletos de Ida y Vuelta (one per country)
-12 Easy Difficulty Country Challenge Cards w/ answer keys
-12 Medium Difficulty Country Challenge Cards w/ answer keys
-12 Hard Difficulty Country Challenge Cards w/ answer keys
-36 Culture Fact Cards
Vocabulary Sorting Activities - Free Sample
This is a free sample containing 2 vocabulary sorting activities. Sorting activities help Foreign Language, Elementary and ESL/ELL students make connections between words, brainstorm for writing, or practice new vocabulary. Their versatility, ease of use, and the fact that they differentiate themselves make them one of my favorite things to use in my own classroom!
Each activity contains 4 different categories which students must complete with words that they know and fit each category. These are a quick, easy way for students to recycle vocabulary that they have previously learned or integrate vocabulary they are currently studying.
They can also be used to gauge a student's progress in acquiring language when compared over the school year and they differentiate themselves!
These work well as a class starter or closing activity. Once students have completed an activity, it is easy to use their work as a jumping off point for writing tasks or inspiration for oral drill and conversation.
Use them when you need a sub plan and ask students to write a paragraph or sentences as a follow up activity! These are low prep and ready to print and go! You can even skip the print step and just display them for students!
The full length product includes 30 activities and is available in both Spanish and English.
Spanish Colors Letter Search Puzzle
This puzzle helps Spanish students to produce words related to color in the target language in a fun and engaging way.
Students will take turns using a letter grid to spell out color words in Spanish, earning one point for each letter used. The student with the most points at the end wins!
Foreign Language Learning Goal Posters: Novice-Mid
Sixty-Three 8 1/2 x 11 Posters that each feature a learning goal for Level 2 language learners. These learning goals align with the ACTFL goals for Novice-Mid learners and are written in student-friendly language that will help you focus the learning in your classroom.
These are perfect for bulletin boards, showcases, borders, or to post. Administrators and parents love to see goals posted in classrooms as it helps them see exactly what students are learning and should be able to do.