Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling - The Elephant's Child
Editable resource for the vocabulary found in the story and some guided reading questions.
The Elephant’s Child text (Just So Stories) can be found online but I have included vocabulary definitions with images.
Suitable for EAL and SEND as well.
Ideal for Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2) but can be adapted for any age group.
The Firework Maker's Daughter Vocabulary
A vocabulary resource suitable for reading and writing lessons.
Vocabulary for The Firework Maker’s Daughter text.
Suitable for EAL, LA, MA and HA. Meets the needs of all learners.
Teachers can edit this word bank further.
I have credited images on the last slide.
KS1 Pie Corbett- Recipe to make a Wolf
Basic planning, activity and resources on the poem “Recipe to make a Wolf”.
Planning (all editable) includes:
-The poem and definitions of unfamiliar vocabulary. (part of teacher input)
A teacher model stanza to continue for a class shared write.
Animal pictures (useful when children create their own recipe for an animal)
Sentence stems ( acts as a phrase bank,suitable for all levels)
Editing strips
#poem #animals
****Please note, this resource is strictly for personal and educational use in school and at home.
You can use my resource as many times as you like; however, resources may not be used commercially, sold or shared.
I have credited sources for images and websites at the end of each Powerpoint.
KS1 Persuasive Writing Features of a text input
A simple and editable teacher input ppt about the features of a persuasive text. Ideal for Key Stage 1 English/ Literacy writing lessons.
This piece of input has been designed as a refresher lesson for children to remind them about what a persuasive text is and why people use it.
This could be ideal before creating the final piece of persuasive writing.
Please provide examples of persuasive texts (some may be found online, real life travel brochures etc) to help children identify different features.
Persuasive writing structure and a word bank example included for differentiation.
Please adapt as you wish.
Just So Stories - How the Camel Got His Hump by Rudyard Kipling
How the Camel Got His Hump activity
Suitable for KS1 Year 1 and Year 2.
Good guided reading activity. #guidedreading #vipers #justsostories
Simple planning and editable.
I have included the teacher input discussing unfamiliar vocabulary in the story.
The activity leads to hot seating (role play) and then an interview write up.
Pack includes teacher input and word bank.