Firstly, my name really is Sunshine Susie! (I know! Can you believe it?!) My goal is to create and share products that engage your students, make your life easier, so you can get out of school and start living more. Have a lovely day! Sunshine.
Firstly, my name really is Sunshine Susie! (I know! Can you believe it?!) My goal is to create and share products that engage your students, make your life easier, so you can get out of school and start living more. Have a lovely day! Sunshine.
A bundle of 10 Fraction activities inspired by NCETM Maths Mastery and Reasoning documents. I have included some Year 2 objectives to allow for quick assessment of previous objectives taught. Perfect for lesson starters to encourage discussion and reasoning between students AND as a cheeky bonus, using them, means you always have written evidence of students problem solving and reasoning skills! Presented in easy to photocopy format, with 4 activities to a page.
A bundle of 11 Place Value activities inspired by NCETM Maths Mastery and Reasoning documents (includes negative numbers). Perfect for lesson starters to encouraging discussion and reasoning between students AND as a cheeky bonus, using them, means you always have written evidence of students problem solving and reasoning skills! Presented in easy to photocopy format, with 4 or 2 activities to a page.
Learning Outcomes included are:
LO - Recognise the place value of each digit in a 4-digit number (Yr. 4 - Problem solving)
LO - Solve number and practical problems with number and place value, with increasingly large positive numbers (Yr. 4 - Problem Solving & Fluency)
LO: Count backwards through zero to include negative numbers (Yr. 4 Problem Solving & Fluency)
LO - Solve problems including missing number problems, using place value and more complex addition and subtraction (Yr. 4 Problem Solving & Reasoning)
LO - Find 1000 more or less than a given number (Yr. 4 Problem Solving & Reasoning)
LO - Count in multiples of 1000`s through negative numbers (Yr. 4 Fluency)
This set of 5 phonics mats covers all phonemes as set out in the ’Sound-Write Phonics’ programme. I am in no way affiliated with this programme, however I do use it in my class to teach phonics ( I can recommend it whole-heartedly, if you are in the market for a new phonics scheme!)
I use this resource daily in the form of a phonics mat, as a teaching support at desks (students have a copy in of their own to refer too). We also have printed them out for display as a memory prompt for spelling. I hope you find them as useful as we have.
Ten bar multiplication and division problems (all using multiplication facts for the 3 and 4 times-tables), with a choice of 3 possible bar models. Great for collecting evidence of fluency and reasoning. Presented 2 to a page for easy photocopying.
Learning Objectives covered:
LO: To solve multiplication problems using the 3 & 4 times table.
LO: To use a bar model to support calculations
This is complete set of ALL phonemes taught in Sounds-Write Extended Code Units 1 - 49. (That is 174 flashcards).
Each card comes with both the phoneme and image, AND an accompanying word list. This list contains only words matched to the same unit, therefore you will not find words containing phonemes which have not yet been taught, (if you are working through the Sounds-Write programme).
Each flashcard is A5 size (printed on A4 and folded in half so as to have the image on one side and the word list on the back).
Phonemes included are:
Unit 1 - ai, ay, ea, a_e
Unit 2 - e, ea, ee, y
Unit 4 - o, oa, ow, oe, o_e
Unit 6 - er, ir, or, ur
Unit 7 - e, ea, ai
Unit 8 - ou, ow
Unit 10 - oo, ew, ue, u_e, o
Unit 11 -i, ie, y, i-e, igh
Unit 12 - oo, u, oul
Unit 14 - u, ou, o
Unit 16 - s, ss,st, c, ce, se, sc
Unit 18 - i, ll, al, el, il, le, ol
Unit 19 - or, aw, a, ar, au, al
Unit 20 - air, are, ear, ere, eir, ayer, ayor
Unit 21 - /ue/ - ue, ew, u, u_e
Unit 23 -/oy/ - oy, oi
Unit 24 -/ar/ - ar, a, al, au
Unit 25 - /o/ - o, a
Unit 27 - /ae/ - ai, ay, ea, a_e, a, eigh, ei, ey
Unit 28 -/d/ - d, dd, ed
Unit 29 - /ee/ - e, ee, ea, y, ey, ie, i
Unit 30 - /i/ - i, ui, e, y
Unit 32 - /oe/ - oe, o_e, ow, oa, ough, o
Unit 33 -/ny/ - n, nn, ne, gh, kn
Unit 34 -/er/ - ar, ir, or, ur, er, ear, oar
Unit 35 - vo/ - v, vv, ve
Unit 36 - /oo/ - oo, ew, u, ue, u_e, ui, ou, ough
Unit 37 - /j/ - j, g, ge, dge
Unit 38 -/g/ - g, gg, gh, gu
Unit 40 - /f/ - f, ff, gh, ph
Unit 42 - /m/ - m, mm, mb, mn
Unit 43 -/or/ - oar, ore, our, augh, ough
Unit 44 -/h/ - h, wh
Unit 45 - /k/ - c, k, ck, ch, cc
Unit 46 - /r/ - r, rr, rh, wr
Unit 47 - /t/ - t, tt, bt, te
Unit 48 -/z/ - z, ze, zz, s, se, ss
Unit 49 - /eer/ - eer, ere, ear
3 STEM inspired Place Value activities, which cover the place value objectives from Yr 2 through to Yr 5 and come complete with planning.
The STEM Challenge and Mystery Number Activity use the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (CPA) model currently recommended to encourage Greater Depth of understanding of number, as used in Singapore.
Learning Objectives included are:
• Represent numbers using different representations.
• Find 10, 100, 1,000 or 10,000 more or less than a given number.
• Recognise the place value of each digit in a 2, 3, 4 or 5- digit number (hundreds, hundreds, tens, and ones).
• Read and write numbers up to 10,000 in numerals and in words.
• Solve problems, including missing number problems and place value.
Looking for sentence building games with words which all match your students phonic ability? Well here it is!
These games allow children to strengthen both their blending skills and their sentence building skills in one game. Each game can be played independently, or in pairs.
The games come in two sets (with all initial code phonemes in each- see below), to allow for even more differentiation. Both sets of games have a sentence building component, set 1 asks students to draw their sentence after building to improve short term memory length, and show comprehension. Whilst Set 2 asks students to record their completed sentence to improve long term memory.
Phonemes included in this resource:
a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,ff,ll,ss,zz, sh, ch, tch, th, ck, wh, qu, ng
Word types included in this resource:
cvc, vcc, cvcc, ccvc, ccvcc, cccvc
This is a fun activity which encourages problem solving and mastery within place value, (plus a little bit of revision with co-ordinates too!) My class loved it.
Learning Objectives for this activity:
Y5 Learning objective - to multiply whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.
Y5 Learning objective – to determine the value of each digit in numbers up to 1 million.
Y5 Learning objective - to add whole numbers with more than four digits, including using formal written methods (columnar addition and subtraction).
Y4 Learning objective – describe positions on a 2-D grid as co-ordinates.
Inspired by Nrich & White Rose hub materials this is a bundle of 11 different problem solving activities, to practice working systematically. I have been using them as starters to get discussion and reasoning flowing, and to collect and share different ways of setting out problems.
10 fraction activities focusing on reasoning and mastery of basic concepts. Suitable for Year 2 and Year 3. Perfect for lesson starters or to collect written evidence of student reasoning about fraction concepts. Activities include fractional parts, fractions on a number line and concept cartoons.
Struggling with bar modelling and finding multiplication and division tasks which do more than test you students calculation skills?
These activities encourage lots of talk, lots of reasoning and provide examples of your students fluency with calculation skills. They are also an excellent way for students to show their understanding of Concrete, Abstract and Pictorial representations of the process of division and multiplication.
Everything you need for a reciprocal reading unit on the text Matilda by Roald Dahl.
Contains over 20 differentiated activities organized into the reciprocal reading focuses - Clarify, Summarize, Predict, Questions, Infer, plus addition GPS activities.
Detailed planning for each day matching Learning Objectives from the current NC (2014).
Everything you need for your reciprocal reading unit, contains over 20 differentiated activities organized into the 5 reciprocal reading focuses - Clarify, Summarize, Predict, Questions, Infer, plus addition GPS activities. No cutting - just print and go!
Detailed planning for each day matching Learning Objectives from the current NC (2014).
Everything you need for your reciprocal reading unit, contains over 20 differentiated activities organized into the 5 reciprocal reading focuses - Clarify, Summarize, Predict, Questions, Infer, plus addition GPS activities. No cutting - just print and go!
Detailed planning for each day matching Learning Objectives from the current NC (2014).
Everything you need for your reciprocal reading unit, contains over 20 differentiated activities organized into the 5 reciprocal reading focuses - Clarify, Summarize, Predict, Questions, Infer, plus addition GPS activities. No cutting - just print and go!
Detailed planning for each day matching Learning Objectives from the current NC (2014).
If you’re using the ‘Sounds-Write’ phonics programme (like me) then you know its tricky to get games which follow the order of the phonemes taught. Well not anymore!
This game pack is fantastic for consolidating phonic knowledge and strengthening blending skills. It can be played by by one or two students independently; or it can be used for group work. Not only does it really work, but you need a teeny amount of prep, just print the game boards and go! My school have adopted these games for the whole of KS1, with the best results we’ve ever had on this year’s phonics screening test.
I have included games for all of the first 10 units in the ‘extended code’. That means the following phonemes are included:
Unit 1 - ai, ay, ea, a_e
Unit 2 - e, ea, ee, y
Unit 3 - ea (one spelling, two sounds)
Unit 4 - o, oa, ow, oe, o_e
Unit 5 -o (one spelling, two sounds)
Unit 6 - er, ir, or, ur
Unit 7 - e, ea, ai
Unit 8 - ou, ow
Unit 9 - ow (one spelling, two sounds)
Unit 10 - oo, ew, ue, u_e, o
Each game includes a colour version and a black and white version for your printing preferences. Units with new phonemes include a game version with the new (focus) phoneme highlighted ( I find this useful for students who struggle with fluency), and a none highlighted version, for more fluent readers.
If you’re using the ‘Sounds-Write’ phonics programme (like me) then you know its tricky to get games which follow the order of the phonemes taught. Well not anymore!
This game pack is fantastic for consolidating phonic knowledge and strengthening blending skills. It can be played by by one or two students independently; or it can be used for group work. Not only does it really work, but you need a teeny amount of prep, just print the game boards and go! My school have adopted these games for the whole of KS1, with the best results we’ve ever had on this year’s phonics screening test.
I have included games for all of the 11 units in the ‘initial code’.
Each game includes a colour version and a black and white version for your printing preferences. Units with new phonemes include a game version with the new (focus) phoneme highlighted ( I find this useful for students who struggle with fluency), and a none highlighted version, for more fluent readers.
If you are using the ‘Sounds-Write’ phonics programme (like me) then you know it can be tricky to find games which perfectly match the phonemes taught, and not include phonics not already introduced. Well not anymore!
This game pack is fantastic for consolidating phonic knowledge and strengthening blending skills. It can be played by by one or two students independently; or it can be used for group work. Not only does it really work, but you need a teeny amount of prep, just print the game boards and go! My school have adopted these games for the whole of KS1, with the best results we have ever had on this years phonics screening test.
I have included games for all units 21 - 30 in the ‘extended code’. That means the following phonemes are included:
Unit 21 - /ue/ - ue, ew, u, u_e
Unit 22 - Spelling - oo/ue
Unit 23 -/oy/ - oy, oi
Unit 24 -/ar/ - ar, a, al, au
Unit 25 - /o/ - o, a
Unit 26 -Spelling - a/o/ae/ar
Unit 27 - /ae/ - ai, ay, ea, a_e, a, eigh, ei, ey
Unit 28 -/d/ - d, dd, ed
Unit 29 - /ee/ - e, ee, ea, y, ey, ie, i
Unit 30 - /i/ - i, ui, e, y
Each game includes a colour version and a black and white version for your printing preferences. Units with new phonemes include a game version with the new (focus) phoneme highlighted ( I find this useful for students who struggle with fluency), and a none highlighted version, for more fluent readers.
True or false activity to promote reasoning with rounding.
Suitable for Year 4 and/or a quick revision activity for Year 5
Year 4 LO - To round decimals up to 2 decimal places.
I collected these prompts as a way to promote class discussion around e-safety. After discussion students debated the safest thing to do in each situation, and recorded their ideas, which then went into an interactive display.
SMSC Learning Objectives
Yr 3.
Can identify and explain how to manage the risks in different familiar situations.
Can identify how to ask for help.
Can explain how my actions have consequences for myself and others.
Can describe the nature and consequences of bullying and express some ways of responding to it.
Yr 4.
Can take responsibility for my own behaviour and safety and realise that actions have consequences.
Can have some strategies to cope with peer influence and peer pressure.
Can identify some factors that affect emotional health and wellbeing e.g. relationships with family and friends, stress levels, physical activity, diet, self-image, media.
ICT Learning Objectives
use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.
use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact