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Respect Assembly

Respect Assembly

Designed for KS3 but easily modified to deliver to KS2 or KS4. After recent events, it is more important than ever for our students to respect both themselves and each other. This is more than just discipline and liking other people. This is about respecting difference and diversity in every context that we encounter. This assembly helps you to deliver just that.
Ice Breaker Games for KS4

Ice Breaker Games for KS4

Fully resourced ice breaker games. Use these to help students introduce themselves to each other (and to you). There are 9 activities, some need no preparation, others need cards to be printed, and you would need to organise iPads (or iPhones) to use the App.
Positive Thinking and Growth Mindset Assembly

Positive Thinking and Growth Mindset Assembly

Designed for KS3 but easily modified to deliver to KS2 or KS4. Positive thinking is important for our students. This assembly does not come with a script, but is 15 slides that are fairly self-explanatory and you can change or add to as you see fit according to your own style. This assembly helps you to help the students think about their attitudes and thinking.
The Internet Assembly / Lesson Presentation for KS2 and KS3

The Internet Assembly / Lesson Presentation for KS2 and KS3

A presentation covering the Internet with 21 slides that could be used for an assembly or a tutor / information session. This assembly covers: This assembly looks at - The origins of The Internet The Internet as a resource that connects people and helps them share information The negative side of the internet and ICT if there is an over-reliance on it The dangers of the internet for young people This assembly has slides so you can add you own text, or remove/ add slides of your own. Each slide makes a simple point so that you don't need to learn a script.
Google web quest bundle

Google web quest bundle

3 Resources
A bundle to help students use the Internet (and particularly Google) to full potential. Great opportunity to help students get a real grip on the most important search engine.
Last minute teaching ideas for Christmas (KS2 - KS3)

Last minute teaching ideas for Christmas (KS2 - KS3)

Stuck with your tutor group for an extra hour because...reasons...? Have a last lesson planned, run it and the students love it. Then suddenly Christmas lunch is cancelled and you see the same group again? Students demand that you have a 'fun' lesson but you just...well...didn't plan it? Here is a set of ideas that are just pick up and go. Really. Just give yourself 5 minutes before the lesson and have a Merry Christmas one and all.
Fake News Assembly

Fake News Assembly

Designed for KS3 but easily altered to deliver to KS2 or KS4. The OECD announced that schools should teach people how to identify fake news. This assembly resource does just that. Contains video resources, slides and a script. It is recommended that teachers check the content of the script and the videos before delivering this season.
Mindfulness Assembly / Lesson Presentation

Mindfulness Assembly / Lesson Presentation

A beautiful mindfulness presentation with 18 slides that is designed to be used for either an assembly or a session. Mindfulness is incredibly important in a busy school; but how can we educate our young people in such a skill? Perhaps stress levels have risen during tests and exams, and you have seen behaviour go downhill. Use this fantastic resource to raise awareness of mindfulness, and encourage your students to use the enclosed techniques to manage their stress levels and improve both their behaviour and wellbeing. New for 2019 - included a fun weekly log for students to practice mindfulness with.
KS2 Collection of scaffolding worksheets

KS2 Collection of scaffolding worksheets

A large collection of 16 worksheets used for scaffolding. 5ws Clouds of wonder Design a book cover Ideas web KWL chart Main idea and details My prediction Place mat Planning a newspaper report Questioning Sequencing TChart Venn diagram Wordsearch Write a blurb Y chart
Respect snakes and ladders game

Respect snakes and ladders game

A game based around snakes and ladders. The perfect accompaniment to the respect assembly and worksheets by StudeApps. Simply use the respect scenario cards, print out the snakes and ladders game and you are ready to go!
Healthy Eating lesson pack- PSHE and Food - with no planning!

Healthy Eating lesson pack- PSHE and Food - with no planning!

Help your students learn about Healty Eating! But let us take the planning out of it for you. A series of worksheets and exercises for your classes. Aimed at Key Stage 3 but can easily be adapted for other levels. Interactive activities, discussions, worksheets and more all stunningly presented and ready to go with no effort required from you! Keywords: Sugar, health, brain, hunger, elasticity, immune, resources, glucose, structure, excess, depression.