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80 Quick Computing Starters for KS3
An incredible amount of generic starter ideas for KS3 computing lessons.
They are aligned to the Computing programme of study for Key stage 3: offering you some ready-planned (no teacher time required) starters for your lessons.
Generic starters are offered, as well as specialist starters covering the following topics:
Computational abstractions
Key algorithms
Boolean logic
Hardware and software
Instructions within a computer system
Data storage
Creative projects
Digital artefacts
All designed to help you improve your practice, and are formatted for you and ready to go!
This is also offered as part of the great value bundle KS3 Computing without the planning

Computer and computing hardware - KS3
Worksheets and active games for a fantastic full session.
A full and interesting lesson. Worksheets, active learning games, extension tasks, this resource has it all!
Designed for use with KS3 groups.

Programming selection starter
A programming task to teach about selection. I use this with Python, but it is not a language dependent task. Helpful for talking about indentation.

Computing Tablet Design Cover Lesson
Tablet Design cover lesson - suitable for computing courses from KS3 to KS4

End of Year Computing Quiz - 2016
A quiz for the class for the end of summer term 2016. Can be used from year 7 to 11, but aligns with the KS3 national curriculum.
Either run with one answer sheet per pupil or put the students into teams.

Python Challenges Workbook
A series of 12 challenges for your classes, can be used for GCSE students or KS3 classes.
All are chosen as being applicable to beginner Python classes.

Python Christmas Xmas night
A worksheet for Python 3.x for Christmas - make a Xmas night picture.
No Presentation for this, I'd give them the files and the worksheet and let them do it!
Students will find this easier if they know something about variables, loops and preferably functions (although they can always look things up on the web to get this working)

Number guessing game for python
Simple number guessing game for Python 3. The starter code is in the Word document, giving support to all learners.

35 Computing and ICT lesson ideas for KS3
35 ideas (starter and plenary included) fully aligned to the KS3 curriculum. Sometimes we all need a little help with a lesson, or want something “out of the box” that can get going in seconds. These are outstanding ideas, and a full lesson can be built from them in minutes. Some are suitable for a few minutes, or can be used as mini-sessions within your lesson.
The idea is to save you time with the least preparation time possible.
Topics covered include:
Computational abstractions
Key algorithms
Boolean logic
Hardware and software
Instructions within a computer system
Data storage
Creative projects
Digital artefacts

GCSE Computer Science Revision and Challenge cards for OCR GCSE (9-1) J276
94 Computer science challenge cards that can be used to extend students.
Designed for GCSE Computer Science OCR (9-1) J276 and is suitable for any programming language
These cards are based on the topics that are examined in GCSE Computer science as end of class plenaries, extension tasks or flipped homework tasks. Designed for OCR GCSE (9-1) J276.
Topics covered:
1.1 Systems architecture
1.2 Memory
1.3 Storage
1.4 Wired and wireless networks
1.5 Network topologies, protocols and layers
1.6 System security
1.7 Systems software
1.8 Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns
2.1 Algorithms
2.2 Programming techniques
2.3 Producing robust programs
2.4 Computational logic
2.5 Translators and facilities of languages
2.6 Data representation
This is also offered in the great value bundle KS3 Computing without the planning

GCSE Computer Science 9-1 – Keywords revision
For the AQA GCSE 9-1 Specification, and also suitable for OCR J276.
Contains a series of tasks for revision through keywords revision for students to use in preparation for their exams.
Prepared by subject experts, this has been chosen by TES themselves for inclusion in a learning blog! Choose this fantastic recommended resource for a great classroom experience.

General Election 2017 and Government Webquest
British Prime Minister Theresa May called a General Election for 8th June 2017.
This web quest, suitable for KS2 and KS3 is a great way to have a discussion, or for you to use up those few extra minutes in a computer room.

Spotting a business opportunity GCSE Business Studies Unit
Full unit of work created for Edexcel GCSE Business Studies
1.1 - Spotting a business opportunity
Contains the following lessons
Introduction to business
Types of business
Sole traders
Limited and Public Limited companies
Customer needs
Market mapping and analysing markets
Analysing Competitors
Adding Value

Positive and negative numbers lesson
Lesson presentation covering positive and negative numbers, a homework task and full lesson activities. The quality of these resources should be quite clear from the file previews…

45 General Key words for GCSE Computer Science for OCR (9-1) J276
Designed for Designed for OCR GCSE Computer Science (9-1) J276.
Contains 45 Key words.
Featured as part of a great time saving bundle: GCSE Computer Science for OCR (9-1) J276 lessons without the planning.

My heart will go on – A Python Valentines computing lesson
A lesson for valentines day.
A fully resourced lesson using the turtle in Python based around a fun valentines day challenge.
Full resources (teacher presentation, tasks, differentiated worksheets) and mapped to both the KS3 curriculum and GCSE OCR specification (extension and further tasks ensure that this is suitable for both).