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Sparkle1978's Shop

Average Rating2.19
(based on 71 reviews)

A range of outstanding resources for across the primary age range. All the resources have been tried and tested and are in line with the new national curriculum. Enjoy!




A range of outstanding resources for across the primary age range. All the resources have been tried and tested and are in line with the new national curriculum. Enjoy!
Year 6 SATs Reading Revision Poetry

Year 6 SATs Reading Revision Poetry

This smartboard accompanies the reading booklet and text from the twinkl website Year 6 reading assessments term 2 The smartboard picks apart the poem The Charge of the Light Brigade looking at key themes, focusing on vocabulary, retrieval and inference questions. Ideal for revision This resource does not include the booklets from the website
Year 3-4 Gansta Granny Reading lesson

Year 3-4 Gansta Granny Reading lesson

This smartboard is based on the first two chapters of the book. It is an entire lesson based on the reading skill of retrieval. Children focus on finding out about a character in the book. Please leave positive feedback
Year 6 Grammar Word Classes

Year 6 Grammar Word Classes

This smartboard is a lesson plan with the focus being word classes. Children will need to identify the article and noun to look at word class.
Street Child Inference lesson

Street Child Inference lesson

This smartboard is based on Street Child and a reading lesson. The lesson is based on inference and looking at the main character through the different chapters.
LKS2 Charlie and Chocolate Factory Setting Writing

LKS2 Charlie and Chocolate Factory Setting Writing

This smartboard and resources are ideal for year 3 and focus on writing a story setting for the chocolate factory from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The resources included are word bank, image and steps to success for the pupils. Please leave positive feedback
Year 3 Story setting

Year 3 Story setting

This is a resource of two sessions based on writing a setting linked to a mountain. The sessions have the smartboards and resources attached for the sessions. One is linked to an image and the other they have to create their own setting
KS2  Street Child

KS2 Street Child

This is a smartboard based around Street Child and in particular a reading lesson. The lesson focuses on the workhouse and making inferences about life in there from the text.
Alma Inverted Commas lesson

Alma Inverted Commas lesson

This smartboard is based on the Alma video on Literacy Shed. The lesson is focused on using inverted commas correctly to write a dialogue with two people from the video. Whole lesson with starter and main activity.
KS2 Grammar Conjunctions

KS2 Grammar Conjunctions

This smartboard is used to teach the children how to use specific conjunctions. The aim of the lesson is to: To use conjunctions correctly by knowing what conjunctions are and creating sentences using different conjunctions.