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Sparkle1978's Shop

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A range of outstanding resources for across the primary age range. All the resources have been tried and tested and are in line with the new national curriculum. Enjoy!




A range of outstanding resources for across the primary age range. All the resources have been tried and tested and are in line with the new national curriculum. Enjoy!
Role of the Teaching Assistant

Role of the Teaching Assistant

This is a powerpoint for whole school training on the role of a teaching assistant. The training is delivered through a set of question that will support debate and discussion on the role of the TA. There are also links to the national standards for the TA and how teachers should support TAs. This powerpoint is a short presentation of about 25-30mins
SEND Training

SEND Training

This is a powerpoint to train teachers on SEND. The powerpoint looks at what is inclusive teaching and areas of SEND that can be developed such as meeting their needs, developing independence and use of additional adults. This is a short training session for the adults in the school.
KS2 Victorian workhouse Street Child Narrative and Non Chronological report

KS2 Victorian workhouse Street Child Narrative and Non Chronological report

This smartboard is linked to the Victorian topic Street Child . The lessons are linked to writing for upper key stage 2. The smartboard focuses on: planning and writing a narrative -planning and writing a non chronological report on a victorian workhouse Lessons are two weeks worth of writing and allow for the pupils to meet end of key stage 2 objectives in writing
Year 3 Pre-History, bronze stone and iron age

Year 3 Pre-History, bronze stone and iron age

This is lesson 1 in a series of lessons on the stone, bronze and iron age. The children will arrange events on a timeline By the end of the lesson they will be able to: I can explain what prehistory means. I can put key events in chronological order on a timeline. I can understand how the period from the Stone Age to the Iron Age fits into a wider picture of British history
UKS2 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe -Poetry

UKS2 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe -Poetry

These smartboards focus on writing a narrative poem for the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe where the characters enter Narnia and meet the faun. The lessons focus on: -planning their own narrative poem -using writing models to write their own narrative poem
year 3 rocks and fossils Science

year 3 rocks and fossils Science

This resource has a scheme of lessons based on Rocks, fossils and soils The lessons all have a scientific investigation enquiry base and all children to explore their learning through enquiry All lessons for the whole unit are here with smartboards
KS1 and KS2 teaching assistant training

KS1 and KS2 teaching assistant training

This is a powerpoint that can be used for the whole primary sector. The training focuses on the following: -the role of the teaching assistant - focus on how to show good modelling in the lessons for the children
KS2 Art Paul Klee Artist

KS2 Art Paul Klee Artist

This resource is in PowerPoint format and allows children to explore Paul Klee's paintings and annotate one image. The children will be able to look at differences and similarities between his paintings and form an opinion.
Year 5/6 Writing Street Child character description

Year 5/6 Writing Street Child character description

This is a smartboard file and the lessons are in line with the year 6 writing descriptors for SATs This is a week’s worth of writing which focuses on exploring different descriptive language and the effect it has on the writing. Following on from this the pupils explore in depth one of the characters through the use of similes,metaphors and personification. They infer into what the character is like before writing a character description from the point of view of Jim. These lessons include a starter, main activity and plenary.
Street Child Character Description

Street Child Character Description

This smartboard is a lesson based on Street Child. The smartboard has the basics of a lesson to describe the landlord in the book using chapter 2 as a basis. The lesson focuses on using powerful vocabulary and describe a character and using the text to find out about the character from action and speech to write their description.
Year 3 history bronze age

Year 3 history bronze age

This is a smartboard resource which focuses on the bronze age: to know what Stonehenge is and why it was built This is an historical enquiry based less I can explain what is Stonehenge. I can explore the different types of stones used to build the monument. I can analyse different theories as to why Stonehenge was built.
Whole School Planning for children with SEN- teaching styles and differentiation

Whole School Planning for children with SEN- teaching styles and differentiation

This resource focuses on differentiation and using a wide range of teaching styles. This powerpoint can be used to support teachers planning of all children including those with SEND. The elements that are focused on are: -watching a video to unpick different types of differentiation and then focused activities -discussion in groups - barriers to children's learning and how to overcome them -how to plan giving one example
KS2 Anglo Saxon Jewellery two lessons

KS2 Anglo Saxon Jewellery two lessons

These two smartboards are the first 2 lessons on looking at Anglo Saxon jewellery : - to look at the key elements of Anglo Saxon jewellery -identify features of the jewellery Differentiated lessons
Staff Training- SEND in classroom

Staff Training- SEND in classroom

This powerpoint is based on SEND in schools. The aim of the training session is for teachers to implement 5 strategies to improve provision of SEND in the school. The areas of need are based on national findings Please leave positive feedback
KS2 Slavery Diary Writing

KS2 Slavery Diary Writing

This smartboard is based on writing a diary of a slave. The series of lessons are to: -recall key information from a text to understand the life of a slave -explore feelings of a slave -planning a diary -writing a diary entry of a slave The writing meets the requirements of upper key stage 2