Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2.
- child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum
- specialise in language and writing
- established child author
- Gold TES Author
- Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017
Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2.
- child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum
- specialise in language and writing
- established child author
- Gold TES Author
- Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017
This resource is for Upper KS1 and KS2. It consists of a wordbank with words related to bullying and worksheets for the children to discuss with each other or as a class and then write their own feelings and opinions on bullying. They also have to design an antibullying poster.
I have also included a powerpoint presentation for classroom use during Talking and Listening time.
A bargain bundle every teacher will need. 8 workbooks analysing poetry, guided reading cards and workbook, Non fiction ideas, task cards and writing prompts. These are useful for KS1 and low ability KS2.
An 18 page workbook suitable for KS1/2 on conflict with peers. This could be given as an individual workbook or used with groups for differentation. It would also be good as a starter for World Conflict Issues.
Definition of conflict
Describe a conflict they have had with someone in the past.
How did they resolve the conflict?
Why is it important to talk and listen to others?
Ways to resolve conflict.
Fun Activity Conflict in Fairytales.
I have also included a powerpoint presentation
This bundle consists of 5 workbooks to use with the children. There is a growth mindset story pack, a British Values workbook, Citizenship looking at the lives of Martin Luther King and Florence Nightingale.There is also a booklet for the children to complete about themselves which would be good for the start of the new term.
This resource will be useful for Upper KS1 and KS2 on Transition Days or the start of the year.
It is recommended that the children work with a partner as there are a series of discussion Taskcards.
Included in this 20 page resource:-
Taskcards for talking and listening on noise, behaviour, bullying, happiness, why rules are needed.
Creative writing in pairs make up list of rules for a) Classroom b) Playground
4 word walls for laminating and display
Design two posters a) Classroom Rules b) Playground Rules
Suitable for KS1 and KS2
6 workbooks
Descriptive Writing
Pupil Profiles
Target Setting
Likes and dislikes
Getting to know you
Great for Transition Days or Start of the Year
A great new resource to be used to promote positivity within the classroom.
20 pages which can be used as individual worksheets or in booklet form.
There are included display pages in colour with positive vocabulary.
There are quotes for class or group discussion.
A weekly learning reflection.
Instead of saying--- i could say---
I believe in myself because I can
Goals for the year
Design a Growth Mindset Poster
A variety of worksheets for New Year, reflecting, evaluating, setting targets. Suitable for Key stage 1 and 2. This PDF file could be useful for talking and listening activities. Discussion on realistic targets, choices, friendship, school work, community etc.
A great resource looking at the Jewish celebration of Passover for KS1 and KS2. An original story about Moses and The Ten Plagues written in child friendly vocabulary. Following the story there are writing and drawing activities, including newspaper articles, diary entries, recall of story, find suitable adjectives and alphabetical order. Children need to empathise with both the Egyptians and The Israelites in some of the written tasks. A word mat is included to aid writing and help spelling. A Powerpoint is also included.
A PDF file of 22 pages which can be printed out as a booklet for each child, with one colour cover and the rest in black and white. This resource will raise the pupils’ awarenes of emotions and growth mindsets, working with partners discussing similarities and differences, looking at skills and ways to improve them, rules and punishments, conflict with peers and co-operation. The pupils will be asked to think about who helps them when their emotions are sad, angry or upset and what causes these emotions. Every child is unique, should disability mean different treatment. A great resource for increasing Mental health awareness and issues. I have included a powerpoint presentation for classroom use and discussion.
PSHE 14 page Workbook suitable for Upper Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2.
Could be used as a transition from one year to the next, at the beginning of the new year or could be modified for an end of year activity. Worksheets could be inserted into Record of Achievement at end of Key stage 2 or for display in classroom.
All about me, target setting:- I am good at, I am not so good at, I will try___
Healthy Living
30 page booklet of Task cards can be laminated for children who have completed classwork, stored or displayed on noticeboards. Also a Powerpoint Presentation included for classroom use. Cross curricular, Numeracy, Literacy , Science and PSHE activities.
Numeracy:- square numbers, factors, ways to make 100, ways to make 1000
Literacy:- Write a Book Review, write a Book Blurb, words and meanings dictionary work, Acrostic Poem, Limerick Poem, Newspaper Report, Persuasive Writing, how many words can you make from Alphabet, Writing Instructions, Letter Writing, Descriptive Writing, Composing questions, words ending in 'ness'
Science:- Materials, Life Cycle of Frog and Butterfly
PSHE:- Respecting others
British Values Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural (SMSC)
suitable for Key Stage 2/3
A powerpoint presentation which can be used as a whole class discussion before completing the workbook.
Workbook can be printed out in black and white.
Questions and Statements on culture, diversity, different faiths, conflict, co-operation, values, respect. etcThe Children will write their views and opinions in the space provided.
Incorporating Literacy, Sociolgy, Religion and Politics.
Recently updated with a new cover for 2019 and a few more worksheets added. This is suitable for both KS1 and KS2. A PDF file children will be recollecting their achievements from the previous year and will se targets for the new term. They will be looking at choices, rules and friendship and ways to improve work. There are Individual worksheets which can be printed out separately and others when children will work with a partner for talking and listening. Some of the sheets are easier than others so will be good for differentiation. The workbook can be printed out as an entire booklet or as individual sheets for wall display purposes.
Five workbooks for transition days looking at School Rules, All about me, My Family, and Setting Targets. Can be used for display in the classroom, for discussion and getting to know you activities.
A 16 page workbook for KS2 to be used on transition days
My Family
What I can do in Numeracy
What I can do in Literacy
Targets for next year
Healthy Living
School Citizenship
Role Models
A workbook for Key Stage 1/2 PHSE
-Setting targets
-All about Me
-Class Rules ( includes discussion with a partner ordering the rules from most to least important)
-Citizenship in school
Summer holidays
Choices good and bad
A pdf file and powerpoint presentation PHSE for KS2
What is Humanitarian Day?
How can you help those less fortunate in our community?
How can you help those less fortunate in the world?
Write a biography about someone who has made a difference in the world.
Write a biography about someone who has made a difference in your life.
Write your own I have a dream Speech
Fact Sheets :- Florence Nightingale, Martin Luther King
Library and Textbook tasks
Biography writing
Internet research
This could be used as a workbook for each child or as a presentation for Talking and listening.