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Year 9 Le Passe Compose
Year 9 Le Passe Compose Worksheet over two pages. Worked well over a full lesson may spill over to a second lesson depending on ability.

Les Matieres Scolaires
Year 8 Booklet on les matieres scolaires over 10 pages, worked really well in class.

Le passe compose - etre
Le passe compose (etre) worksheet over two pages. Worked well would last a full lesson, maybe two depending on ability.

Quelle heure et-il?
Quelle heure est-il worksheet. A great one-pager used with year 8 and worked well.

Quelle heure est-Il & Present Tense
Year 8 - Quelle Heure Est-Il & Present Tense Booklet over 15 pages.

Daily Routine and Past Tense
To revise how to say the time & what time we have lessons.
To learn how to say what time we had lessons using the passé composé to describe yesterday, last week etc.

Talk about your family with more confidence
Describe your family members and their appearance
Be able to use adjectives, conjunctions and verbs when describing people

Battleships grids - Chez moi (rooms and objects)
Battleships grids - Chez moi (rooms and objects) for pupils to play in pairs.

Chunks Homework (holiday vocab included)
Homework to follow up on work done in class using the chunks and holidays worksheet.

Holidays Worksheets (x2)
x2 Worksheets for less able pupils over 2 lessons, or both could be used in one lesson for the more able.

House (past tense) Sentences Builder
Sentence builder using the past tense to describe where they have lived etc.

Present Tense - ER Verbs
To learn more verbs
To recall present tense regular ER verbs with more confidence and revise pronouns

Year 7 Revision
The verb avoir (to have) the verb être (to be).
Regular ER verbs in the Present Tense such as regarder, écouter, parler, chanter, manger, habiter, jouer, travailler and aimer.
How to form negatives, e.g. je n’ai pas de chocolat.
What objects you may or may not have in your school bag and pencil case, including using colours to describe the objects.
How to describe yourself and your family and where you come from. Hair and eye colour and hair styles.
Your age and birthdays.
Physical appearance and personality.

Adjectifs - colours
Objective is to understand how French adjectives work, looking at colours including the difference between masculine and feminine.

Les vacances à l’étranger
Review and identify where you would like to go on holiday to in the future, including your opinion.
Talk about countries that you would like to visit on holiday.
Do some exercises to consolidate knowledge